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Posts posted by curious_sam

  1. hello everyone, my question is basically this... my soon to be wife only makes about 16,000 a year, and i cannot seem to find a joint sponsor. however what if she has 5 to 10k in her savings account, will they add that on top of the 16k she makes? also my lawyer has told me that once married i should take one of the bills like utility under my name and pay for it, however how can i do this without a ss#, do i wait until i recieve my ss# in a few months (when i get my workers permit)then start adding my name to the bills. also if for example my name is on the light bill how exactly am i suppose to pay it i cant work thus i cannot make any money, can i use her credit card to pay for the bills? one last question, i know i need to have a medical exam to send to my lawyer, can i take this exam now or must i wait until i am married. thanks

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