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Posts posted by Moriah

  1. My fiance received his packet from the US Embassy the other day. I'm trying to help guide him with the different paperwork and I'm confused why so many of the forms say "non-immigrant" when isn't he applying to immigrate by nature of the fiance visa? I'm a little confused as to why so many of the forms are the same as those he/we filled out when he applied for a tourist visa and ask questions like, "How long do you intend to stay in the USA?"

    Any guidance for this stage in the process, especially those that have specific experience in Dar, would be greatly appreciated!

  2. My boyfriend and I are in the early stages of starting the fiance visa process. I want to get the I-129F out ASAP, but we won't be technically announcing our engagement to the world until after my parents meet him when we travel to Tanzania this August. Will they reject my application if I say that we aren't yet engaged, but will be? Many thanks!

  3. I have visited Tanzania five times since December 2006 and briefly met Martin during my third trip in 2008. We became good friends when I returned to Dar es Salaam in January 2009 to work with an NGO and we starting dating in March 2009. I returned home for the latter six months of 2009 and then went back to Tanzania again for the first six months of 2010. I am now home in the USA.

    Martin applied for a non-immigrant/tourist visa and was denied in April because he couldn't produce enough evidence that he would return to Tanzania. Obviously not the outcome we wanted, but on paper I can understand their decision. He doesn't own any property or even have a bank account in Tanzania. He has a bank account now, but I fear there will never be enough money in the account to show proof of return.

    I feel as though that leaves us with the fiance visa as our only option and we are ready to take that step, but I know how important it is that I have my finances in order before he comes to the USA since I'll have to support both of us for a while. Since I just returned from Tanzania myself and have spent the better half of the last 3 years there, my finances are not quite what they could be. I am very lucky to have gotten my old job back at a local architecture firm, but they've only promised me 3 months of work. While I'm fairly confident things are going well enough at the firm that they'll be able to continue to keep me on staff, I can't bank on it (no pun intended).

    I understand that once the K-1 fiance visa is authorized, that the person has 6 months in which to enter the USA. I also understand that the typical K-1 process can around 5 months. So I want to start the K-1 process in case it takes a long time, but at the same time I want to know if there are any steps along the way in the process in which I can kill time if I need more time to preparation for Martin's arrival? If I file the I-129F and it gets approved, how can I extend the 4 months of time Martin is given to gather all the information to present to the Tanzanian Embassy?

    Any advice would be most appreciated!



  4. I have visited Tanzania five times since December 2006 and briefly met Martin during my third trip in 2008. We became good friends when I returned to Dar es Salaam in January 2009 to work with an NGO and we starting dating in March 2009. I returned home for the latter six months of 2009 and then went back to Tanzania again for the first six months of 2010. I am now home in the USA.

    Martin applied for a non-immigrant/tourist visa and was denied in April because he couldn't produce enough evidence that he would return to Tanzania. Obviously not the outcome we wanted, but on paper I can understand their decision. He doesn't own any property or even have a bank account in Tanzania. He has a bank account now, but I fear there will never be enough money in the account to show proof of return.

    I feel as though that leaves us with the fiance visa as our only option, but I really want him to be able to come meet my family, friends, and my home before we get locked into the 90 day countdown to marriage. We've spent a lot of time in his culture and I want him to see mine.

    Any advice would be most appreciated!



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