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Posts posted by Davidlee

  1. mine was August too and same state, Texas. We waited for like 2 weeks and finally have our biometrics scheduled. You need to call them and make sure that they already received your papers. Did they encash your check yet? if not just wait coz in a couple of days they will but you still need to call them.

  2. Just got the call 5 minutes ago, Ruby just walked out of the Embassy in Manila and we are approved! She will be here with me in the states in 2 weeks! Guess I just wanted to say thanks to all the fine friends we made here and wish you the best of luck on your journey. Our road was not paved in gold, it was a long long process. 8 1/2 months for the NOA2, we were held up in background processing. 3 trips to Manila to complete the physical. All of you that are struggling, keep the faith, your prayers too will be answered.

    Best Regards,

    David and Ruby

  3. Maybe Im just missing something or just dont see it. When your scheduling an online appt for the Manila embassy on the 2nd page it ask purpose of visit. Nowhere on the choices does it list for Fiance or any type of K visa for that matter. It states business, pleasure etc.... then it has another drop down box and ask for classification of visa none of which are K1. Please Help!!


  4. Does anyone know the best way to ship her stuff from the Philippines? This woman has 75 pair of shoes for God's sake. Any advice or help would be appreciated. She received one quote for a 20x20 box for 12,000 pesos? Certainly there is a better way she would need 4 or 5 of these!

    Best regards,

    David and Ruby

  5. I am very upset. My K1 application has been pending for six months. My senator had been told we could request expedite at six months. When she followed up on that with USCIS she got this reponse:

    The processing of your constituent’s petition has been delayed. All petitions or applications received by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are required to have routine security checks that are resulting in delays of the adjudication of petitions or applications. We can give no definite indication of when they will be completed. We apologize for the delay. You may wish to check the status in sixty days.

    I am crying my eyes out. FI has a clean history..so do I..what would cause this? How long will this take if anyone else has gone thru this can tell me your experience?



  6. Hello friends,

    As as many of our friends here know, our petition was put on hold in Vermont. August filers, touched in December inquiry Feb 18th, letter March 6th stating background checks have not been finished, please give us another 180 days. Seriously considering changing attorneys to Michael Gurfinkel, My current attorney says to pray and that its out of her hands. Well... we have prayed and prayed and prayed.

    From what I have researched, this guy is suppose to be a leading immigration expert attorney and of course comes highly recommended from serveral of Ruby's friends. He is also the most expensive attorney money can buy.

    I guess my question or comment is, Has anyone else used his services with success or have any comments or knowledge regarding him?

    I don't mind spending the money and I have a telephone consultation with him scheduled for Monday. I did go to my congressman's office this week and they assured me they would do an inquiry, but from what I have read, once you receive this letter, there is really nothing anyone can do but wait.

    I suppose I just want to be sure I have done everything humanly possible to expedite this case and have it approved.

    Any comments or insight would be most welcomed.


    David & Ruby

  7. we are on 7th month and still no result. we always call USCIS and same excuse wait for 30 more days. this is sick in the stomach! cant have a normal life and life looks like on hold but what else can we do but to wait. its really frustrating. did you ever received a letter why it is over the timeline? coz we received one. and the letter contains that our papers is onhold due to background investigation. :( good luck to us!

  8. Well Ruby and I received our answer on the service request filed Feb 18th. It came in the mail today. Our original I129f was filed August 30th, case touched once in December and then nothing until now.

    Here is what the letter says:

    The processing of your case has been delayed. A check of our records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision, as the required investigation into your background remains open.

    Until the background investigation is completed, we cannot move forward on your case These background checks are required to be completed on all applicants who apply for immigration benefit you are seeking. We will make every effort to make a decision on this case as soon as the background checks are complete. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us with 6 MONTHS of this letter, please contact customer service at the number provided below.

    Ok, so it's been 6 months 11 days. Our case is one of the last ones from August I see on Visa Journey.. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Is this a stall or the beginning on a turn down.

    Any advice or help or comments would be most appreciated. We are devasted.

    David and Ruby

  9. If I do not get my NOA2 tomorrow, then the officer who has my case should get an earful from SOMEONE on Monday. Saturday marks 30 days since my case was assigned to an officer (and they said it would be adjudicated in 30 days). And 5 days since I requested an expedite (and they said they would get back to me within 5 days). But I don't expect to hear from them.

    So, here's the plan. On Saturday morning, I am sending out FOUR letters: one to my Congressman, two to my Senators, and one to the USCIS Ombudsman. I hope that these letters will arrive Monday. I plan to call all these places Monday as well. This is the second time I am contacting my Senator. The bulk of of my letter is below. I described my situation and then added this:

    "I know that I am not the only one who has experienced a delay in the processing of my I-129F petition. Petitioners who call the National Customer Service Center after 5 months are told that they must wait longer because there is a backlog of I-129F petitions. This is disconcerting because the director of USCIS Alejandro Mayorkas stated in a press conference on February 17, 2011 that “I believe we have eliminated our backlogs.” (See attached print out #1). I feel that it is imperative that you, as [the USCIS Ombudsman/ my state Senator/ my Congressman], are aware of the abnormally long processing times at the Vermont Service Center for I-129F petitions, particularly if these delays are not being acknowledged or addressed by the Director. The number of approvals in the fall of 2010 was exceptionally low, and in December 2010, USCIS processed fewer I-129F petitions than any month in the previous 2 years, even though application receipts remained steady (see attached print out #2).

    I can think of no other explanation for this trend except that many I-129F petitions were set aside for several months to put priority processing on other petition types. As an institution that is funded almost entirely by user fees, I find it unconscionable that K1 petition filers – who are all U.S. citizens themselves and who were paying $455 to file the I-129F in September – could be moved to such a low priority for such an extended period of time.

    That said, it appears that many others who have submitted their application at the same time as mine or after mine have already been processed, at both the California Service Center and the Vermont Service Center (see attached print out #3). I have waited my turn and, given these trends, it should not be unreasonable to request attention to my case, as well as the others who submitted their K1 visa petitions around the same time and have waited patiently."

    I included printouts of the transcript of Mayorkas, the USCIS website processing trends, and visajourney petition trends, as well as a copy of my NOA1.

    If this doesn't work, I know I have tried everything within my power.

    We are at 6 months and 11 days! Filed August 30th, still no answer! best of luck


  10. I just got off the phone with the USCIS hotline. I am so upset right now I could cry. As soon as they put me through to an operator, I immediately asked to speak to a tier 2 representative to put in a service request because my case was outside the normal processing time. The operator told me he could help me do that. I gave him my receipt number. He looked my case and told me "Actually, your case is within the normal processing times. Cases with a date of August 17 (or 21st? Can't remember) are currently being processeed. You have about 47 days to go before you are outside of the normal processing time."

    I said that the normal processing time posted on the website is 5 months, and asked if that information is incorrect, and said that it should be changed if so. He told me that that time is "just an estimate" and it could be six or seven months. I asked him what the delay was and told him I was aware that the approval shouldn't take more than 30 minutes of looking at my case. He gave me the run around about how that is not true and all the background checks etc they have to do. I said I saw on the website my case has not been touched/updated since October 14, so what exactly were they doing with it since that time? He said he had no further information to give me.

    I asked to speak to his manager. He told me that "all supervisors have the same information as I do". I know this isn't true. I was calling from work so I didn't want to raise my voice or make a scene. I said, "so there is NO way I can put in a service request or get this case moving?" He said no, unless I wanted to expedite it due to xyz reasons.

    Very unhelpful, as I already knew he would be, just reading to me from a script.

    How is it that some people have gotten service requests put in at this stage in the game? How can I get the transfer to tier 2? Any advice anyone?

    I am so upset and my hands are just so tied. How is this possible. When I filed in the fall, cases were being approved in 2-4 months. Now we are at 7? How can they justify this lack of service? Seriously, I could cry right now. I have waited patiently up until now but my patience is just shot.

    Hey guys, Hang in there! We are August 30th filers and still nothing from Vermont! We have a service request number dated Feb 18th and were told we wont get response for 30 days. Best of luck to you. Stay strong.

    David and Ruby

  11. It`s been exactly 5 months(Oct 7, 2010) since we received our NOA1 from the California SC( phone text message. snail mail a week later) I called USCIS today and the call left me a little befuddled. I was told that I was still within the 5 month processing time. So they will give me a reason tomorrow ? I was told the date they are currently working on K-1 cases from Sept 16,2011. However the VJ time line says NOV 7, 2010. Is this normal ?


    Best of luck to you guys, we have been waiting for vermont since august 30th 2010. Touched only once Dec 6th. All I get is the same BS everytime I call. "we're behind".

    Hang in there, our time is coming!



  12. We are Aug. 26th and still none. We just got an RFE last Thurs. and I mailed what they needed priority mail so received a confirmation they received it..so hopefully they will approve us this week.. best of luck...I know the feeling.. try writing an email to this site and in the subject put your receipt number..Explain the timeframe.. this is the district office..we did and the person there must of called someone in the called the center because I got and email back quickly saying they would check it out.. The next day it said within 14 days took like 8 and I got the RFE so may help you. Good luck!


    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I sent an email after reading your comments, so hopefully I will hear soon too!. Best wishes to you and yours.


  13. NOA1-August 5th and we received our NOA2 last Monday (almost after 7 months of waiting and no RFE). The irony is that today in the mail, I got the hard copy of our NOA2 and the response to the service request of 02/14. The letter said: your application is still under review and you should obtain a response within the next 30 days :rofl: ... I praise God I didn't have to wait that long!!!

    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story!


  14. they said the same thing to us one week ago, that they were processing the ppl from the 24th of Aug, so I really dont know what to believe, they are just taking too long on this process. And they are just giving us any answer so we stop calling for a while.

    have any of you try to contact the vermont office directly? because they told us to wait 30 more days and only after 6 months of waiting is considering that our paper are out of the normal processing time and then we can apply for an expedided process on our case, but we have to apply for it and they take 2 week more or less to give you and answer to that request :( and then may be process our 129F. at least that is the answer that they gave to the senator. does anybody else had a similar answer?

    Yes, we did get a service request request number on Feb 18th. They are telling us we have to wait 30 days for a response to that. Good Luck you you guys.


    Well me and my fiance were also as impatient and worried like you guys. On the 2nd of the 5th month of our noa1, we called the USCIS. They told my fiance that we have to wait for 30 days for a reply from them, there are people i have read says 60 days to wait for a reply. Of course we were frustrated and disappointed but we had no choice but to wait.

    But 22days after, our noa2 got approved. I believed that those operators that we all to talk to say and tell you the worse scenario. We are lucky that our noa2 came sooner than we were told. So be patient there..and it wont hurt if you keep on calling them. who knows?

    Good luck to all of you!!

    oh by the way...we are also August filers..=))

    Thanks for the input. congrats to you both


  15. Is anyone else questioning the reality of their NOA-2, or maybe even their sanity after such a long wait?!

    Where are you NOA-2?!

    We filed August 30th 2010 to the Vermont processing center and was touched in December. Still waiting for NOA2. Hoping and praying for answer soon! good luck to you.


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