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Status Updates posted by MyR

  1. AOS mailed yesterday!

  2. MARRIED 9/26/11!!!

  3. Together Again!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Eli&Miguel


      Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!

  4. MyR

    Gracias por contestar mis preguntas MandD. Mi prometido va a entrar por Washington D.C.!!!

  5. Flight booked, we will be reunited in less than a month, god willing

  6. MyR

    Hola MandD! Tengo unas preguntas de tu experiencia con el POE: En cual aeropuerto fue? & Cuanto tiempo occupó Immigration y Customs? Leí que te dieron una entrevista. Estoy leyendo reseñas de unas POE's y no leí nada de una entrevista en una oficina! Pues, muchas gracias por tu ayuda, y muchas felicidades que ya estas con tu amor!!!

  7. Gracias! Felicidades por tu NOA 2! : ) Ya casi!

  8. Ya esta la reseña en Español/Review is posted in Spanish- English coming soon!!!

    1. MandD


      :) vientos !! cuan do la postees me pasas el link :)
    2. MandD


      oye ya lei la resena :) que emocion :) y pensar que fueron los mismos dia que yo estuve ahi jeje oye, pero tu prometido fue a la otra clinica, creo es mas complicado en esta al que el fue :S yo fui ala clinica media internacional

    3. MyR


      : ))) espero que tu observación puede ayudar los proximos!!!

  9. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MyR


      Thank You all for your support/Gracias a todos por su apoyo! <3 you guys!!!! : )

    3. MandD


      siii yo creo que si nos vimos por que aunque es mucha la gente todos esperabamos juntos en la sala de espera, incluso hubo gente que desde la clinica me toco y en tambien en el CAS y en la entrevista ya eran caras familiares :) felicidades

    4. MandD


      siii yo creo que si nos vimos por que aunque es mucha la gente todos esperabamos juntos en la sala de espera, incluso hubo gente que desde la clinica me toco y en tambien en el CAS y en la entrevista ya eran caras familiares :) felicidades

  10. VAMOS CON TODO!!!!

  11. ASC this afternoon!!!!

  12. Medical Exam today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MyR


      Thank you!! It went well- he goes back for results tomorrow!

    3. Danilu


      Sorry for asking, why tomorrow?

    4. MyR


      we think that's normal for the K visa applicants. He got the results back: a black bag bag that he can't open & a CD. They both have his name on them.

  13. less than 3 days!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danilu


      Good luck MyR!!

    3. C_María


      Thinking good thoughts for you guys!

    4. MyR


      Thank you both! : )

  14. My amazing fiancé is getting on a bus for CDJ alone today.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Good luck! I pray all goes well for you two.

    2. MyR


      Thank you!!!

  15. Stalking myself online...aka finding cellphone & skype records for the government! never thought anyone would ever need or want to know this stuff about me...

  16. Does anyone know something about the "Embassy Plaza Shopping Center"? When I called to schedule the interview they told me that on the day of the interview I should go to this place first, and that from there they bring you to consulate for the interview. However, today, while reviewing the interview date confirmation email , I noticed it doesn't mention anything about this place! Now we are a little confused- Any thoughts? Thanks guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C_María


      P.S. It seems confusing but it's really obvious when you get there. Will you go, too? Your fiance can write my husband directly in spanish to my page if he wants more details.

    3. MyR


      OK Thank You!! We had no idea! I will tell my finace that he can talk to your husband if wants. We appreciate it! I'm not going with him, sadly. He's trying to get oriented before he gets to the Embassy. Did you guys happen to see/walk past a Hotel Ibis when you were there? He's going to be staying there.

    4. C_María


      I think it's the new one we saw right next to the consulate. Behind the Denny's :) Everything he needs will be right there within a couple blocks.

  17. Interview Date: May 25th!!!

    1. Danilu


      2 semanas se pasarán volando!:)

    2. MyR


      Espero que SI! : )))

  18. MyR

    Congratulations on your approval! : )

  19. I

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyR


      Estamos tratando de hacer la cita de entrevista hoy!

    3. Danilu


      Woow! Ya casi, ya casi!!!

    4. MyR


      jeje siiiiiii!!!

  20. MyR

    : ))) Saludos Danilu!!!

  21. Could someone tell me where I can find our NVC invoice id number? My fiancé is filling out form DS-260! Thanks guys!!

    1. Danilu


      Cuando llamé al NVC para saber mi número de caso, pregunté a la operadora también por el Invoice number y por el Beneficiary's ID #(este último por si lo llegaba a necesitar).

    2. MyR


      Mil gracias por tu consejo Danilu, acabo de llamar y me dieron los 2 numeros! : )

    3. Danilu


      No hay de qué, me alegra que ya tengas la info. Estamos aquí para apoyarnos en lo que se pueda!Saludos!

  22. A question for friends who interviewed at the CJ consulate: What did you write for Question #11 on the I-134 ("I intend/do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person named in item 3")? N/A, Yes, or something else? Thanks!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MyR


      But thank you for the thought Danilu!

    3. C_María


      I put "do not" as well as my co-sponsor. When I researched it earlier people said that specific contributions can get complicated to explain and uphold in many situations. Putting "no" implied that I will be making "general" but not "specific" contributions, it doesn't mean I won't be making contributions.

    4. MyR


      that's a good point C_Maria!

  23. Amigos de Visa Journey: What do you think is the best courier service to mail documents to Mexico? Muchísimas Gracias : )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MyR


      I was thinking either of those two. Thanks Danilu!

    3. C_María


      I used DHL and had some things shipped to the hotel in Juarez. It was pricey and the soonest they could get it there was 4 days later but they did it!

    4. MyR


      Thank you C_Maria! : )

  24. MyR

    Saludos Danilu, gracias por tu respuesta!!! : )

  25. I hope that you guys are making progress in CJ! I am thinking of you guys and wish you all the best!! If you have time to check out my questions about the I-134 that would be super helpful: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/303379-i-134-supporting-evidence/page__p__4583116#entry4583116

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