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Status Updates posted by a&s

  1. Got the visa!!!!! Picked up the passport even though they had already stamped it the very next day after the interview but did not communicate to my husband properly to come pick it up...either way its done and he got the visa!!!! thank GOD

    1. huki makio

      huki makio

      WOW lucky , u got the visa next day.

    2. huki makio

      huki makio

      but they said u need co-sponsor......

    3. Hope15
  2. Also still not aware if they even stamped it with the visa.

  3. no, the embassy scheduled my husband on a holiday without realizing they would be closed. He took the day off and drove 2 hours and they were closed even though they had made him a slip for that day. He has been trying to call them and emailed them but has received no response so I am quite annoyed at how unorganized the embassy is. Still have not picked up passport

  4. I have posted my review of the interview in my timeline.

  5. Finally got the interview date though was scared that the embassy change from Pakistan to Abu Dhabi would cause a delay!!! Hope they give the visa on the same day or a few days later iA!!! Hoping for no AP

    1. huki makio

      huki makio

      i am waiting my interview date Abu Dhabi is too slow.

    2. huki makio

      huki makio

      sorry i have question , beneficiary have resident visa of Uae?

    3. huki makio

      huki makio

      u got the passport ?

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