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Posts posted by spikedog

  1. You're a K-1. Why are you going to get examined by a civil surgeon? You don't need an exam. You just need a civil surgeon to transcribe your DS-3025 onto your I-693.

    We paid a civil surgeon $35 for her transcription service and we were out of there in 15 minutes.

    You need to look for a civil surgeon who knows the drill.

    Yes, i have to check. Both my wife's sister and her friend didn't do anything but just sent in the medical paper supplied.

  2. Teddy described it exactly. It couldn't have been her picture on the old application because she just took the photos about two weeks before. Unless the embassy has invented time travel, it is impossible. :bonk: He also spent quite a bit of time questioning her about our sex life and the length of our relationship. What a piece of work. Luckily, the male CO which requested the appointment gave his name. When my girl arrives, I think I will spend a little time complaining to my congressman and the Gov.

    I think they will eventually approve the visa because this exam proves she has no children and therefore, is not the other person. Maybe it was all a test of her resolve to pursue the visa. In any case, I think her treatment was terrible.

  3. Things transpired like this. During her first interview, they asked for me original divorce decree and she had only copies. She was instructed that she needed to send her PP along with the divorce papers through 2Go to the embassy with a RFE-type paper. I DHL'ed the papers and they had everything by the next week. She received a text that she was to bring her PP and report to the embassy to talk to a specific CO. he was listed by name in the text. When she showed up, all hell broke loose. They took her into a separate room and showed her documents with her picture (the one she recently sent to the embassy, but with the other information covered. They asked who it was and she replied that it was her. Well the CO's said it was the application of another girl, having the same last name, who was denied a year ago. They accused her of lying and said she needed to get an invasive female test to prove she had not given birth. Apparently, the other girl claimed to have two kids. She did the exam, and turned in the certificate at the third visit. She was told 2-3 weeks.

    There was also a lot of talk at the second interview about the length of our relationship, telling her she is going to jail for lying, and a lot of crying. I feel she is telling the truth, but maybe a CO (or two) have it out for her. This second interview came out of the blue, since the first CO indicated that she was approved pending the divorce decree.

    So to answer, the embassy has her PP and we are waiting another call or a notice that her paper work is at 2Go to pick-up. Again, my fear is that she will be called to the embassy and given her PP back -or- this review process will drag out until the application expires -or- the case will be sent back to the US for review (the death sentence).

    Your thoughts?

  4. My fiance' has had a terrible time interviewing with the Manila Embassy two RFE's, two interviews (one with a real interrogation) an additional medical test, accusations of fraud. A real nightmare. The last word from them was "it will be 2-3 weeks." Well, its been three weeks of hell so far waiting. There are also a few holidays in there to lengthen the time.

    My hunch is that the embassy will continue to stall (review) the application because of the questions and Not make a decision.

    My question: does a K1 expire after awhile? and if so, what is the recourse?

  5. Well I wrote the following email to the embassy today. I felt I had to do something.

    To whom it may concern:

    As the petitioner, I continue to support the K1 visa application for beneficiary Mxxx Sxxx. I feel that Mxxx may not have expressed herself fully during her second interview. I have found her to be a very shy person that is easily intimidated by authority. I truly believe that she was being truthful, but unable to convey that due to being very upset. I have gotten to know her parents and sister during our application process and they are genuine, honest people. Mxxx and I love each other very much. I pray that you will consider all the information and give us a chance to be together.


    xxx x xxx (Petitioner)

  6. Well there were no finger prints mentioned. I believe my girl is telling me the truth. When I went to meet her, I stayed with her parents and brothers. I have been writing het sister and her husband regularly, even more now. There are too many people to keep the story straight if she was lying about anything (let alone another ID). This extra exam (trans vaginal ultrasownd) should prove she is telling the truth because my girl has not had children. The CO's believe this other person has two kids. My girl is/was not a virgin, but she hasn't had kids. :angry:

    One strange thing was that the CO kept asking about our sex life and the length of our relationship. I will admit we did have sex when I was there, but we didn't plan it. It was only because we love eachother and that is what my fiance' kept telling them. I guess they think I ran off to the PI to have sex. I suppose some people do that, but why marry the girl, if I am just doing that. It doesn't make since :bonk:

  7. They said our application was approved waiting on my divorce decree, but now are reconsidering based on their belief that my fiance is trying to be fraudulent. After the second trip and all the abuse, she was to go back on Thursday, at that time everyone was nice and they just thanked her for the required documents and said to wait for three weeks.

    So, I really don't know -- its probably not approved.

  8. Well, things are not going real good now. As I have said before, my fiance' didn't have my original divorce papers on the 7th when she interviewed. I DHL'ed them ASAP and the embassy called her in a few days later.

    At that time, all hell broke loose and they started accusing her of being someone else, asking about our sex life and intimidating her. According to them, someone with the same last name applied last year and was denied. The Filipino CO was convinced it was her and even said this other person was using my girl's passport photo. This was impossible! I think they even showed her a form with this other's name and my girl's picture that they had manufactured.

    The embassy requested a female exam to prove my girl hasn't given birth to verify her identity. Apparently, they believe that the other person actually has kids.

    I feel like they are prosecuting her for some unknown reason. It was determined that there would be a three week wait for review. I don;t feel good about this because I think there will be another excuse and denial after the wait.


  9. I guess another question would be: what recourse do I have if she is denied? Our case is pretty typical of what I have heard around here. My record is clean and my income is adequate, she was 'approved' pending my divorce papers. Whey received them, so I thought that would do it. It almost seems like if you give them enough time, they will dig up something.

    I am very discourages and she is too. I really hope and pray this turns out positive, but I fear it will not.

  10. The trip to the embassy was a real disaster. Apparently, there is another person that applied for a K1 (a year ago they said) that has the same last name as my girl and they say they used the same picture. This IS IMPOSSIBLE -- my girl's pictures were taken a month or so ago. The other person has children, so now they want my fiance' to go back to SLEC and get a exam to prove she has never given birth! They say this will help prove she isn't that person. They also seemed to hassle her about the length of our relationship and gave my girl a real hard time.

    In addition, she has to re-interview and bring ALL her school records to prove she is not the other person. After that it will be reviewed for 2-3 weeks.

    Has anyone heard of such treatment? Will the SLEC test be good enough, or will whey thinks up another reason. Could this be someone's way of having her prove she really is serious?

    Please Pray for us,


  11. My girl had her interview on the 7th and needed my original divorce papers. After the interview, they basically said she was approved pending the original divorce papers. I sent them DHL and she got them to 2Go with her passport as requested -- the package was at the embassy on the 10th. Yesterday, she received a call from the embassy that said they wanted her to come in and bring her passport and documentation Tuesday at 8am. Apparantly, the caller did not know that her passport IS AT the embassy :bonk:

    She will be meeting with a Philippino staff member, not a CO. My thoughts are that maybe they need to ask some more questions, or give her my original papers back.

    Any thoughts?



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