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Posts posted by PrincessNesreen

  1. Considering Yemen is a breeding ground for terrorists I would think AP and security checks would take longer. It is a high risk country so they have to dot every i and cross every t a little more carefully than with most. Just be patient, I hope you hear something soon.

    Yea, i know and i honestly think its stupid. There shouldnt be no such thing as a 'terror' country. Who decides which country is a 'terror' country anyway? If they are gonna have everyone go through an immigration process, they should make it EQUAL to each country & not pick & choose countries to go through more then what others have to go through. They should make the same security & background checks, for each and every person. You never know when one can be a 'terrorist' at anytime, from any country. That is all, just my opinion. :reading:

  2. im from the village lol, called juban! but i stay in sanaa sometimes. yemen is a beautiful country its just too bad that the people in charge are all corrupt. i just came back from there in march, i stayed there 6 months and oh man, i loved every minute of it! i went to aden, ibb, taiz and it was beautiful. i liked ibb more cuz it had beautiful views.

    Really? I know a lot of people from Juban. & there's a lot of people from Juban here in California also. & yessss, i LOVE it there because its such a different environment. I get mad everytime its time for me to leave. What was your reason for going back? To see your wife?

  3. well good luck on everything, and i hope for the best for you guys! as for my wife and I, my wifes I130 just got to NVC and yesterday i just sent I864 affidavit of support and just waiting on that to get approved and hopefully everything will go smoothly from there lol. **also you dont mind if i ask where you guys are from in yemen?

    Yea. Inshallah. Its a such a long journey, but its definitely worth having our loved ones here. I actually stay in Sanaa most of the time, or Aden if we wanted to just get away from family. How about you?

  4. all of these phone calls into the Consulate -

    yer not talking to a Consular Official, yer talking to a 'local worker' and they don't really ahve any input into the system, they can only review what's on a computer screen.

    OTOH, an Immigration Liason Staffer, from US Senator/US Representative's office, CAN get direct input from a Consular Official.

    If you want to 'make the time', suggest you talk to an ILS human, this week.

    How soon do you think they can provide me information?

  5. well if your husband called, and they told him everything is fine then just be patient and wait.I have been waiting for almost 2 years, and i start my I130 process before you guys in October 2008 and i didn't even get any answers until august of this year, so alhamdulallah we just have to pray to allah and be patient. but if you really want to know why they took your husbands passport, i would try to call a local governor or senators office. and believe me they do help! **by the way when your husband handed over his passport, was he at the embassy for an interview at that time or what?

    Yea, we'll just be patient, knowing the people in Yemen, we're scared if we call too much it might delay the process. Umm, no. The interview ended with a blue sheet stating he will have to go through administrative process. But the Consular asked questions so nonchalantly. As if he knew and was ready to just give us the blue sheet, so he didnt ask us a lot of questions. He looked at his passport and gave it back. Then after three months, they called us to bring in his passport. We were so excited thinking they will stamp the visa that week & call us back to come get it but nope, haven't heard anything. & now its been two months. So, i guess they are just making us wait, due to it being a 'terror' country. They usually do things like this to the males. Females have it pretty easy. My brother has also applied for his wife, same time i did, but her case as been completed since May at the NVC. & Sanaa will NOT give her an interview date because they said they are super packed & are not scheduling any appointments until they are back to normal capacity. So, her case as just been sitting at the NVC since May. Sanaa needs major help, improvement, and just a whole new upgrade. Thats why i decided to do a K3 for my husband just so i can get Sanaa out the way & continue my husband's immigration process here in America. The U.S. are much more better to deal with as for Sanaa, i had to turn in the same paper three times because they 'lost it' all three times. So, goodluck with everything. Where are you in the immigration process so far?

  6. ok im confused, is your husband in yemen right now? and your applying a k3 for him or what? and what passport are you talking about? is it a yemeni passport or usa passport?. my suggestion would be to contact your congressman or senator. cuz it took me almost 2 years to get my wifes I130 application to get approved, alhamdulallah. so contact them and explain to them your story and hopefully they will contact the embassy in sanaa for you.

    Yes my husband is in Yemen right now, he has a yemeni passport. Im the US citizen whos petitioning for him. Im applying a K3 visa for him only because i thought it would be a faster process, but it seems to me it didnt really matter & i should of just went with the I130. But whatever too late for that. I believe our process started in April 7, 2009. Interview was April 24, 2010. Put on AP, five months now. They asked for him to turn in his passport two months ago, so im just wondering what are they doing with it for that long, is it just sitting there? A lot of people have difficulties with the Embassy in Sanaa. My husband just called yesterday & they told that everything looks fine, documents were present and everything. When my husband told them that his passport been there for 2months , the man said, 'yea , we know. you're good. just wait until we call you when the visa has been issued.' so, i guess, more waitiing? :blush:

  7. Centralized meant that security check is not within your country. it is centralized and report initiated from different country. american consulate centralized the work load. Not every country has the department who do the work within consulate. Medical exams are centralized. Security check is centralized, etc.

    Consulate will only give you reply what he see on computer. I understand frustration but thats how they work. You are citizen, you will be allow to visit US consulate, if you are in yamen, pay them a visit, may expedite process, or atleast they will enquire.

    Thank you for that information. Too bad im not in Yemen, in currently in the US. My husband is afraid to speak up about his case because he thinks that will slow things down. Everytime he calls the embassy they always tell me 'didn't you just call on August blah blah' or 'dont call us , just wait until your visa is ready.' Yemen does not have the best service at the embassy at all.

  8. these days security check takes longer then you think. Once passport is submitted then only Consulate will ask for security check. giving that you are from Yamen, there are two major delays on your country part, first security check will take longer because of muslim country, second security check is centralized. your report will be checked from the reagion not only country. If there is any flag , like similar name of some wanted person, it will take longer. I know one case from Iran who's case took 7 month then visa was issued.

    What do you mean by security check will be centralized? Well, we hit our 5month administrative process today. And its super weird when my husband calls the embassy they keep telling him to not worry about a thing that he will get the visa just wait until the consular decides to issue it. Is it ever possible to speak to the Consular at the embassy?

  9. So, my husband and I are on the same boat as all of you who are put on administrative processing. My husband had his interview on April 24, 2010. All documents were found but that same day they gave us a blue sheet stating to wait until the process is over and we will be getting a call. From that day, days have passed and we recieve a call on July 7, 2010 telling my husband to turn in his passport, so he did the next day. Ever since then, we hear nothing. They have had my husband's passport for more then 2months now. Im confused, usually when they ask a person to turn in their passport kinda means that they will issue the visa pretty soon. When i call Department of State they said last update was August 28, 2010 that its still under administrative processing. When i ask them if it says that my husband turned in his passport on the 7th of July they said no, they see nothing that says that. Contacting the Embassy of Yemen is a waste, they just keep telling us to wait until the process is over and to 'not worry about a thing' that he will get the visa just wait until its been issued by the Consular. Im confused, why has it been there for 2months, im kind of worried. Any suggestions, comments, inputs would be highly appreciated.

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