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Posts posted by Anna-and-Rob

  1. I really feel sorry for you, and your situation is more complicated as it seems. Unfortunately this is the common issue for immigrants who move to another country with their family (a couple of a parent and a child). I myself have never been in such situation since I don't have any Russian/Ukrainian speaking people around me when I'm with my fiance. I do speak good English and it stopped being a mental discomfort for me to hear English all day. BUT when I talk on Skype with my family and friends I feel a sort of 'physical' relief. Not that I don't feel a deep connection to my fiance, I do consider him the closest person to me. He always asks me to translate what I was talking about with my friend/Mom/Grandma etc. And I must confess I'm not always in the mood of translation every word for him. However, I realize that my fiance speaks English and the county we will live speaks mainly English and I do want to become a member of the society, therefore I must speak English. I don't know about the whole situation you're experiencing now, but I'd like to ask you a question - what is your wife's level of English and does she use it in her work?

  2. If you start off your topic by offending people who haven't even posted anything what do you expect? Sad situation... However I don't feel like commenting since you've already presumed that all people here give you rude comments. From what I've experienced on this website I must tell you that people are friendly and very helpful over here!

    Well first off I am not trying to offend anyone, but if all you can do is give rude comments and to put me down in anyway don't respond. I had this problem before in this forum. To start with a year ago I had posted a problem about catching my fiancee in a lie, which really wasn't her fault it was mine, by looking into her personal papers which I had no right so I am guilty. Well everything was worked out about that and we finally got married after she arrived her with her son. In the beginning there was some problems that they felt they had to speak russian all the time. I finally made a comment that it was not right to speak russian all the time since I do not understand it. Well they continued for awhile. It finally came to the point that I was angry enough that I told them that I had enough and I wanted it stopped all together, they did stop. Finally they did, but here were the result of this stopping though both would speak english to me but her son started yelling at her and told her that he never loved her and that she ruined his life. Well of course after they started speaking russian to each other again it was like nothing ever happened about his comment to her.

    Now it is back to the russian speaking and hardly any english at all, after trying to get them to start speaking more english again it is like it goes in one ear and goes right back out the other when I talk to them seperate it is english. I notice she is the one that starts most of their conversations, starts with her after he gets back from state university, so naturally he starts speaking it too, then would you believe she tells him to speak english. She of courses goes right back to speaking russian, and when she does I tell her to speak english too (doesn't last long for either of them). I also meantioned that he is attending state university and takes 5 subjects and in all these classes he has received all A's in his classes so I know he can speak english and understands it very well.

    I love my wife and my stepson but I am at wits end about this issue, because of having to repeat this all the time (speak english). I get angry about it but instead of arguing everyday and listening to it I just go to the bedroom, since they will not respect me about this. The next response from her after I do this she will come to the room and tell me not to worry about it just be happy (I don't know how to do this with this continous issue), the next response from her is "Let me be happy". If anyone has any idea of what I may try to do PLEASE HELP, counseling will not work because all of a sudden it's like they don't understand english well. I don't wnat this marriage to end. I just don't have any ideas now.

  3. Gary, thank you for your profound reply, I really appreciate it! Finally our NOA2 is received and I have finally started gaining my belief in the system. Thank you!

    I know you are not exaggerating.

    There are a lot of things that are not accurate in what you are being told. It IS possible to verify the whereabouts of the check, no matter where he bought it. People selling money orders and bank checks are required by law to be able to track them. That is a fact. That is why they have a serial number.

    I know people who work at VSC. We live close to it, our friends and neighbors work there. There ARE NO incoming public phone lines. I cannot call my friend at work, I have to email him and he doesn't give out his email just anyone. That is a fact

    I have worked with Senator Leahy and his office on immigration issues, particular cases and immigration legislation. I can tell you that HE would be very interested to know about a case that went into a black hole at USCIS and would do something about it pronto. That is a fact.

    I suspect that your fiance had some impediment to his filing that he didn't want you to know about it. Maybe a divorce not being final (divorce must be final before he can file a petition) etc.

    The thing is, and maybe this is just me, I asked Alla to marry me and join me in life and move to the USA. That is a lot to ask a woman, any woman (even though I am quite a prize :lol: ) but without being asked I sent her copies of everything, scanned receipts for mailings, scanned the NOA1 and emailed it, gave her the website to check our case progress if she wanted, gave her THIS website so she could talk to other people in the process. I went to Ukraine and went to gather all the documents with her. She did nothing alone and was aware of each step the minute I was aware of it.

    What you are being told is simply not "credible". I cannot say it would never happen, pigs may fly someday, who knows? But it is not credible.

    The problem is that IF he was waiting for a divorce (for example) and they ask you something at the interview like "Did you know your fiance was still having sex with his ex-wife when he was engaged to you?" (Yeah, they are not always polite about it, for a reason) If your response is "Voooooooooowhat!?????" You lose. The relationship can be judged "insincere" and your visa denied. If your response is "Yeah, so what?" You win! But that means both of you have to be honest with each other. Completely. Besides, there is NO WAY a long distance relarionship can work unless both of you are honest with each other. Always. I doubt that the truth is worse than the lie. It usually isn't.

    Worse? You may get the visa, come to the USA, get married, go for your AOS interview and be denied after you are married. :o

  4. Some things here do not add up, but it is water under the bridge. There IS a way to find out if the money order or cashiers check has been deposited. It is nonsense that there is not. Just not possible. There are NO incoming public phone lines at the VSC. You cannot call the VSC under any circumstance. You CAN call the USCIS 1-800 number but they cannot tell you anything without a case number. A congressman is exactly the person that would be appropriate to handle this.

    From your description it is not "their service" I have a lack of trust in.

    Never send anything to the government without delivery confirmation. Ask your fiance for the delivery confirmation. He can scan it and send it to you. Use ONLY personal checks. Other checks CAN be verified but it is not as easy. My bank, and most banks, allow you to look at the cancelled checks at their website. The back of the cancelled check gives you the case number which you can use when calling USCIS.

    I will add this. In this process it is extremely important that both people be fully informed of each other and keep each other informed. It is likely at some point you are going to be asked questions about your relationship and if the answers you give are different than what USCIS knows to be true, it is a problem. It is very important your fiance be completely honest with you.

    I have no concern about your current filing except I would ask your fiance for copies of the delivery confirmation, NOA1, etc. I sent these to Alla without being asked. I considered this to be OUR journey and there was a big part of it I had to do. She was fully entitled to know the progress at every step and have every document I had. I would not have had it any other way. If my petition had disappeared into a black hole, you can be sure I would have been in my senator's office ASAP.

    Thanks again for the reply! I am really not exaggerating anything, everything I said are my fiancee's words. Do you think there is the chance he is not completely honest with me?

  5. It would not make sense that t would affect the current petition. Let's say they had the worng address and sent all the notices to the worng address. That case would have been approved and expired by now. Also it has currently been taking 6 months or so to get the NOA2. You CAN get a confirmation from the cashiers check that it has been deposited or not. Always use a persoanl check, it is easier to track.

    My fiance said he made sure our first package got to VSC and he even called there to find out if there was anything wrong. About the check, he told me that it's impossible to trace it and he even went to the bank but they couldn't help him either. We never got any signs of whether or not or petition reached VSC. He never contacted his congressman since he told me that it'd not be appropriate in such case.

    That's why I'm worried about this petition as well since I don't have much trust in their service after what happened with our first petition.

  6. Hello everybody,

    As everybody here I'm worried about the wait and the whole process in general. In fact, our situation has been unusual from the beginning and I was wondering if we might still be influenced. The situation is that we filed our first I129F petition back in December of 2009. We really made sure everything is in place. My Fiance and I are both experts in any kind of paperwork (due to our jobs specifics). Therefore, I'm absolutely confident that we had everything needed in our package. Unfortunately we NEVER had ANY kind of response from VSC. The package seemed to went nowhere. Has anybody ever run into something like that? I would really appreciate your knowledge and experience guys! I started thinking that problems with our 'second' (we filed in September of 2010) paperwork might be related to the problems with our 'first'.

    Please let me know if anybody has ever had something related to our situation.

    Thank you in advance!

  7. Hello again,

    As everybody here I'm worried about the wait and the whole process in general. In fact, our situation has been unusual from the beginning and I was wondering if we might still be influenced. The situation is that we filed our first I129F petition back in December of 2009. We really made sure everything is in place. My Fiance and I are both experts in any kind of paperwork (due to our jobs specifics). Therefore, I'm absolutely confident that we had everything needed in our package. Unfortunately we NEVER had ANY kind of response from VSC. The package seemed to went nowhere. Has anybody ever run into something like that? I would really appreciate your knowledge and experience guys! I started thinking that problems with our 'second' (we filed in September of 2010) paperwork might be related to the problems with our 'first'.

    Please let me know if anybody has ever had something related to our situation.

    Thank you in advance!

  8. I'm joining you all guys! We've almost reached our 6 months mark and I'm seriously frustrated:( My Fiance is holding on fine but I seemed to have an opposite perspective. It's a relief to know that there are people like me who consider 6 month mark as something very unusual. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about it and My Fiance still thinks that the situation is usual:( I feel better knowing that you all share my concerns and I'm not alone!

    I wish you all the SOONEST NOA2s!

  9. Thank you all for the valuable information I've got after only a day of my post! Rob and I appreciate all your advices.

    We've decided on K-1 so far.

    I don't want to be even suspected in entering the country with the purpose of marriage. Also, waiting time for AOS isn't a problem for us (as long as we're together). Moreover, it's not urgent for me to receive a work permission. Finally, there will be no inconvenience in not being able to leave the country while waiting for AOS. Our main concern was about being actually together during the process since we've been apart for such a long time!

    Thank you ALL again, I really like this website,

    Anna and Rob

  10. Hello,

    I'd like to ask for some help in our situation. My fiance and I have been together for almost 3 years now. He visited me once and I visited him 2 times. I'm from Ukraine but I have B1/B2 5 year multi-visa. I've been to the US 4 times (business and visited my fiance). I'm going to be in the US soon to visit my fiance for at least 3 months (but doing business as well).

    We're now searching for the best possible way to be together permanently. I wonder if it'd better to apply for K-1 and be with him during the period of wait (I can enter up to 6 months or travel several times using B1/B2 as I have business in the US as well) or would it be better to get married after a couple of months me in the US and apply for CR-1?

    We're looking for the best possible way which would allow us to stay together permanently in the US and not being separated for a long time.

    I appreciate all your thoughts and suggestions in advance!

    Thank you!

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