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Posts posted by Novella

  1. I posted this on another thread, but no one is responding... lol

    I have an interview in Montreal on August 8th. I went through electronic processing.

    I have a couple of questions I am concerned/curious about: If anyone is able to help that would be greatly appreciated!

    1) Is my husband going to be able to go into the interview with me?

    2) Do I have to sign up or anything for DHL? I have nothing about that? Not that I recollect anyways.

    3) Re: Affidavit of Support. This is the only thing that worries me.

    I sent in everything via Electronic Processing. I have a co-sponsor (Don't even think I ended up needing him but went with it just in case.) I have all the originals for my husband, except Tax Returns. He didn't have those. What I have are statements from the IRS. The rest that I have for my husband are pay stubs, letter of employment and original/signed AOS forms.

    For my Co-Sponsor. I have the original/signed AOS form. However, his company is paperless so I only have printed copies of pay stubs. I have copies of his W-2s but they just look printed on paper. I don't know if the government officially issues them ? And I have a COPY of his 2010 tax return. I'm concerned they need the original? I asked him to order the IRS statements too but he's going through a divorce and his wife is being a boo-boo head and I'm worried she'll throw out his mail OR I won't get it in time.

    Any advice is appreciated!


  2. Congrats on the new interviews!

    I have a couple of questions I am concerned/curious about: If anyone is able to help that would be greatly appreciated!

    1) Do I have to sign up or anything for DHL? I have nothing about that? Not that I recollect anyways.

    2) Re: Affidavit of Support. This is the only thing that worries me.

    I sent in everything via Electronic Processing. I have a co-sponsor (Don't even think I ended up needing him but went with it just in case.) I have all the originals for my husband, except Tax Returns. He didn't have those. What I have are statements from the IRS. The rest that I have for my husband are pay stubs, letter of employment and original/signed AOS forms.

    For my Co-Sponsor. I have the original/signed AOS form. However, his company is paperless so I only have printed copies of pay stubs. I have copies of his W-2s but they just look printed on paper. I don't know if the government officially issues them ? And I have a COPY of his 2010 tax return. I'm concerned they need the original? I asked him to order the IRS statements too but he's going through a divorce and his wife is being a boo-boo head and I'm worried she'll throw out his mail OR I won't get it in time.

    Any advice is appreciated!


  3. Congrats on the new arrivals!

    @RinT - Usually 2-3 days. I just booked my medical with one of the people and they require 3 full business days. My interview is on a Monday, so the latest my medical could be is Tuesday (week prior). Then they require; Wed, Thurs and Fri to get the results back. Since you're on a Tuesday, you'll still have to fly in the week before so plan on being there for about a week.

  4. I sent in a Name Only and it got rejected. I've never so much as spoken to a cop, let alone had any convictions. lol I ended up going and getting an RCMP Finger print one to be safe. With that said, by the time they "rejected it" (they took awhile) my certificate had expired by three days. It was only good for three months. The operator insisted it was because I needed finger prints, but part of me thinks it was really the expiration thing.

    Anyways, if you CAN get finger prints, may as well. But Name Only should definitely be okay.

  5. Our lawyer it's at least weird!!!We took control of the case otherwise we would't not find out a thing,thank God we called NVC and find out the date of the interview,she was notified by them on june 9th by email and she dind't announce us and now she out of the office untill june 27,the interview is on july 12th,the problem is that she got the check list with all the info that i need for the interview,anyways i called NVC and give them our emails and they are going to send that info to us one more time.I hope to have before the interview!

    Oh my word! That's ridiculous! How can a lawyer, with active cases that require timely reactions leave the office for two weeks?! That's absolutely ridiculous. Good on you, for taking back control on your case.

    When I started all of this, I contemplated getting a lawyer because everything seemed so overwhelming. Someone gave me some advice and I went with it. A friend I know from a karaoke website I work for said, "Lawyers are a waste of money. With a little time and research - you can do it. NO ONE is going to care more about your case than you" And it's true. Some people have great experiences with Lawyers and good on them but every single person I've spoken to has had nothing but headaches.

    My Father is going through immigration now too. His Lawyer was a total ######. They were going a different route and were supposed to hear back in January about an interview. Still nothing but March. The lawyer kept telling them to be "patient". Actually got really saucy and degrading with my step-mother. My they wouldn't let up so eventually, even though the lawyer felt uncomfortable doing so and made it obvious to my Dad and his wife, she made a call. Turns out the letter for the interview was sent MONTHS ago to the civic address where they lived and since it didn't technically exist was returned. So they've been sitting "patiently" for three months for NOTHING. Just because they believed their lawyer and the excuses she was feeding them because she was too damn lazy to pick up the phone.

    My friend and her husband are going through immigration. They filed like June/July. STILL haven't gotten an interview. I filed Nov. and even with delays on my end waiting on my co-sponsor and an RFE for an expired Police Certificate, I still passed them. All because their lawyer got their stuff confused. Too many things to mention but they ended up having to switch visa types half way through. Then they opt'ed in for Electronic processing but because they're lawyer was sending hard copies, the NVC basically made them start all over and send all hard copies. The Lawyer told them to do this because THE LAWYER didn't want to have to go back and scan/send/get new signatures for the docs they've submitted.

    Unreal, truly.

    Sorry, going off topic here. lol I apologize. I'm just really sorry your lawyer is not being helpful. I think it's a damn shame :(

  6. My parents didn't keep record of anything, so I went to the doctor yesterday. He wasn't comfortable giving me all the shots without knowing my history but he DID give me;

    Influennza, Tetnus, Diphteria and Pertusis. He also ordered blood work to see if I was immune the rest.

    However, today I decided to try and track down the doctor who 'should' have administered my shots as a child, but they had no record of me. =(

    As a last hope, I contacted Nova Scotia Health Dprt of Health and low and behold they had my vaccination record up until Age 15!

    It shows I received MMR (Mumps, Measles, German Measles (Rubella)) as well as Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis - Each of those four times as a baby and again at 15 years old.

    So, with combination of my Tetnus and those from yesterday - I should be okay with the exception of the Chickenpox vaccination. That one isn't even listed on my sheet; Mom said I had it, as it was required to even go to school but I guess I will try to get it again just in case.

    Oy! Wish me luck! Thanks for your answers! =)

  7. Hi Everyone,

    I've searched and have read a bunch of threads about the required vaccinations for entering the USA. My father, who is also going through this process, received a letter from the Consulate with a list of vaccinations. However, amidst my reading - it appears some of those are not required for all age groups.

    I am Female, 30 years old.

    I checked this website: http://www.panelphysicians.com/

    According to this; http://panelphysicians.com/Pages/Age6.htm

    It says I require;

    Combination Vaccine for:

    Tetanus Diphtheria (Td)

    Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis

    MMR Combination Vaccine for:



    German Measles (Rubella)

    Chickenpox (Varicella)


    I am curious about;

    Hepatitis B For ages 18 and under. - Does this mean it is not required for me and I shouldn't bother; And

    Meningococcal (Menjugate) - Required for children age 11 to 18 years. - Same as above?

    It seems logical that I've read it correctly but since it's listed on the 18-64 Years page, I thought I would double check with people who have been through the medical and know what is required.

    Thanks so much for all your continued assistance.

  8. hello all,i have a question,when we got to the interview do we have to pay a visa fee,or is just the one from NVC,that we already paid.Thank you

    As far as I know, provided you've paid all your fees - you won't have anymore for the actual interview.

    Just the medical and associated expenses. And perhaps payment to have the paperwork delivered? I'm not sure, someone will have a better response I imagine.

  9. Finally I found where people were hanging out =) lol! I'm reading about all these CC and interviews and it's making me all teary-eyed. It brings such JOY and hope that you all will be re-united with your spouses very, very soon! =)

    I got my CC email today. I had to call the NVC to confirm because I CAN still log into this page: http://ceac.state.gov/IV Is that not the portal were you're supposed to get a SIF? It looks different than before. It used to say PAID I think but now it says "pay" but it's not clickable. And it said below that they've been paid. I've no clue really. All I know is the guy on the phone said the case was in fact, complete and that I need to sit back and wait for an interview to be scheduled!

    So.. W00t!

  10. Hey VJ'ers...

    I don't know if I am alone in feeling this way or not, but does anyone else feel like they totally screwed everything up and have no idea what they're doing or what comes next?

    I read and read and I'm not sure I'm finding the right info online anywhere and I'm so terrified this process is going to be delayed even longer than it has.

    I have opted in to the Electronic Processing with Montreal, which means, as far as I know, I am sending everything via email and bringing the originals to the interview (if I ever get one).

    Thus far;

    - NVC Case Number Assigned

    - Optin Electronic Processing

    - Choice of Agent Address Form Submitted/Accepted

    - Paid $88 AOS Fee

    - Paid $404 IV Fee

    - Completed DS260 Online

    - April 12, 2011 Submitted DS-260 Supporting Documents (Rec'd Confirmation Email)

    - April 26, 2011 Submitted AOS (Rec'd Confirmation Email)

    - May 4th, Received 2 Checklists stating my case is under review but I must submit DS-260 Supporting Documents and My Affidavit of Support *sigh*

    I assumed because of this E-Filing they just hadn't realized i had already sent them in these documents because the 20-business day bit hasn't passed but it still made me nervous, because the check-list stated that I had to include the Checklist Barcode and Letter, as well as indicated I had to have the case number on the top right hand corner of every page submitted. So, to go on the side of caution I re-did and re-sent everything.

    But seriously, I am sending them scanned copies of Birth Certificates, photos, passports, etc., in PDF file. Do they not realize the technical difficulty in getting those numbers on, at the end, nearly 70 pages of documentation.

    Anyway, So now wait - worried I did something wrong. Worried I am missing vital steps. Worried I'm going to get denied based on some stupid error =(

    Do I need to have my finger prints done before the interview?

    Do I need 4, rather than 2 passport photos?

    I have a Co-Sponsor, do I need their 'original' pay-stubs and W-2's, birth certificate, etc., or will copies suffice?

    Is there anything else I need to do or do I just wait?

    Also, my father is currently going through the immigration process as well. He's been married 10 years to his wife, who is American. She immigrated here originally but now they want to move back down the USA. They filed while they were here and their case was *supposed* to be 6 weeks but due to someone screwing something up, they're just now trying to schedule their interview.

    Thing is, they have to schedule it online and my Dad has been trying for days and keeps receiving the "No available appointments" message. Is this insane or what? How can there be NO available appointments? I mean, even if it's 6 years from now - there should be available appointments?

    Is that the same for us? For some reason I was under the impression that they automatically assigned the interview date? Does anyone know?

    If you got through reading this.. HUGE props and thanks for letting my vent =(



  11. :star::star::star::star::star: WE JUST GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:star::star::star::star::star::star::star:

    I checked our file status not even 2 hours ago and it was still in Initial Review.... but then.... the magic text message arrived!!!!!

    I logged into my case status and WE ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!!!

    Here's to many more this week!!!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!!!

    YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I needed this smile today! CONGRATS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!

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