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Posts posted by fish_oinc

  1. Disco still gives me nightmares.... and the stupid places around here have to try to bring it back callin it "retro"

    8 track tape in my first car

    then tape

    first cd players were over $400

    gas was about $.35 when my dad was drivin about

    drinking age was 18 then 21 when my sister turned 18, but since we moved to germany where its 16... no biggie for me

    fast food was a treat, not a staple

    framers markets were the bong! fresh produce at good decent prices, not the jacked "organic" stuff now

    Walter Cronkite

    20/20 when it was actually news, not political bandstanding

    :D Yeah I remember bongs too. :whistle:

  2. I was actually checking out some Tiger Balm before I posted this. It made me think something foreign, which made me want to know what others used. I'm glad someone else recommended it. Thank you.

    I do exercise, A LOT. And, well, work is nothing but exercise actually, but I'm constantly going all the time. So, I do exercise a lot.

    Any other suggestions?

    If you have to lift heavy things, then your employer might be obliged to supply you with a back support brace. It simply attaches with velcro around your lower back and supports your spine when you lift heavy stuff. They do work pretty well. Tell your employer it would be a wise investment for him as it prevents lost days due to injury in the workplace. :yes:

    An ounce of prevention...and all that. ;)

    As for the back pain....I've found that a heating pad or hot water bottle after a nice long soak in the tub eases the pain and stiffness. :thumbs: And Tylenol too.

  3. 'Oh don't bother taking off your shoes!!" But I take them off cause I don't want to mess their floors up....Go Figure.............................{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

    My mother in law told me not to take my shoes off because my socks will get all dirty. I said my socks wouldn't get all dirty if everybody just removed their shoes at the door :P

    I gave up trying to get people to remove their shoes now, but I swear if it ever did snow here, they'd change their habits!

    I wonder if people would start talking about Joe's crazy Canadian wife if I put up a sign? :D


    My Canadian wife has a small sign hanging on the outside of the back door that says -

    "The floors are clean, the place is neat

    Dammit, at least wipe your feet!"


  4. I'd call the landlord and tell him that HE can just come and wait for the repairman now, since the guy didn't show up when he said and now you have somewhere to go.

  5. Yup!

    My wife Sharon, (a long-time VJ member) got one several years ago to fly proudly at our wedding.

    It now has a place of honor in our living room. :luv:

    This is it:


    Yes!!! That is what I'm looking for!! Do you remember where she picked it up fish?

    She bought it in a mall in Montreal where she lived before she came to the US.

    It was at Carrefour Angrignon at a small junk shop named "Un Dollar ou Deux" (A Dollar or Two)

  6. Thank god my husband's mother doesn't want to move to the US. I'd rather chew broken glass than have that harridan in my house.

    Alright then. It's not like I'm an a$$hole. However, I married my husband...not his weirdo family...and I don't like them in my house for any longer than is absolutely necessary.

    must be comforting to know that you've fallen in love with someone raised by such a weirdo family! :thumbs:

    He turned out fine in spite of them.

    That you know of....so far.

    But he has the same blood that they do. Bwahahahahaa... :unsure:

  7. Maybe it's just me....but does anyone else question how he was able to come online and post here when he says the computer is disconnected??? Perhaps I am just being very cautious in who I trust but something sounds wrong here. If this is all true...then go back home...I certainly wouldn't stay with someone like that!!!


    Good point Laura !!!! ,

    Public libraries have free internet access... :yes:

    And maybe he stumbled upon this site while researching "immigration" to try to find help for his plight?

    Always possible.

  8. Not hard to beat me unfortunately :( Watch out next time though!

    :ot: How's the weather out in the Blue Ridge, Sharon? Raining to beat the band here in Northern Virginia but you guys usually get it worse than we do. Here's hoping there is not too much flooding or wind damage. :ot2:

    You're underneath me, Derek so don't feel bad.

    Errr... :unsure: Ummmmmm...ahem. :blush:

    You know what I mean.

    It's pretty bad out there right now, yep. Pouring buckets and blowing hard. I think a tree has gone down across our driveway but it's too bad out there still for me to go check...I hope there's not a lot of damage too. I'd at least like to keep our power if we could...that's usually the first to go. And without power, we have no water, too! :help:

    I'm on top of ya now Sharon! :lol:

    Hey! That's my wife! :o

    Hmmmm on 2nd thought :devil:


  9. fish.. if you read the thread i said how old i was. ;) to save youtime.. i am 29 . so since you wanna get rude with me when i t had nothing to do with you, i will say two words. f!@#k you.

    Immature little b!tch. Grow up for **'s sake.

  10. yep it will go away and i end up with more posts hahahahahahahahahahhaha

    Damn...just reading that one line - I have to ask, How old are you? :huh:

    dude like get over it ... i mean that was hours ago. over it

    Yeah it was awhile ago but I just joined the insanity, so bite me. I notice you evaded my question tho, huh?

  11. I finally figured out what I had to do with the video from my digital camera - had to download a media converter and change the format, then just had to split it.

    So here it is, hot off the editor! hehe

    Alli's reaction to being told she's won the GRAND PRIZE in a contest she'd entered!

    To cue the video clip - I had told her to come into the living room and sit down on the couch because we wanted to talk to her about something. If she looks a bit apprehensive sitting there, it's because she's usually in TROUBLE when I tell her to sit down so we can talk to her! LOL! :P

    She didn't even think twice about there being 2 big boxes on the couch because I had been clearing out the spare room closet and there were other boxes around.

    As you'll see, she was psyched! She hates watching this clip because of the way her voice went all high-pitched upon hearing the good news...lol. In her own words "I went all GIRLY and even jumped up and down....UGH!" :lol:

    Just click this link


    *So, after viewing/hearing this....do I have a Canadian acccent or what? :whistle:

  12. That's really great for your daughter. It's exciting to win anything, and all those dolls would have cost a lot for you to buy.

    ... but... am I the only person here who absolutely hates "my scene" and "bratz" dolls? I think they are horrible. They teach little girls how to dress like hos.

    I mean... have you seen the commercials for them? In one, a little girl is slowly, almost sensually zipping up knee-high "hooker" boots, becuase she's dressing like her doll. Her skanky doll.

    ugh.. and I thought barbie was bad enough.

    Wow. :huh:

    While I understand your point I have to ask...

    Do you have children?

    If so, then you certainly know that you raise children to be "themselves" and not do something just because others (their peers) do? That one of the hardest in that respect for parents, is not a doll but your children's peers?

    Skanky doll...geez. :blink:

    By the way, you've missed the point here - It isn't that these dolls would have cost a lot for Sharon to buy that's so great - but the fact that her daughter entered a contest and actually won, that's to be celebrated.

    That alone must have been awesome for Alli...my beautiful step-daughter, by the way. :thumbs:

  13. Also, forgot to mention, when I originally called the bank the other day about this, they said that it was for MRC RECEIVABLES CORP. THen Mel Harris said it was for a goodhome credit card. Then was told today that it was originally for goodhome credit/Orchard Bank which is now taken over by this MRC RECEIVABLES CORP. Hmmm...something aint right...Again, how the hell do I stop this? And how do we stop these idiots??


    Have you tried contacting someone at the Orchard Bank?

    The Orchard Bank is know for obtaining credit cards for people who would otherwise have a difficult time getting one...

    Here is their Customer Service number: 1-503-245-9280

    Call and tell them what prob you have and see if they have your name anywhere in their files.

    Sounds like the MRC Receivables Co. is the collection agency.

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