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Posts posted by just_another_one

  1. Oh and also before the high school (which lasted 4years) there were 2years of basic education so that gymnasium and technical high school could be at even terms.Well,there is a well known system like that to greece and other countries however because in albania the primary school lasted 8years then 2years of pre high school preparation with basic education and then technical education for 4 years

    thats the whole story...

    And,then we got the denial.I searched a bit but i didnt find anything on this matter...i was informed that section 212(a) is for the capabilities on education and labor but i dont think the decision was correct.

    Well if we were informed on this criteria then my mother wouldnt have applied.

  2. well the technical high school was followed by 13years of work at the specified sector of the high school she attended(ex. 4years attending a technical high school gaining basic education of high school(no biology,geography though i think) plus the specific lessons such as hydrodynamic,automatics,mechanics,how to make technical schemes and technology on mechanics) however history,chemie,physics,mathematic as well as the native language were all tought.

    The problem is that many people who were classmates of my mother were qualified for dv :/

  3. Hello,

    well we had an appointment at the greek embassy and there was a problem with the educational requirements of the applicant.To be more precise the applicant had finished 14years of albanian school but she didnt attend at gymnasium she went at a technical high school since the laws of albania then didnt approve two children in a row to attend university(yeah its not very logic but anyway thats the way it is).

    Now the people at the embassy denied our visa because the applicant didnt have the required education although at the requirements on the website it writes 12years of school and with a denial(section212(a)(5) :Does not meet educational requirements for DV) thats exactly whats written at the blue sheet(all the other way around :P ) they gave us

    Well is there any way to pass through this?Since the mentioned requirements are fullfilled?

    Thanks a lot for your help,


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