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Posts posted by Yoms

  1. Hi all, so my fiance is now here on her k1 and we are married, now we are about to file for her green card via the AOS process, i have been to the section on this site with information on the process and before i follow it, i wanted to know if there is anything i should look out for, any advice from people who are going thru it or have gone thru it. Also i noticed that i need proof that we are married, what can i use for that? we just went to the court house and plan on doing the proper wedding early next year as something personal came up and sucked the funds....any ideas on what can be used as proof?


  2. Thank you All!!!

    @ Nich-Nick...i was soooo worried about the AP but she was not put in AP and there was no delay in her visa issuance, she went for her interview on a Thursday and got her passport back with the visa in hand on Tuesday morning around 10 am. I am glad the interviewer did not transfer the case to Lagos, i think the fact that she had the email transcripts between the embassy and i helped because that was the only question he really asked, besides where did you meet and so on.


  3. Good day Visa journey...just wanted to come share some updates with you all.

    So if you remember my fiancée and i were going thru the K1 visa process, the last i posted here we were waiting for an appointment date. Well the appointment date was set 3 weeks after they got the medical information at the embassy, i called the embassy to find out the appointment date and they did not have it so i called the DOS and they had it, i called London embassy back the following week and they still did not have the date in their system, so that means DOS gets the date before the London embassy...save some money and call DOS for inquiries on your appointment date.

    My fiancée went to her interview, all was smooth, she was sooooo nervous, when the time came to talk to the main interviewer he was not nice, asked her why she was having the interview at the London embassy and not in Nigeria, and she explained that it was because she had a student visa when we started the process and also presented the print out of the email conversation i had with the embassy saying it was ok to do the interview at the London embassy. He then asked her if she had ever been denied and she said yes, she has been there twice to request a visa to come visit me and she was denied, he then said ok he will approve her visa. :) she said at that point she exhaled loudly and he looked up and smiled and was nice to her from then on. I was excited to hear the news :) did not sleep the night before.

    She got her ticket, and has now joined me finally...i will now be saving on plane tickets to London, Lagos and phone bills :)

    So if you are going thru this process, pray hard, and follow the rules, it will all pay off :) just be honest and it will be yours soon.

    A big thank you to everyone who helped us thru this process, Nich-Nick and others, thank you sooooo very much.

    Now it's time for AOS, marriage licence and so on. :)

  4. Thank you all for all you support so far, it's been helpful! My fiance now has an appointment date set! So now we will go over the documents she is taking in and make sure everything is ok. We know each other very well but we will still do practice interviews. I hear the london embassy is very nice so i am not worried much.

    i have some quick questions:

    Can i ask to have the interview date bumped up so she can have it sooner? will that be a problem?

    Do you think it will help if i was in London with her for the interview since she has a Nigerian pasport? we don't have any problems or criminal or immigration problems either, clean records.

    Do they take her passport from her or they mail her the visa?

    and if she does her interview on a thursday, how long does it take for her to get her visa in the mail?

    thanks guys!

  5. Hello all,

    so our time is almost here, my fiance's medical has been moved to this week and that means interview in 2-3 weeks (hopefully). She is originally from Nigeria and is legally in the UK (i know i have msg some peeps about this)....are there any Nigerians that have interviewed at the london embassy? what should we expect? we have all documents including police cert from Nigeria and UK. We have squeaky clean records, never over stayed on any visa, never been in trouble, no suspecting names and never been to any T country.......i'm a bit nervous, don't want her to be put on AP and also how much does it help if i can be there with her for the interview?

    thanks all.....

  6. Unfortunately this is why they classify lagos as HIGH FRAUD! it sucks that you have this predicament...pray about it and i guess you should be honest...where there is a will, there is a way...just be honest, pray and do your homework!

    My Fiance and i have squeaky clean recs and all but i still didn't want her to interview in Lagos because i don't want her to be denied or someone "stealing" my files and saying it got lost. I am originally from Nigeria and lived in the states for over a decade now but i am still aware of the things that go down......i pray for the best for you!

    i guess she can file for a green card for you, that takes longer but i believe it is more direct.

  7. I just rang up the medical people and (thinking about it now) stupidly gave up my 6th of April at 9:30am appointment (I hope someone on here gets it instead) and I'm now scheduled for an hour later on the 18th.

    I think we almost got your dropped spot! my Fiance and i were calling the medical office to see who would get thru after we spoke this morning and she said their line was busy every time....she offered a date of 26th but said Wednesday was available, unfortunately my Fiance will not have her police cert by Wednesday so i had to stick to the 26th, was hoping we can get a date for like next week Wednesday or something.

    So i notice people saying after the medical, it took 5 days to get to the embassy, then they got their appointment letter 2 weeks after?

  8. Hi all,

    So i had to mail my fiance my financial records and i had my W2, letter from current employer, and 4 pay stubs. I wanted to also get my tax transcripts so instead of having it mailed to me, which could take much time, i just went to the IRS office locally and asked for them, i took a number, had a seat and was called, they then asked for my SSN and printed it out for me....so in case u need your's quickly, here is a tip.


  9. thanks for your replies...we will be honest on the questions, just curious if it meant anything bad and what we can do to explain that it was years ago, anyone who lived in Africa must have had malaria at least once....also concerning the financial encumbrance, i wrote how much my bills come out to every month....i guess i have to fill it out and mail it to her again with the correct information (how much i still owe on the loan on my house)


  10. I was just thinking, i was looking at the questionaire on the medical at Knightsbridge and i see it asks if you have ever had malaria...does that mean if you answer yes, then you will be barred or denied?

    Also the I-134 form says "with mortgage and other encumbrances thereon amounting to"...does that mean you put how much your bills are per year or per month?


  11. Hello all,

    situation (some are familiar with it now):

    -Filled for fiance while she was on student visa in the UK

    -Student visa expired while waiting for approval, she left back to Nigeria, did not over stay

    -Applied for visiting visa and was approved to go to the UK for 2 years

    -Asked embassy if it was ok for her to continue filling in the UK since transferring to Nigeria would take forever....they replied for her to send her docs in and do her medical and continue

    -Now we are filling out the forms and on the DS156 it asks for HOME address, should that be her address in Nigeria?

    -The DS230 asks for present address, i'm thinking that is her Uk address as she is back there now to mail back the paper work and prepare for her interview....

    main question: The address i filled for her at while she was in the UK on student visa is the same address she is back at now with her visiting visa(relatives address)....same place they mailed her Packet 3 to (which has not arrived yet since it was said to be mailed on the 17th of march), can i put her present and home address as the UK address? if i do this would the embassy say we put false information on the application?


    Should we put the UK address for present address and the Nigerian address for Home address and attach a letter explain why they both have different addresses, stating we are not sure which address they did want. I hear they mail the passport info to the address in the DS156..... any ideas? or put UK address in both forms and attach a letter that we are not sure which they request but her other address is the Nigerian address, so they don't think we are trying to hide anything.


  12. So she has an address there (relatives)? And she lived in the UK for a period of time and lived there when she applied for a K1? I don't know why she can't list that address as her's if she still is living with the relatives and she is not illegally in the UK. Who did you speak to about this? Are you sure they understood she wasn't just trying to use another consulate randomly as a tourist? Like if my fiance had randomly decided he would just go to France for an interview when he had never been a resident. She was/is living in the UK. Go for it. That is stricly my opinion of your unique case. I could be totally wrong, but I wouldn't switch horses now. Answer questions truthfully---

    Are you a student? I have been since _______. I just finished my course but am staying here waiting for my fiance visa case to finish processing.

    At that point she is face to face talking with the guy who has the power to approve. If he says he wants Lagos to decide, then she finds out exactly how it should be handled and asks him how he will transfer it . No guessing. No bad information from some helpline worker. No following advice from a Nich-Nick stranger on a forum who could be stupid. She can explain her sincerity that she thought she was supposed to finish in London. She can start crying and try for sympathy. That guy will have the answers and I don't see how he could possibly deny. All he can do is say he's sorry, but he doesn't have jurisdiction to handle her case and tell her what to do.

    So my overly analytical self came up with something....with this special case of ours, on the DS230 it asks for present address, and DS156 asks for home address....should we put UK addy for present address and Nigerian addy for Home addy? or just put the UK addy for both? i don't want them to say we lied....maybe put Uk for both addys and attach a note explaining it and the letter from the consular London saying we can continue in the UK.

    the uk addy is where she lived as a student until January and it is a relatives addy she is also going to be living there when she returns now on student visa..same addy (UK) was what i used for filing for her, thats even where they mailed her packet 3

  13. Hello all,

    thanks for your response to my scare last week, my fiance and i are now going to use the London Embassy. She will be going back this weekend on her new valid 3 year visiting visa (remember when we started filing, she was on her student visa still studying in London, and visa just expired in January) to mail in packet 3 details, medical and police cert.( she already has the police cert for Nigeria now and will be taking it with her to london also)

    I was wondering:

    1. Do you need to have the police cert with you to do the medical? or you can do the medical before the police cert arrives?

    2. when you select the expedited service, how long before you get the police cert? like a week? cause it says 2 business days.

    3. After the embassy gets the DS-2001 and medical results, how long before you get your appointment letter? more importantly your appointment date....i checked the site and it said the processing time to get an interview is 4days! most posts i read did not share this result.

    4. anything else i should be concerned with? i have gone over all documents and information and still a bit nervous for some reason, i guess because of the horror stories i have read.


  14. Thanks for the links and replies! she and i have never been in trouble, never worked for the government, fresh out of school students with minor work experience (except me, working for like 5 years now as comp. eng) so if that is the case, i don't think there will be a problem in the time the security clearance thing checks her out....i am feeling much better with all the info i am getting from everyone on here including the private messages. she is in the medical line, studied public health.... :)

  15. Ok, so i called the UK embassy again this morning and the guy i spoke with said there is no reason as to why she cannot finish the whole process int he UK since she has a valid visa to be here and has an address. He said he will suggest that we finish it in London because transferring could take months. So that is what we will do. I also emailed the consular in the UK about the issue with the case information and i got a reply this morning stating that the Immigration visa unit will not be able to continue her processing until she sends in her packet 3 information. They advice that she mails in her packet 3 information to (gives address) and also said she should go take a medical examination if she has not done so (gives a link to medical exam information in the UK).

    So from what the email states, i gather it is OK for her to finish there! In the original email i sent to them, i stated everything, and said we would please not prefer to transfer as we have our wedding date set for last week in may and if she can please finish it there. I will have her print out this email sent to me and take it with her also incase she is asked about her current visa.....looking at it, i don't think they will ask...now i have to think about the AP and pray it's not a problem.

    From what i have read, it is a security background checking process, if that is just the case then we have nothing to worry about, we have never been in trouble anywhere and we have never overstayed or violated any visa laws. any info on the AP?

  16. Bummer! i got some private messages that it should take long to transfer to the Lagos embassy (about a month) at this level. I am seriously considering the London embassy still, i sent them an email pleading with them if it will be ok for her to still do the interview there, they replied asking for the case number and so on and i have sent it to them asking them to please understand know that she is not there illegally, she left when her student visa expired and she has a valid 2 year visiting visa now. I pray it won't be a problem and i am expecting their reply, hopefully still today or maybe tomorrow.

    i hate unknowns...

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