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Posts posted by junikendall

  1. So you get this guy from the DR to the U.S. and he begins acting out? Has he ever visted the U.S. before? And if so has he ever acted out like so? Wow that is so immature. Now I can't sit up here and say that I'm a Saint because right now I'm using the computer and my wife is laying in the bed asleep but we've been together for a while and we will spend our time together like we always do when she wakes. This guy came and automatically started "showing out". You shouldn't let this go on, nor should you chase, but this is your husband we're talking about. You should really find out who that friend is and what the hell is he out doing with that person. I've learned being here that people use other people to coome to countries and marry them and then leave them once they get there. This isn't fair to you, to the U.S., neither to the tens of thousands of people who have been waiting and trying very hard to get into the U.S. You should have a very long talk with this boy and explain him to what goes and what doesn't go and what should be his consequences. If he can't remain in love and treat you like a woman that he loves then he shouldn't be allowed to be living with you for free (especially while trying to get an iPhone, what about a job first?) and put you through shame and hurt nor be allowed to be in the U.S. because that kinda makes him like an illegal person even if he did go through the process. That's really effed up how he could do you like that and do it so soon.

    One thing I've done with my wife since we got serious in our dating relationship is to talk about any and everything that we felt - good or bad. And we've talked every single time and we'd argue and we wouldn't see all the eye every time and sometimes some things would be said that we wouldn't mean but we do this so we don't have to harden our hearts to one another and feel like we don't need to talk between ourselves when we're having doubts, trust issues, temptations etcetera. Don't ever allow him or you to become selfish with a declining lifestyle because then you guys will get used to that and begin to run to other things for comfort rather than each other and that's never really good. I had to make up in my mind that my wife would be the only one (besides really good friends or family) that I could run to and share my darkest secrets and my pain, struggles and addictions and I've told her all of it because I know that I need her for that accountability so that I never become something she never fell in love with. So try to talk to him as much as you can and if you can't get to a compromise or an understanding then you should really start making rearragements because you definitely don't need this type of behavior.

  2. Sorry that this has happened. No offense but by any chance did you do any research on the Consulate of Lagos? I think being misinformed can be a trap especially there because if one doesn't know of the history of the place and then fall into the pit you've fallen it, then it would be tremendously devastating. They told you to start all the way back over? Does that mean any fees that you've already paid - would you have to pay them again?

  3. First let me begin by apologizing for probably reposting a thread that has already been posted and also but asking a repetitive question but I am really desperate, so thank you for taking your time to read what I have to say.

    Ok, I met my wife in late 2008. We formally met in May 2009 in Dallas,Tx. Well in order to make things way easier (I read how difficult and what penalties could happen if one would bring their soon-to-be spouse into America with the intent of marrying) we got married in her country - Barcelona, Spain. Economically here it is a real disaster. I'm not too sure how much longer people here will be unemployed and how much more declining of the job market will go but we have always wanted to go back home to the U.S. The thing is that I want to do it the legal way even if she is my wife. Since there are no jobs I don't have anyway to have income for the USCIS to accept me being my wife's sponsor. Is there anyway I could allow a relative or friend to sponsor her and how would that go? Also what type of visa would I file for? I've been reading that the K-3 is now obsolete. If that's the case which one do I use? I really really want to get back to America asap with her. We had applied for the DV Lottery last year, but that's when the electronic thing with the computer happened and it was a mess. Could any lend a helping hand please? Just to inform me, thanks. Does having family that works for the Department of State works? I know that this is handled by the Department of Homeland Security but would that make it any easier for us? Thanks to all.

  4. I'm sorry if this question has been asked, but I haven't seen it yet. I was wondering how much would a person have to have put away or saved up in the bank in order to qualify for this? See my situation is that i just got back from Spain like 1 week and half ago and as me and my fiancee were coming back we got stopped in Switzerland and she got turned around because she didn't have a return ticket. I don't know why but that just happened. Fortunately I was in Spain on a one-way so I guess I thought both parties could do that. Well I just got back and I start this production job, not very lucrative taking the fact that I dropped college for our relationship because it's going to take time to have her here and I know I have to work and make income. We've been knowing each other for 2 years non-physically and next year of May 31, 2011, we would be knowing each other physically for two years. My question is how much should I have in income and cash assets because I'll only be making like 12 an hour, although I do live in a small town in Texas, it could support us etc. I really need help with this one. What are all of my options? Should I give up? Should I pursue? I mean I don't have that kind of money, nor own anything of that value. Please help me. Someone on Yahoo Answers said that this was a good place to learn and be helped, please and thank you.

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