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I love my Canuck

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Posts posted by I love my Canuck

  1. I have a somewhat related question I'm hoping some of you Canadian/American couples can help answer. My husband JUST got his visa endorsed at the border a couple months ago and we are still awaiting his permanent green card. He's back in Ontario for now, settling up some things and we're continuing to live apart for a few more months while he can settle up and resolve a few things. I added him to my insurance coverage during open enrollment and just received a form in the mail asking if he's covered under any other insurance. It seems yes, he is, under OHIP, for now, as we don't want him to cancel that while he's there for a few more months until he has his permanent GC and moves permanently at that time... but he will be notifying the Ontario provincial government once he's living in the States permanently so that they can "deactivate" his coverage for lack of a better word... so what do we do with this form? He does now but won't soon.... and I don't want to unintentionally make a big mess of things on his U.S. coverage, which would complicate his permanent move down here.


  2. How do you "check your case" on the ELIS site? I made an account today to check my husband's GC status and cannot seem to get past the initial login. It asks for an online access code, and I have no idea where that would be coming from. Sorry to be such a dimwit, but I'm feeling very discouraged and angsty today and any help would he great. Thanks!

  3. Yes! Very confused myself. We messed up a bit (although everywhere online says it's okay to do things "out of order"). His IR-1 visa was approved 9/29. His POE was 10/29. We forgot to pay the IV fee until 12/18, after he had a HORRIBLE time at customs (we're transitioning, so he'd come and gone and was back with more stuff). The horrible time at customs may or may not be related to the lack of paying for the IV, but it shouldn't have mattered as his visa was already endorsed so he'd have PLR status (right?).

    Anyway, we attempted to check on the status of the GR production and when we enter the receipt number we have, it just references back to the original case itself (before it even went to NVC) -- nothing at all about the GC.

    I read on another forum that you have to make an ELIS account login to check it. So we did that.... but it asks for an online access code we don't seem to have, so that's no use either.

    We're at a loss as to what to do. We, too, called USCIS and we were also told not to call until after 60 days had passed. It's unnerving to think that you'd have to wait two months before they'll even confirm if something's wrong, THEN you can go about trying to fix it. UGH!

    Anyone else in the same boat? And has anyone else forgotten to pay the IV fee until after POE and it worked out okay? I need some encouragement!

    Finally, any thoughts on why my husband's last customs experience was hellacious (3+ detainment!!!)? He already has an endorsed IV, but they emphatically insisted he needed to produce proof of Canadian residence, which he didn't have on him (why would he since he was going HOME??). Sigh.

  4. Three quick questions for the good of the order --

    1. In our Interview Letter, it noted that we needed to bring the original police record to the interview (that we'd only provided a photocopy - coded J). However, We did provide the original to NVC, so we don't have it anymore (and yes, the certificate we provided is less than a year old)! I emailed the Embassy to inquire and got a totally unhelpful form letter back. Should we get yet another police record despite the fact that we included two originals in our DS-260 document mailing already?

    2. My husband's letter also said to bring proof of legal residence. Does a lease agreement suffice? Should more be brought? If so, things like bills and bank statements?

    3. Must we register the appointment time online at: https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-ca/iv?Nothing was referenced about this in the letter, but I see reference to it in state.gov materials online. I only hesitate b/c it's not a .gov web address, which always raises an eyebrow for me!

    Thanks all!

    Getting excited (and a wee bit nervous!)

  5. Hi guys: I'm about ready to submit the DS260 for my hubby and to mail the supporting documents but I just noticed that the address to mail the supporting documents to differs between the government's website online and my document cover sheet. Which do I use/ They're not off by much and clearly heading to the same operation but they still differ. Also, one is ATTN: CMR (that's what my document cover sheet says) and one says ATTN: DR (which is what online says). Which is correct?

    Thanks so very much. You guys have been so great.

    Also, when I got through to NVC yesterday (wish I noticed this address thing when that miracle occured since it's very hard to get through anymore!), they told me that it takes about 30 days to review the DS260 submission and at least 30 days to review the supporting documents before they schedule the interview. And then the interview itself could be 2 months beyond the that. Is that about right? THANK YOU!

  6. Two more questions -- Under the last question regarding a preparer of the form -- My husband supplied me all the info but I've been filling it out for him. Should I put myself down as the preparer? Does that hurt us at all? If so, I'll exit out and let him redo this whole blasted thing! :)

    Lastly, how do we submit the requisite documentation? Do we send it separately with the barcode IV cover letter, after we e-submit the DS-260? In the screenshots, there doesn't appear to be a page where you upload e-versions of the documents, which is why I ask.

    Thanks again!

  7. Ohh, and one more question -- I'm probably overthinking this, but this question on the DS-260:

    "Do you seek to enter the United States for the purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor but have not yet been certified by the Secretary of Labor?"

    My husband wants to come to the U.S. to be with me. Yes, he wants to work. No, he does not have a job lined up.

    How do we answer that question?

    Thanks again, guys. Really truly!!

  8. Hi guys -- I really did check the guides and the threads before asking this, so sorry if it's still a stupid one that should be self-evident :)

    We're working on the DS-260 and have five questions:

    1. The requirement for a photocopy of "valid passport biographic data page" -- Is this just the first page of the passport with the picture and the date of birth and such? We just photocopy that and send that in?
    2. Photocopy requirement. USCIS says that photocopies are also needed in addition to the originals we send in.... but how many? Just one for each document requirement?
    3. Police certificate -- I see this listed in the required documents section, but is this just for someone who's got a police record or does everyone have to get one to show they're "clean"? How does one even go about doing that? For us, it would be a Canadian police record. I searched and found information about how to get fingerprinting done but that doesn't seem the same. I'm at a loss. Does everyone have to get one? What is "it" -- the certificate, I mean?
    4. Where he will work once he's in the U.S. -- heck if we know! I mean, we'll figure it out, of course, with all due speed, but what do people usually put here? Is it sufficient to simply state that he'll pursue a job in the field of his interest and state that field?
    5. Previous visits to the U.S. -- My husband used to come visit ALL the time! He didn't come on a visa. He just brought proof of ties to the border and went over. I'm not even sure we can cobble together every single time he's been over, though we could certainly try. We've been together nearly a decade, so we're talking a LOT of times.... Should we list them all to the best of our ability and memory??

    Thanks for any smarts on these questions!

  9. http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/iw7.pdf

    They changed the supporting documents requirements this summer. You have to send in the original or a copy certified by the issuer.

    If you are sending in something other than the original valid passport then you must have two documents, one supporting foreign status and one supporting Identity.

    I tried a notarized copy of my passport this summer and got an Notice of intent to Reject.

    Wow, thanks for flagging that or I may have done the same.

  10. No problem. You will find many people have amended its the 1040X. And you amen like in my case I will owe. When hubby gets here fill out form now they owe me.

    One person posted a few weeks ago he amended the last 5 years and got back over $15,000. Thats why because obviously to do joint you get that extra body exemption.

    You can call IRS but you will probably confused them. cuz husband isn't here and many as well as tax preparers just aren't up on things.

    I would suggest using Taxact or Turbo tax you just have to print out and mail instead of e-file and mail in. It's really that easy.

    If filing for the ITIN that will be attached your your tax form with the W7 all together. He needs his notarized passport as ID. There's a long list of what they will accept.

    Many here have got those ITIN also.

    I think I'm getting this now. Will you let me know if this is all correct?

    For a moment, don't even worry about the immigration detail -- Even if married filing separately, a person may claim a spouse as an exemption (is that correct?)

    To claim a spouse as an exemption, if filing separately, he must have an ITIN. There's no downside of getting an ITIN but there's a strong chance in my case, that my husband wouldn't get his in time for me to file timely. Having an ITIN would allow me to claim him as an exemption and get money back (vs. owe).

    In absence of the ITIN, I'll need to file married, filing separately, and enter "NRA" in the ITN/SSN box. I'll likely owe money b/c I will only be able to claim myself as an exemption. However, once he arrives in the country, I can retroactively amend my filings from each tax year we were married but I couldn't claim him.

    In order to apply for an ITIN, my husband must sign the W7 and I would attach it to this year's return along with a notarized copy of his passport (a Xerox of every page of his passport, I assume?)

    Thanks again -- you're being such a help to me!

  11. I think I'm getting this now. Will you let me know if this is all correct?

    For a moment, don't even worry about the immigration detail -- Even if married filing separately, a person may claim a spouse as an exemption (is that correct?)

    To claim a spouse as an exemption, if filing separately, he must have an ITIN. There's no downside of getting an ITIN but there's a strong chance in my case, that my husband wouldn't get his in time for me to file timely. Having an ITIN would allow me to claim him as an exemption and get money back (vs. owe).

    In absence of the ITIN, I'll need to file married, filing separately, and enter "NRA" in the ITN/SSN box. I'll likely owe money b/c I will only be able to claim myself as an exemption. However, once he arrives in the country, I can retroactively amend my filings from each tax year we were married but I couldn't claim him.

    In order to apply for an ITIN, my husband must sign the W7 and I would attach it to this year's return along with a notarized copy of his passport (a Xerox of every page of his passport, I assume?)

    Thanks again -- you're being such a help to me!

  12. Relax. Married filing separate you don't need SS# or ITIN. You just write NRA in the SS# space. You will have to print it out you can't e-file I'm afraid.

    No explanation is required. You qualify so no issues there.

    Really? That simple?? :)

    The W7 instructions say anyone who is a spouse of a US citizen who is claiming that NRA as an exemption must have an ITIN (Under "Reasons for applying," letter "e".


    So perhaps the trick here is not to claim him as an exemption and then no ITIN needed?

    I bet I end up owing a bit more but perhaps it's worth it. Is that how you guys did it?

  13. Hi guys:

    Serves me right for never using a tax preparer, but I just realized that I overlooked an important piece of post-marriage paperwork by not having my husband file for an ITIN. I'm working on my own taxes this weekend and realized I need an ITIN for him to put on my own return. What do I do? I see the form and I also see reference to a 6-week wait. Taxes are due in three weeks!

    I will be filing married, separately. My husband has no US-based income and will not be filing a return.

    I have at least two questions --

    First, if I accompanied my return with an explanation that my spouse doesn't yet have an ITIN but we've applied for one, do you think that would be okay??

    Second, how should my husband send in the application since he doesn't have a return to attach it to, which is what they reference in the application instructions.

    Ugh, I hate this stuff!!!

  14. I agree with everyone else who's already written. This forum and these friends we have in each other by common experience -- they can certainly help buoy us. However, I try hard not to log on here too too often or check my case status but maybe once a month, b/c I find I get really panicky and develop immense tunnel vision with worse-case scenarios playing out in my head over and over. What if I forgot something. What if they reject us? What if they lost our file? And spiral from there. It's not healthy.

    We have to trust history here. History says that no two peoples' cases, irrespective of their similarity in dates, circumstances, or countries, indicates a commonality of dates of notice.... not really.... History also tells us this process is RIDICULOUSLY slow.

    So.... chins up, everyone. We're all in this slog together, and we really are in it together. BIIIIIIG Hugs to each of you. ((((((VJ friends))))))

    Prayers going up for you all (and for me and my hubby)!

  15. Besides....chin up ...your timeline says "Based on timeline data, your I130 may be adjudicated between January 28, 2013 and February 6, 2013*."

    Not much longer now!!! I wouldn't even think about worrying unil after that window has completely passed you by. I am sure you will hear something beforehand :)

    Thanks for your kind words, DnA7!

    As it turns out, I had the priority date entered incorrectly in our Timeline, and we should have heard by December 28.... which, I must confess, makes me worry again.... It's all so nerve wracking! It reminds me a bit of when I pass a speed trap on the highway. Even when I've not been speeding, I feel immediately very self-aware and worried.... and keep eyeing the mirror. I feel the same way with this whole process. We have no reason to think they wouldn't process us timely and easily, but you're left with that nagging "what-if" worry so often....

    Very best to you and yours. Thanks again for being so kind.

  16. What timing! I literally just received an email update from USCIS in response to a customer service inquiry from 12/6 about not being able to access case updates. They responded all this time later and indicated that the case had been rerouted to the Washington Field office (WAS) Office on November 16, 2012.

    Thanks for the info. I'll check my hardcopy tonight when I get in and update the timeline if needed.

    And yes, I know the customer service system well by now. I think to myself sometimes, *how* do most people navigate this giant ball of tangled yarn? Wow, it won't be winning any prizes for excellence in customer service anytime soon, I'll tell you that.

    Thanks again for your help. Truly appreciated.

  17. Thanks for the response, speedwell. We filled out a timeline but it doesn't appear like everyone else's. I'm a bit of a Luddite, so perhaps you can suggest what I may be doing incorrectly that it's not appearing?

    We filed 10/17, received NOA1 via Email on 10/23. Hardcopy NOA1 came on 11/27. On 12/6, checked status online again, and still wasn't showing up in the system. By 1/4, we were showing up as "Initial Review" just like you.

    We haven't received any news about any local office transfer. It merely informed us that the case had been routed to NBC.

  18. Hi fellow VJers -- Might anyone be able to help clarify for us what kind of experience we might expect to have timing-wise?

    I'm a U.S. citizen. Husband's Canadian, living in Canada. We received our CR-1/I-130 NOA1 on 11/27/12. Apparently our application was sent to the NBC. From what we've been reading, it appears we're anticipating our NOA2 next (but where do we find out about processing times for the NBC for I-130s?), then an interview, then...the visa, right?

    How long is all of this taking folks right now? It's hard to make sense of the USCIS timelines, the ones here, and the ones we've found on a few other sites. We're just trying to make sense of it all as we feel our life together is a bit on hold until we can both be in one place!

    Any help or suggestions are warmly welcomed, and a warm greeting to you all from us -- relative newbies to posting. Thanks!

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