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Posts posted by naijalove

  1. the mum is alive but the child is currently staying with another relative and he is not getting the best i am responsible for his feeding,schooling and clothings but he is not getting a proper upbringing,i adopted him LEGALLY when i was leaving for united state,i was hoping i could file for him when i become a citizen but my wife said,we can both file for him now,i just want to be sure so that i wount waste money and time,thank you all for your response.

  2. I am submitting my AOS,EAD and ADVANCE PAROLE next week but am not sure of how many passport photographs to submmit since am doing all(aos,ead and ap) together and do i have to do cover letter separately for each of the forms?? and do i have to attach photocopies of i-94,tax returns and marriage certificate to each of the forms for AOS,EAD AND AP or just one photocopy is good for all of the forms??? and lastly is the total payment still $1,010 usd??,God bless you as you take your time to read.

  3. my wife filled k-1 visa for me and we got married in december 2010,now am about to adjust my status and here comes the problems

    1)are we going to file joint tax return or i should be included as dependant?{plsease not am not working,i came to usa on k-1 visa in november last year}

    2)her w2(2010) is ready in her maiden name,now that she is married is she going to use her maiden name to file tax return?

    3)if we are going to file joint tax return,how is she going to change her name to her married name?

    please enlighten us ,cos we are totally lost.

  4. My fiancee the usc was here 4 months back and spent a whole month with me,to cut the long story short she is 3 months pregnant,am so happy when she informed me,my interview for k1 visa comes up middle of next month,i just want to seek your view about the whole thing if her pregnancy is a red flag for us? she is planning to send her doctors report,the scan picture of the formed babby for me to take along to interview but i felt we should not let them{embassy} know cos they might be of the opinion that we are married and we are not.

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