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Barbara J

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Posts posted by Barbara J

  1. It's been a while since I have been here, as a lot has been going on. I have read all the responses and I thank each and every one of you.

    To update you all, I returned after my daughters wedding for the court date, in October. It was pretty much a clear and cut case, the judge saw right through him and awarded me payment that day there and then. He had 13 days to come up with it but of course he was late.

    We went to mediation the week after and sorted all the property/ furniture I bought , which I took back as he would not pay for it, he had to pay me for the washer and dryer , which I might add I am still waiting for, now a month over due.

    I got his car. nearly killed him, his pride and joy but he has his avalanche, so it's ok. And he has to pay me alimony for 12 months. So as you can see I had a very good lawyer and she did an amazing job for me. he was late with the 1st alimony payment, now late with the 2nd one too.

    I am back in Australia, arrived 9th November, stayed with my daughter for a few weeks, then found a place of my own. I could not and did not think it was right to stay there for too long as they are just newly weds, but I would have been lost without her and my son in-law.

    So I am on my own, not been like this for 30 years and finding some days are harder than others. I found a nice unit, well nothing like the home I left . but it is comfortable and clean, and I have decorated it with my touch.

    I have a car now so I have freedom too. Not working as yet as still crying every day, and not ready to meet ppl, so have a doctors cert. I start counselling on the 22nd.

    I still miss him every day and still love him but know he will never change, so much so guys, I found him on a dating site 3 days after I left. He needs help and to face some major demons I feel, but until that day happens, nothing will change in his life.

    So I just wanted to let you all know where I am and what happened. Life is lonely . but yes I know it wont always be, I have my daughters close to me and spend time with them. I never envisioned my life would turn out this way and it makes me very sad indeed.I live in hope and pray to God every day. for guidance and strength.

    I wish you all love , happiness and fruitful marriages. May 2013 be a great year for all of you.


  2. Thankyou everyone for the kind comments and rest assured I am not leaving here empty handed, the divorce will take place here it's alll prepared he should be served this week. He is in for one rude awakening. he just thinks I am going back to Australia and will return after the wedding and we will work it out. NOT

    If I can't get this sorted with a court date before my daughters wedding then I will return and finish it once and for all. I have a great family here who are supporting me so it's all good.

  3. I am so sorry about your situation.

    A bit of advice: If it is at all possible to divorce here, do it before leaving (or at least file and get all the paperwork done that is possible). My sister is currently going through a divorce with her husband who ran back to England over 2 years ago. Because he keeps moving and hiding, each time she goes to court, the judge has refused to grant the divorce because she can't prove that he has been served his papers. After 10 years of marriage--regardless of when he moved out of their home, she has spent several thousand in legal fees, lost the house that was 1/2 paid for, and he can claim half her retirement. She is running out of time and he is a number-one scammer. She was not the first wife he played games with. Or the 2nd. Or the 3rd. Or....

    End it quickly and cleanly, if at all possible.

    Thankyou Emin and yes I am doing all this before I leave if we can't get this sorted before I leave for the wedding I will return to finish it and I will get what is deserved to me. Thankyou so much for the kind words. I have a lawyer here and we hope to have him served this week coming. He is in for a rude shock that's for sure.ANd yesterday I find him on 2 swingers sites so it's never going to end hey.

  4. Hey guys just wanted to write and say my journey here in the USA is finished. I came here on a K1 visa which I paid for and got married and did AOS and paid for that too.

    It seems that I have been played by a con man a cheat and a liar. He has broken the trust in our marriage over and over and I have found him on numerous web sites porn, just recently swingers and have found out about sex chatting on face book on his phone naked pics of womens genitals the lot.

    SO I am calling it quits as I cant take anymore. My eldest daughter gets married 6th October and I am flying home for that and hoping to be able to stay but if my divorce hearing is not done by then which they are working to get a date for court then O will have to come back and finish it all.

    I came here with all good intentions to marry this man love him honour and take care of him but instead he has thrown our marriage down the toilet.

    He has broken the trust over and over we did counselling started going to church again but to no avail. He has kept on with the lies and other women and I am done with it.

    I am nearly 55 yrs of age and now I have to go back to Australia and start my life over again.

    He is a sick dog and I have to get out now while I still have my sanity and soul.

    I hope all of you found happiness and do find happiness here, that's what I thought I had but it seems the wool has been pulled over my eyes once too often but not anymore.

    Take care all and will delete this account soon.


  5. By the way, there is a form AR-11 attached in the mail.

    The form is for Alien? for me?

    We didn't ask for changing our address.

    And I live in Australia not in USA.

    Confuse me again :unsure:

    You don't ned to worry about the AR11 as you would only have to send that off when you get here to the US and moved from original address you have on your application. Keep t in case you move when you get here.

    RFE crazy huh get the photo off ASAP and then your case will continue .

  6. Hi all,

    I got an email notification about updated my Case Status: Card/ Document Production.

    But on April 24, I just got another notification.It said they required a REF.

    So confused me, did they make a mistake?

    Because I haven't received the letter for a REF yet.(mailing address problem)

    And now waiting for another letter? :bonk:

    It could very well be a mistake but if there is an RFE coming its been a week and you should get it soon but I would say computer error on their behalf

  7. Hi, any help would be appreciated.

    I intend going to the US in late July with the intention of marrying my US fiance in August. My questions are:

    If we do get married and apply for a I-130, can I stay in the US until we get approval i.e. longer than the 3 month visa waiver.

    Should I go home when the 3 months are up to sell up.

    Will I be able to enter the US again while things are pending.

    Should I go the Fiance Visa option and wait here in Australia.

    Sorry for all the questions but it's all so confusing.

    Thank You

    I would strongly advise you to go over on VWP and come back at the end of your 90 days stay do NOT stay over past that date. My personal opinion is you can get married while there yes but then you must return and your spouse will then apply for CR1 spousal visa. If you don't want to be apart from your spouse as it can be harder than a fiance then I suggest to you while you are visiting get started on the 129f petition for fiance visa. They both take the same approx time and that way you are doing it all legal and above board. You can take over copies of your paperwork for your fiance to submit and can actually get the ball rolling while you are there.

    Don't try and get married and stay and think you can apply for 130 and not return big problem with that. Just do as suggested and you will be fine.

    Oh and all interviews are done in Sydney at the US consulate.

  8. Good luck Suzanne hope it all goes well you have certainly been waiting a long time nothing could go wrong now that's for sure :thumbs:

    Hello to everyone! :)

    I am packed, I have checked and triple checked everything,ready to catch the 6am train to Melbourne, then a midday flight to Sydney.

    It is all so surreal after all this time to be finally nearing my interview day.

    I decided to stay in Sydney the night before, it made more sense to me to do it that way.

    Eliminates worrying about early morning flights and delays ect.

    I have come too far for anything to mess up now!

    There are a few fellow Australians here on VJ who are interviewing on Tuesday also, I want to wish you all the best and I hope each one of us leaves the consulate with beaming smiles,finally having heard the magical words "you are approved".

    Keeping hope alive! :)

  9. So I'm reading the instructions for this form, and it says:

    "Evidence should consist of any of the documents listed below that apply to your situation."

    Then it lists bank statements for the past year and all that, statements from my employer stating my salary and employment status, then it says IF I am self employed, copy of last income tax return. Does this mean I don't need that since I'm not self employed?

    Brandy , Ben will need a letter from your employer stating your wage , full time or part time and how long you have worked there. He will need a letter from your bank stating branch and when account opened and 6 statements. He wont need tax returns for Sydney from you but if you want to send him a few copies by all means. He wot need all the K1 packet you sent in as they will have all that in front of them sent over from here in the USA. He wont need your BC at all as they have copies of that but if you want to send him a cert copy just in case but they have all that info from the 129f there in Sydney.

    If he wants to take some extra evidence of your relationship yeah but from what I have seen on here with the recent people they are never asked for it .

    He just needs to collect all the papers he needs from packet 3 when he gets it.

    Needs to have his medical and get that police report and start collecting all the other papers so he is ready to go when he gets packet 3.

  10. Hi all,

    I've been MIA for quite a while. My fiance is finally about to send off Packet 3 today (when he wakes up in a few hours). We spent hours on Skype last night making sure we had everything and it was in proper order.

    My question is:

    Is there a certain order in which the documents have be in? And a certain way to have them assembled, like with paper clips/folders/etc?

    Also, do we need to write any sort of cover letter or index to mail off with it?

    I'd appreciate any quiock responseS since we're sending this off in a few hours.

    Thank you so much!


    Danielle no order really just get him to have the the official papers from them on top with the checklist and the DS 230 part one and 2 if he has not already sent off part 1. Put all the papers in order of the checklist with paperclips darl that's all that is needed.. Put passport pics in a little snap bag if he can and what I did was place them all in a business brown envelope, addressed and our case number and then placed all that in an express post envelope to send off to the consulate. Friday there now so if he sends it today express they will get it Monday as we don't' have Sat post back home.

  11. Hello guys,am really happy to come across this website.Just a quick question.

    I got my NOA2 last week but i dont know how to check when the NVC received my application and also when it left NVC.Please how can i check.

    Chances are NVC has not received it yet give it till ehe end of the week and then if you need tt call and get your case number. We just waited till we got our mail with case number on packet 3. Have you NOA2 hard copy yet?

  12. Yeah well Lynjer and I have become close friends and we have discussed this often and are both feeling that our lives here are not what we expected. We have bought a house here in Georgia and ever since we have we have no money. The monthly bills are ridiculous so much so I have cut cable bill in half by changing it, my husband would be earning so much more if we were back home than what he is here but it is a government job and hence I came to him.

    Medical here is ok but we don't get the coverage like I did back home for family. I was covered for glasses the lot but here it is specific things and even though we get cheaper as he is a veteran it's just not the same.

    No family and friends to just visit . The shopping here is so different but admit cheap. I am 54 and am a homemaker but now because we are struggling with bills I am looking for other ways to make money as all the money I brought to this country is gone spent on getting my husband out of debt from when he was single and gone inot just living .

    Even though I am not that unhappy here life is just so more pleasant back in OZ and NO we don't have guns in OZ. I hate that idea here too, no wonder crime is so high.

    I miss my daughters so much more now too that I am here and not being able to just have coffee with friends or go visit my girls.

    I love my husband but hope too one day I can convince him to come back to OZ as I really don't want to die here alone.

  13. G'day Barb....yeap I found my password...

    I asked my ####### of a doctor about that test....and she didnt know what I was talking about...mind you she was having problems speaking english....new doctor from asia somewhere....

    just thought i would add that as it may occur to others....

    I couldnt find my vaccination records....its an absolute disgrace that they are like buckleys to obtain....

    apparently the medicare can assist...but 'some' of us were innoculated before medicare....

    So was I when I was a kid and I knew the child hood diseases I had but my doc who works in a med centre did a serolgy test to check and all I needed was a flu shot had tetanus done back in 2006 so thats good for 10 years.

    I just took my letter fom my doc to the medical and it was enough. Med centres in NSw are all covered by medicare and some docs now are just charging $20 for a visit.

  14. Hello Everyone

    I am new here and I posted a bit earlier with a couple of questions in regards to the I-129f. My fiance and I are finishing up our initial packet to send in to USCIS and I had asked about a marriage certificate for legal name change to accompany my divorce decree.

    2. on the G-325A form there is a section about last occupation abroad but he has only worked in Australia. What should he put there?

    3. He may not be able to get his vaccination records. We have heard about a blood test. What is the name of it and can any General Practitioner give it? that way when it is time to see the panel physician he will know.

    If he has only worked in OZ then he does not have to worry about putting anything else in on G325. He can go to his local doc or medical centre and have a serology test done and that will tell them what he has had as a child and if he needs anything now. If he goes to med centre it is covered by medicare. Once he gets that he keeps it for his medical once you are approved.

  15. Me and my fiancee have been working on getting me a K1 visa so I can get back to the US in order to marry her. We have recently just gotten our NOA2 back and I've been approved. I'm not sure where to go from here. I know I need to get a police record done (background check and fingerprints), a medical check (including vacinations, blood test and chest X-ray). But what else would I need? I also need to know what I would need my fiancee to send over to me. We want to get through this as soon as possible. Can anyone please help us?

    You need t go to Sydney consulate site and it tells you all you will need once you are approved and your USA fiancee needs to fill in 134 and accompanying docs to you to send in with your paperwork.

  16. Hi All,

    I have now spoken with a lovely person at DOS and had my interview time and day confirmed for the 3rd time, and apparently packet four was sent to me on Feb 1. Still not here! Not getting any answers from emails to the Consulate in Sydney, so going ahead and booking my flights anyway, while I wait for the packet to be resent!

    Sydney seems to be erratic in sending emails, which I do not understand. Packet 3 took 36 hours to come through to my email address...

    has anyone else had trouble with recieveing emails? as in, sent but not recieved? It doesn't make sense, but then not much does... :whistle:

    Rosemary not sure how you could get an interview date from DOS as it s the Sydney consulate that sends that to you after they have received your packet 3 papers. Packet 4 as you say is what they send you to bring in on interview day and the date of your interview. Another friend here Susanne is having issues with consulate as well not answering emails and her papers were sent 1st Feb to Sydney so they should have them and she should have been notified too or at least her fiance in USA.

    Sydney consulate answer emails only when they get around to it trust me , when I was going through this I emailed 3 times till I got an answer.

  17. Hi everyone, nice to meet you all here. My name is Janelle & I'm a US citizen looking for some advice.

    In 2007, met & I married a Colombian & sponsored him for his green card, which was granted in early 2008. I filed for divorce in 2009, he still got his green card with conditions lifted; he is living and working in my town. In retrospect, I suspect he just married me for a green card and stayed with me just long enough to make it appear like a legitimate marriage. During the divorce process, I sent a letter stating my beliefs to USCIS, but I never received a response.

    In May, I met a Mexican who told me he was out of status. I chose to date him anyway, and he recently proposed. He is a much better fit for me than the Colombian was and I feel very good about our future together.

    He entered the US in 2000 on a 10-year visa (they do exist, apparently!). He returned to Mexico in 2004 or 2005 for a short visit and then returned to Ohio, where he's been ever since; his brothers & sister are here; one brother just got his green card. His visa expired in 2010 and he is out of status because he stayed here since the prior visit to MX. He was married briefly in 2009-2010 but his ex did not sponsor him for his papers when they were married.

    My question is, am I eligible to sponsor him for residency, or am I not eligible because I sponsored the Colombian? And do we have a legitimate case or will it be subject to a lot of scrutiny due to our histories and the timing? He is not pushing for marriage or sponsorship at all...we were thinking maybe of a ceremony next summer. He has no criminal record but has been working under the table during the time that he's been here and is very good at staying under the radar. Would he have any other timely options to adjust his status? Will the fact that he is working illegally hurt our case?

    Thanks for any input you can provide.



    You have answered your own questions with your statement of working illegally out of status and how do you expect him to adjust status he is not here on working visa? tourist visa expired so you would have to marry him to sponsor him. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong and people with more experience in this will chime in but to be honest I would run a mile. If you stay with this guy I would get an immigration lawyer cause you are so going to need one.

  18. Just wanted to drop by and wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and all the very best and loads of happiness for 2012. If you are waiting NOA2 i hope it comes soon and if you are here in USA have a wonderful time with your new or not so new spouses lol.

    Take care and stay safe always wherever you are

    Barbara :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:(F)(F)(F):mellow::content::content::content::dancing::joy::dancing::joy::dancing:

  19. It was in the period of two years and I have been back in Australia since May of this year, the length of time is what is making me think I might have issues this time around. Is it correct to say that the visa waiver is the only way I am able to enter the US I dont know of any other tourist visa that I would be able to get?

    I obviously wasnt paying attention when writing my first post instead of a year it should say the past 2 years. My bad!

    You can enter the USA on VWP as much as you like but you do have to space your trips out so it does not look suspicious as to what you are doing here. If you were here in May how long did you stay? the full 3 months? which means you left August? I would not come back till after new year to be on the safe side.

  20. How did you fill the forms in your married name??

    I'm just very nervous that they denied it because my birth certificate of course i have my singe name and also my passport and K-1 visa.

    If you are now using your married name as in taken your husbands name then that's what you use . You want your GC to be in the name that you are using now which is your married name. Don't worry about your maiden name on BC or passport. Your passport can be changed later to your married name.

  21. Thanks for your responses. I am just on my wifes account, so the statement wouldnt help me, hence why its just a copy of the cards. However, It just dawned on me one more pressing issue which feels like it could end in a cluster£&$*. We just moved house last week and I have still to notify USCIS about my change of address. My I-751 form is complete with our new address ( though my evidence has my old address). Do I need to send an AR-11 ( change of address) before I send in my I-751 or should I send both off tomorrow but have a copy of the AR-11 in to show I am changing my address?


    Even though your new address is on the 751 you will still need to send off your AR11 and the petitioner your wife needs to fill in a 865 as well send them off too as they go to different addresses.

  22. Just did my regular check and saw the usual status,Initial review. Then out of curiosity I checked a few numbers around my own. There was 1 that had been the same date and status as mine that was approved 13th dec....SO thought that I might do an RJQUILLA and post a "looking for my NOA2" thread and maybe it would come!!!!

    I know...all I can do is wait but it is SO close to Christmas and asking doesn't hurt...PULEEASSE can I have my NOA2 this year??!?? :bonk:

    Good to see VSC processing and hoping all those that are waiting get the good news they all desire, really soon.

    I know the waiting is hard but I doubt you will be approved by Xmas. You only filed in August, so just over 3 months. I have a friend here who filed in June and she has just gone past 6 months , your status on USCIS will be in initial review for quite some time till approval.

  23. Well the wedding is tomorrow and I need to know what the best plan of attack is from here, I know that I need to apply for EAD, AP, and AOS.. Can I apply for a SSN before all that stuff is approved? Ive read alot of conflicting stories on that so what are peoples personal experiences? I am also going to need to apply for a Texas state drivers licence so can I do that now or do I have to wait? Really just want to hear what other people have done. I am planning/hoping to be able to get back to work full time as soon as possible.


    As you only arrived on the 10th you will have to wait at least 2 weeks till you can apply for ssn as you wont be in the system yet. Once you are married and congrats for tomorrow, hope it all goes off well for you. You can aply for AOS after you get your marriage certificate but you can't work till you get EAD card and that will take approx 2-3 months.

    Depending on what state you are in is whether yu can get a drivers license. I am in Georgia and theoretically I was supposed to be able to get a license with ead card but I had to wait till my GC was approved. I got an international permit before I left Australia so I was ok to drive on that for a year anyways.

    With being so close to Christmas I would not get my hopes up being able to work till at least next March.

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