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Status Updates posted by Fofochinho73

  1. How are you guys? Ta acostumando tranquilamente com a vida nova??? Manda noticias!

  2. Such a relief to be home with the interview behind us!

  3. It was good meeting you guys in one of the most amazingly beautiful places in the world! When you coming back? Feliz aniversario atrasado, e parabens pelo visto!


    1. Que Saudade

      Que Saudade

      WOOOOO HOOOOOOO see you there. We will email you and find out more details..... This is awesome.!


    2. Rebeca&David


      Congratulations!!!! VC pode me ajudar e informar o q a carta do NOA2 diz? Quais sao os documentos necessarios, forms, etc?

      Obrigada! :)

    3. Joana e Ryan

      Joana e Ryan

      Olá, Parabéns pela entrevista!

      Tenho algumas dúvidas sobre a mesma, podemos conversar por e-mail? as9luas@hotmail.com

      Minha entrevista está por vir... Uhuuuuu...

  5. Boa sorte com o RFE! Terrivel quando isso acontece, mas e bom que pelo menos olharam. :-)

  6. Como voces estao?! Espero que o NOA2 ta encaminhando pra voces neste instante!

  7. Where have John and Mari been?! How are you guys?? Any news from Rio as of yet?

  8. I was curious as to how you got your interview date before your packet three. My case is almost in Rio and I wanna know if I should contact them first. Thanks ahead...

  9. Our case is on plane to Rio!

    1. Natureza


      Hooray - this is the case I saw today via DHL.com. I know ours will be soon behind yours...very excited for us indeed! Let's stay in touch.

    2. Dayana&Luis


      Congrat!!! Tell me how you know? I am waiting for my to arrive

  10. NOA2 - So good to see you!

    1. ABandIG


      That's awesome! Congrats!

    2. Joana e Ryan

      Joana e Ryan


  11. Oh Guarana! Acai too! Let me know when y'all get your interview date, can't wait to hear about everything. Good luck, keep us posted!

  12. Parabens pra voces mais uma vez! Fiquei tao animado! I hope ours is with the same adjudicator! Tudo de bom!

  13. 177 Days Since NOA-1

    1. NCJazz808


      same here, we have the same timeline. hope we hear good news this week. GOD bless.

  14. Ai ai ai, que demora mesmo! Where is that NOA-2?! Com certeza hoje e o dia!

  15. Parabens! Hope all goes well at the interview!

  16. Welcome! Please update your timeline. Good luck!

  17. Eu sou o noivo, rs! Eu sou de Arizona mas agora estou morando no Texas. Minha noiva e de BH e eu tambem sou 100% Mineiro de coracao, hehe. Voce e de onde? Boa sorte...ta chegando!

  18. Como estao as coisas pra voces?! Com certeza ta perto nossos NOA-2! Fique firme!

  19. How y'all holding up?! Surely our NOA-2's are getting close!

  20. Just waiting...

    Somente esperando...

  21. Looks like we have a similar timeline, any touches for y'all?

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