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Posts posted by Morris

  1. Did my dna testin on the 08th of march and got back the results today. The embassy however received it on wednesday. The results came back to b 99.99% positive. I am grateful bcuz only the lord knows how tormented i av been over the past few days. this also serves as a bday gift 4 my dad tomorrow and my mom in a week. for the continuous help over the pass months. thanx VJ!

    Does any know how long the kgn embassy wud take to contact me or shud i contact them instead? blessed :)

  2. you are welcome...i am sorry about your little set back, but just get it done, and then off you shall go! stay positive :)

    thanks....so i shud tell you wat happened. got to the embassy aroun 8:15,went to this lady on the front of the embassy to check if i was on the list for an interview and i showed her my passport, pics n appt letter., she allowed me to go in where i went thru security. what was suprising, No one was outside, it was just me. this guy told me to come in n he took my appt letter n gave me a number and a yellow slip to write my passport number on. wen i entered, it was abt 30 ppl inside. i was expecting a large crowd. bt n e wayz, 5 mins after i entered, my name was called to window 5. there is windows 5 6 7 8 9, they were usin window 11 as well. the lasy asked me for my medical, fingerprint & a few ques and to sign som forms. she then told me to have a seat and i sat until abt 11:30 which is not cool seein tht half of the place was empty. the consulates were really nice on tht day to me. when i was called to window 6 i thought i was bound to get thru cause tht windo was hardly being used and whosoever went there got thru so wen i went there the guy ask me to sign sum forms. n "when i get to the US i wud av to register for som military thing" so when he sed "wehn i get to the US" i was like YES! n he gave me som sheet to sign. then after the dude "the only problem we av is tht we want to confirm ur relationship with ur dad so we request a dna test" he explain the process and hand di blue slip. the blue slip was there all along bt i was jus focusin on wt he was doin to look down c tht the blue slip had my frikkin name onnit! bt n e way. took ma things sed thank u n leave! advice: bring evrysingle thing, even if u think it nuh necessary LOL

  3. Good luck Morris, you got this!! :dance:

    booo hoo. got blue sheet to do a DNA TEST bcuz of the addition of my dad's name on the birth certifcate in 04. not cool! :wacko: aint the saddest but definately not happiest person right now. tsk. well thats the only prob so just gotta get it done.

    :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    got blue sheet (as xpected) to do a DNA TEST bcuz of the addition of my dad's name on the birth certifcate in 04. not cool! :wacko: aint the saddest but definately not happiest person right now. tsk. well thats the only prob so just gotta get it done.

  4. Go to the interview and take a note from the Dr. stating that you've done the Medical and are waiting on results. Good Luck with your interview!!! God will see you through, all obstacles will be removed and you'll pass!!

    aww thank you! much appreciated :)

    Go to the interview and let them know about the situation with the hospital.

    What will most likely happen if you are approved, they'll delay issuing your visa until they get your medical results.

    If you want to be absolutely sure though, contact your Consulate, explain the situation and ask for advice.

    thank you so much!

  5. hey guys

    i previously posted that i got yesterday my interview date for feb 2,2011. i contacted the hospitals to do the medical and they said it would take 10 working days for the results to be obtained. therefore the time is a bit short.

    Am askin for your advice if i should jus reschedule the interview or go to the interview without the medical and the consulate would tell me what to do from there.? :help:

  6. I'm a little late here but i'm glad to know it's all working well.. :dance: Go and schedule your medical interview. It would be best if you would go anywhere BUT Medical Associates Hospital ... di people dem slow.

    yo boss...msg me

    :yes: Congratulations Morris!:yes:


    Mari and Kadir

    PS: :wow: Wow that was FAST! LOL... how did that happen? :wow:

    thanx :) ..godbless !

    How did you send in docs requested? Hand deliver or regular mail?

    mail [express]

    I thought it was going to be bad news by title of post. Congrats and good luck on your interview

    thanx much :)

  7. After a long and flustering time we finally got Sue's interview which was today, every thing went well till the end. It seems like we must provide a DNA paternity test to prove that I am my daughters father, before they will allow Sue to travel. Nice little bomb shell, no where in any of the paper work they sent or on any of the web sites dose it require a DNA paternity test for a CR-1 Spouse Visa which is what we filed for, my wife and I have been married for over seven years. Granted to main reason for us to leave Jamaica was for our daughter to attend school here. We did not even need a DNA paternity test to file for our daughters US citizenship, why now? and why where we not told of this before the interview...? The test is not cheap almost 800 US$, but we would of had it done before the interview if we had known. So now we have another step before my wife can travel and get our family whole again, after a year of frustration and dashed hopes.

    Has anyone else had this dropped on them?

    I jus got SIF about two days ago. my dad is filing for me. NO dna was requested @ the USCIS or NVC stage and am terrified @ the interview i will b asked for one. He is my dad but styl, thats more Delay. like y not ask b4 the interview rather than @ the interview. i hope i dodge it someway, somehow.

    sorry about the further delay & good luck man.

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