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Posts posted by anita_t

  1. Intrebare pentru romanii stabiliti in US. Vreau sa fac un Master ( posibil MBA nu sunt sigura inca) . In Ro am studiat Jurnalistica- Engleza la o universitate de stat. O sa fiu acceptata la program master cu diploma din Romania? Trebuie sa o echivalez in US ?

    Probabil intre timp ai obitnut informatii detaliate. Initial m-am interesat si eu in legatura cu un Master. Primul pas e sa aplici la universitate, dupa care sa dai testele necesare (GRE, TOEFL, GMAT etc.). Va trebui sa indeplinesti cerintele Universitatii respective, dar in mod general toate iti cer foaia matricola trimisa direct de la Universitatea din Romania. Depinde de fiecare Universitate modul in care isi evaluaza diplomele. Dar in principiu orice facultate acreditata din Ro e ok.

    De cele mai multe ori fiecare departement are cerintele lor proprii, care trebuie indeplinite, pentru a fi considerata pentru orice tip de asistenta financiara. Eu as fi avut nevoie de scrisori de recomandare semnate si trimise din Romania.

    Rasfoiste paginile posibilelor scoli si suna sau trimite un email.

  2. Hello,

    I am a Mechanical Engineer and worked for 3 years in India before moving here with my wife. I would like to continue to work in the same field here in the US.

    Can anyone share if they have had a similar experience?

    Do i need to get any license to work in the US?

    How do i go about finding work in US?



    Just apply. Unless you worked in something like HVAC design you will not need a license. Research companies in your industry and companies you know are present in India, because for them it might be an asset that you speak hindi.

  3. Wow.. camera separata..ma ia cu emotii.Noi suntem deja casatoriti, deci probabil imi va spune ca trebuie dupa 2 ani sa ridicam conditionarea..

    Eu am mai fost de 2 ori si nu am avut probleme cu zborul, sper ca nici acum sa nu fie..si nici cu bagajele, la alea am emotii ca am 2 de cala :).

    Nu e nimic intimidant. Sa nu ai emotii. De fapt de cand sunt in SUA am avut doar experiente placute cu toate institutiile. Toti sunt politicosi si destul de eficienti.

  4. Multumesc :), da stiu ca la POE trebuie sa dau pachetul ala sigilat si probabil o sa imi puna niste intrebari legate de casnicie nu? Intrebarile sunt genul celor de la ambasada?

    Eu am avut o calatorie super aiurea prima data... La prima escala au trimis masina direct la avion ca sa nu pierd zborul trans-atlantic. Iar la a doua au anulat zborul si a trebuit sa astept 5 ore in plus la aeroport in SUA. La POE m-au dus intr-o incapere separata, am primit un nr, am predat picul...Nu mai stiu exact ce au intrebat, cred ca doar numele petitionarului si destinatia finala. AU pus stampila si I-94, si ofiterul a repetat de vreo 3 ori ca trebuie sa ne casatorim in 90 de zile.

  5. Buna dimineata.Nu mai e nimeni pe aici? :no:

    Eu ma pregatesc de plecare, in mai putin de 12 zile sunt in US!! Sunt asa de entuziasmata!:)

    Wow 12 zile...nu mai ai mult. Imi aduc aminte cat de nerabdatoara eram, iar acum mi dor de zilele respective cu familia si prietenii.

    Iti urez drum bun si un zbor placut. Sa nu ai emotii la POE e mai mult o formslitate.

  6. I like it how I am wrong, yet no one seems to point out why. The Indians (yes, I know, the Natives, but I don't do PC #######) were engages in a war which they lost, just like a thousand other populations before them. I don't see where they still have the guts to complain about it, when it was a clear cut lost on their part, or how that is somewhow comparable to nowadays immigration.

    Another example from my country's history. 1000 years ago, the nowadays Hungian populations came from Asia and invaded Transylvania, which they held in their power for over 900 years before we took it back after being on the winning side of WW1. This is how history is written, I am still baffled as to how a population can lose a war and still ###### so much about it. Or how the population that defeated them can now grovel to the feet of the very same people their ancestors defeated. I guess it is genetic degeneration.

    I know. Provilleges offered to them by the remorseful white folks, right? Just serves to make my point actually.

    What do you mean by genetic degeneration?

  7. What you are describing had happened to me so many times. I am from Romania but I am Hungarian. And the concept is so foreign to people in the US since here everybody is identifying themselves as Americans. When people ask me where I am from I say Romania but I tell them I am an ethnic minority. Even my husband was having trouble with this idea. He lived in my country for a while and he would say that he can't believe people share the same skin tone but we still have minorities. My advice is just omit the details to acquaintances if you are not ready for a long explanation.

    And to the previous poster it is not just a whim for most ethnic minorities. I grew up speaking a different language learned and lived in a different culture. And if I were in Europe everybody would understand where I am coming from. Borders sometimes are redrawn but that does not mean I have to give up my heritage.

  8. thank you for every body i made some change of it and i put it now with my cover letter to see how it is






    Education or Qualification

    High school

    Technical school 5 years diploma system

    Specialization/ mechanical engineering Years of graduation/ 1998

    Work Experience:

    • Alexandria tire company (Pirelli)


    Job Description: The factory system based on the work of each section in sequence from the previous section takes a

    We are the first section we convert the raw material, a rubber, carbon, oils and chemicals to the rubber in the form of pages by mixing raw materials determine the weights a certain weight according to her whereabouts framework and then we are mixing in a large mixer and continue mixing and isolate defective mixtures

    With the re-run the product defective rates of the other sections with mixtures of re-use them again

    Section called the mixer DESCRIBE HERE WHAT YOU DID NOT WHAT THE FACTORY DOES. HERE IS A STANDARD JOB DESCRIPTION FOR AN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER, SO YOU CAN GET A FEEL FOR HOW IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE: 1) Plans utilization of facilities, equipment, materials, and personnel to improve efficiency of operations: Studies functional statements, organization charts, and project information to determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication.

    2) Establishes work measurement programs and analyzes work samples to develop standards for labor utilization.

    3) Analyzes work force utilization, facility layout, and operational data, such as production costs, process flow charts, and production schedules, to determine efficient utilization of workers and equipment.

    4) Recommends methods for improving worker efficiency and reducing waste of materials and utilities, such as restructuring job duties, reorganizing work flow, relocating work stations and equipment, and purchase of equipment.

    5) Confers with management and engineering staff to implement plans and recommendations.

    6) May develop management systems for cost analysis, financial planning, wage and salary administration, and job evaluation

    Reason for leaving work to leave the country• Sandra shoes

    In the profession of manager

    Your resume is too long you need to customize it for the job you are applying for. For technical positions barely mention selling shoes, while for customer service or similar jobs use them. I had to sets of resumes. One listing only some odd jobs -for ebtry-level get out of house jobs-and one with relevant experiences for an engineering position. You need prodessional help with this resume.

  9. I was looking for an Engineering job after immigrating to the US for almost 7 months, so it is not easy. No employer has ever openly said anything about my foreign degree, but it has most likely played a part in not getting a job sooner.

    My advice is:

    1. Get a couple standard recommendation letters from professors or co-workers, signed, dated and contact info from English speaking references. Much to my surprise my former supervisors has been contacted repeatedly. In my country references were not as improtant that in the US. And even a foreign one is better than none.

    2. I am unsure how his transcript will look like but mine had all the classes listed bilingual and even a section describing the skills accumulated. You need to have a translated one ready just in case. I did not need to evaluate mine. when I was looking into going back to school the college also would have done the equivalation in house, so before you spend the money on it make sure you will need it. I got asked for my transcript by the interviewer and I always had it on me next to my CV if needed.

    3. Temp agencies are great to put your feet through the door. That is how I got my job. started out on a term contract and now I am full time, exempt. Companies will be more willing to hire an immigrant this way because it is less risk for them.

    4. Research the area figure out what type of industry you have here. Defense and gov. jobs are almost imposible at first but it doesn't hurt to try, He will need to emphasize and change his resume based on each job listing, list relevant skills. Get his English in good shape and persevere.

    Good luck and hope this was usefull

  10. I have a month paid vacation, and a month of sick days paid at 80%.

    I am doing the same work that I was doing at home getting paid 5 times as much as I did at home...I choose that instead of a month of vacation paid for the rate in Romania. But obviously the US has it pros and cons... I never considered it the promised land, but it is a nice place.

    Not as bad as you who have never been here make it out to be.

    And I am NOT one of those poor uneducated immigrants either,

  11. Neata!! Am sunat la ambasada si am vb cu o doamna si a zis ca actele par in regula, trebuie sa le vada si un consul american si dupa aia, in cursul zilei de azi ar trebui sa mi se puna viza, urmand sa trimita maine prin curier..deci la mine ar ajunge cam luni!!!

    Oh, Doamne, sper sa fie bine!! :help:

    Felicitari! Si spor la mutat :))

  12. Because I have paid into those benefits and it is only natural that I get them, no?

    Take unemployment - I have been putting into that a hefty sum for 7 years now. Once I quit my job, I should get it, without my location being problematic.

    Transfering benefits from your home country to the US it's not feasable at all. You made the choice to move with it's pros and cons. But in all fairness most likely you got your whole education free of charge...Have you thought about paying back that money since you are leaving Romania?

  13. Si inca o intrebare: conteaza varsta joint sponsorului? Adica daca e mai in varsta e vreo problema?


    Imi pare rau ca nu ai luat viza dar sper sa gasesti un co -sponsor. Din cate stiu eu vrasta co-sponsorului nu conteaza. My link Uite un link ce te poate ajuta. Venitul tau curent nu e luat in considerare, dar daca ai proprietati sau banii stransi poti sa le folosesti. Insa trebuie sa face calulele pe 5 ani nu 3, cum ai mentionat mai sus.

  14. Rkk I just wanted to say that I think you are a very realistic and a level-headed person. I believe you are correct in your reasoning and your husbands reaction is something to worry about. He trying to guilt you into a decision and that's is so wrong. Is that the way you will be wanting to make all your decisions in the future?

    Me and my husband come from different countries but that doesn't have much to do with the way we handle our finances. It takes work and communication to get on the same page and most of all emphaty, which your future spouse seems to be lacking. Once his here everything things will be much more difficult and you will clash about money issues everyday.

    I hope you will think this through and get to compromise.

    Best of luck

  15. Felicitari! A durat mult interviul? Eu sunt programata la 13:00 oare pe cand scap?:D:D Nu se da pasaportul pe loc, nu? Citisem ca il trimit ei acasa.

    Multumesc! Asa am inteles si eu ca e doar o formalitate.

    Eu am fost penultima chemata la interviu, deci per total a durat cateva ore. Nu mai stiu exact dar cred ca am iesit pe la 4. Eu nu am primit pasaportul pe loc pentru ca nu au mai avut timp sa imprime viza, Stiu ca unele persoane au primit pasaportul pe loc.

  16. Buna tuturor! In cateva zile am interviul pentru CR1 Visa. Tot citesc pe forumuri despre posibile intrebari. Cine a mai trecut prin asta si vrea sa mai schimbe pareri cu mine?

    Multumesc anticipat

    Eu am avut interviu pentru viza K-1, dar presupun ca intrebarile sunt asemanatoare. A fost experienta placuta, mai mult ca o discutie cu o cunostinta. M-a intrebat numele logodnicului, in ce stat locuieste..dupa care intrebari de genul unde ne-am cunoscut, ce planuri am dupa ca ma voi muta in state, ce parere are familia mea despre casatoria noastra, daca am cunoscut parintii lui etc.

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