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Status Updates posted by The_Hot_Herrons

  1. Went to my Naturalization interview yesterday 10/16/14 and got approved! Yay! Just waiting for a schedule of my oath taking ceremony. :) Thank you Lord!

  2. I finally got my 10 year green card for my permanent residency today! :) yey!

    1. pieroot


      congrats!!!!! What a relief for you.

    2. pieroot


      congrats!!!!! What a relief for you.

    3. The_Hot_Herrons


      thanks pieroot! :) yeah it went very smoothly with no problems so that was a great relief haha

  3. Sent out ROC papers yesterday! Can't wait for the approval!

  4. My baby is turning 1 in one week, yay!! happy birthday to my dear Apollo!

  5. After 3 months, I logged in again to VJ haha. Ready to start working again! Hello to all the Pinoys all over!

  6. 8 days in the US now and happy to be with hubby! :)

    1. arashh


      how is usa is it like how we dream about?

  7. I got my CR1 visa!!! Thank you Lord! :)

    1. zeth77


      congratz to you. bless u alway's!

  8. Woohoo! Interview appointment on Sept 1, 2010!!!

    1. Guest


      congrats!!!mine will be this coming august 26, 2010

  9. 8 days since case complete... still waiting for appointment letter... patience is a virtue!

    1. shewolf


      Congratulations! I wish I was applying from the Philippines... try waiting 95 days and counting. :(

  10. case complete! woohoo!!!!!

    1. zeth77


      wow sis! congratz to you and gudluck sa interview u. hope kmi na ang sunod! GodBless alway's

  11. 6 weeks & counting...knock knock... wake up NVC?

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