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  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Jacksonville FL
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. has now moved from checking my email a billion times a day to anxiously waiting for the snail mail... they say we were approved March 4 status still says in review...ugh the stress of it all

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    2. mj_nj


      only verbal confirmation at this point.. im going to have faith in that and update my timeline and pray hard copy follows soon. they said not to worry about the online status it may take awhile to update..but it was approved on March 4, 2011 I was really looking forward to that text alert lol all those days and no text confirmation boo.. so ready to put this behind me! Good luck i hope they start moving faster this is insane...

    3. Milushka


      its like they playing 'hide and seek'... Fingers crossed its on a way and you receive NOA2 copy in no time ! Its been enough of waiting :) thx ) pls keep us updated

    4. Milushka


      I just may add that they ve been failing on email/txt alert system at CSC like for the whole month, so its very possible VSC is no better at ths point...

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