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Status Updates posted by eia

  1. interview rescheduled on Apr. 01. =|

  2. interview on March 9.. weeee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Limiabal


      The same like me... but far away in Colombia!!.. goog Luck for u!

    3. abakada


      Good luck ulit sis....u'l be lucky on my birth date!

    4. eia


      @abakada-- sana talga palit na lang tayo ng sched noh.. hehe.. God bless! =)

  3. Case Complete today =)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. melissa_endrie


      sis... as abakada said! check your email, mag kasunod lang kayo...im sure you have an interview date na rin...

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    4. eia


      no email about interview date yet but will call nvc later =)

  4. ok..that's what i will do na lang din. hehe.. kakatamad mag wait sa CSR e.. =)

  5. sis, i'm not speaking with a CSR yet. pero the avr still says they received the packets on Jan. 06. How bout you? =)

  6. SIF.. OH YEAH!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eia


      thanks everyone! =)

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Hope u have ur interview date ASAP!! :)

    4. eia


      thanks L.I.P.!

  7. case being reviewed.

  8. eia

    p.s.. medtech ka din? galing! hehe..

  9. eia

    Hi sis, have a lot of questions sayo. hehe..

    1. On your signature, it says :

    SLEC (Advance medical exam)

    12.13.2010 - Online registration

    What do you mean by Online registration?

    2. What do i need to present to slmec for the medical? i mean, as proof, pwede na ba yung noa2?

    3. Do i need to undergo CFO tho Filipino si hubby? (Though US Citizen na sya nw...

  10. hi, yeah.. Will pay aos and iv bills at last week of december.. =) how about you? Any updates?

  11. delaying NVC process =p

    1. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Hello. Why are you delaying? :(

    2. eia


      Hi. it's because of our renewal of vows on July. teehee.. =)

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Aw so sweet & roamantic!! You lovebirds... sorry it delays NVC though... <3

  12. got NVC case number and IIN. waiting for invoice to be generated. =)

    1. Rap & Bhabes

      Rap & Bhabes

      hi, we have the same wedding date:-)

    2. eia


      @rap&bhabes-- cool! Good luck on our applications! =)

  13. Yey for NOA2!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angeli


      Congrats! I'm so happy for you. Goodluck with NVC! =)

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Congrats!! No more waiting... Yay :)

    4. eia


      Thanks everyone! Praying for breezy NVC journey.. =)

  14. eia

    hi again, still no noa2. My fault is i did not include G 1145 to our packet, now i'm clueless on what's happening with out papers.. Did you submit G 1145?

    God bless us, i know our time for noa2 nearing (fingers crossed).. =)

  15. eia

    hi, are you pushing through k3 or cr1?

  16. waiting.. argh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eia


      yep! we'll get through this for sure! it's just agony attacks. lol

    3. Angeli


      More than agony for me haha!

    4. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Is hard to wait, but harder to live with uncertainty while waiting!! I mean if u wait & know that when u reach 5 months, puff u are approved, is much more bearable. Belive is gonna happen like this & when u reach those 5 months, if it didnt happen contact congressman. That's what i did, but luckily they approved us at exactly 5 months!! GOOD LUCK!

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