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Posts posted by Samoray

  1. We already know what the Israeli government thinks of international law and UN resolutions about its illegal behavior. But here's an example of what it thinks of its own Supreme Court - it took 4 years of continuous pressure to finally induce the Israeli government to obey the Israeli high court ruling, and that's only because of the tireless actions of the protestors and activists.

    4 years and the Neten continuous orders of building new settlements, this action of tearing down the wall indicates a new expansion of building illegal settlements in the west bank, it's not like Israel all of a sudden will work in favor of the Palestinians !

  2. now that was funny WOM. A kindler gentler occupation.. sheesh.. I was there then and I just feel so bad for all involved. Its alot more complex than anyone could imagine.. it is as simple as bunch of homeless people were evacuated from Europe and came down to settle in Palestine, and with the help of Jewish terrorists groups the new born Israel was declared but maybe it is complex for many people that their history record goes only back to 1948.

    I saw cities that were All cities were Palestinian villiages

  3. Oh wow this post did kind of take off, lol. I've been offline for a bit.

    Well it seems I left a lot out of the original post.

    First, the "12 years old" thing was not my idea of an acceptable age. It just I read that in Egypt, the father has to wait until the kids are 12 before they can go live with him.... Or something like that.

    I should also probably note that I came from a hard family. Rough around the edges. Almost everyone has been divorced, myself included. And in most cases, there were custody issues. Half the time, the father got the kids, and half the time the mother got them. Many times, there would be more than one custody battle, and the kids would end up going back and fourth. Plenty of step parents involved. Most of the custodial parents would move far out of visiting reach, after the divorce too. So I suppose at least in my family, the whole subject is a little more causal... Also, my own father raised me VERY far away from my mother, starting at age 10. I never even saw my mom at all, ages 10 to 16.

    I wasn't trying to sound inconsiderate or mean, its just really common in my family. We talk about it kind of frankly, as if it were normal, lol.

    The other thing is, my man confided in me that he didn't really like agree with her parenting methods, while they were married. Or the condition of the marriage itself. He tried to bring her and the kids to where he worked, because he wanted everyone with him. But she didn't want to come to him, she just wanted to stay in Egypt, and receive money from him.

    He strongly felt that she only wanted his money, because it was an arranged marriage. His family worried about him being alone. But she readily volunteered for the marriage, because she wanted the respect of "being married", and because he had a good job. They were never in love. She never wanted much to do with him as a companion. Or with intimacy and such. Kinda slept with her back to him, or in a different room. And didn't really roll out the welcome mat when he came home... Never called him "honey" or "sweetie" stuff like that. Those things are extremely important to him, so it really bothered him a lot.

    I guess he eventually figured "Well, if she just wants me to hand over the money, and stay away, then I might as well be free to be with someone who makes me happy." So he divorced her. As a single man, he couldn't take his oldest boy with him where he works, because he is sort of clueless about domestic stuff. So his sister offered to care for his oldest son, while his ex took the youngest. But neither situation was what he had planned for life.

    So.... Its probably quite accurate to say that he is holding a "grudge" against his ex, I suppose. And that's why he feels this way. From day one, he just wanted a normal family. Like a wife who loves him, and lives in the same home with him, and see her there with his kids every day. But I think I'm going to have to talk to him, and explain that just because he's angry at her, and he doesn't approve of her parenting methods, doesn't mean he can just erase her and put me in her place. The best it could ever be is me, him, and his oldest son.

    We've been talking a lot more about where we will be living, though. He actually wants to apply for jobs in the UAE, because he's not exactly crazy about working in Saudi anymore. I am considering going over to live with him wherever he will be, instead of going through all the U.S. I've already known him for 4 years. And I can't go see him this summer (things have come up), so I have to wait for next summer. And then if we do immigration, it will keep us apart for another year or more, because he I would have to stay in the US and work to maintain the apartment and the income requirement. So that's just not sounding very appealing to either of us.

    As for moving wherever he is... Whether I work, or I'm a stay-at-home-mom, its all good with me. He doesn't mind either way. There are plenty of both types of women in my family. I've figured out little ways of making money online and such, and he earns enough, so we wouldn't be without means, wherever we decide to live.

    But again, regardless of his personal issues and resentments with his ex, it doesn't sound very doable at all.

    Hello, If you keep giving in information about your relationship, you will never be able to give the full picture to everyone here and you won't get away without being judged , cause we only can see what you're typing, and we neither know you nor we know your fiance, and i am sure all the previous posters that said how bad you are and how bad this man is, and how this relationship might not succeed, will never change your mind if you truly believe in this relationship.

  4. Is anyone familiar with child custody laws in Egypt?

    Khalid (my man) really wants custody of his younger son, Youssef. He has custody of his older son (Adam), but that's because Adam's mother died years ago. But he really wants his 2 boys to grow up together.

    Right now, little Youssef's mother has custody. When they were married, Khalid owned 2 apartments. His Ex got one of them, and lives in it now. Plus she works. So she is established and all. Khalid pays support for the child. I've been hearing that the Egyptian courts tend to favor the mother.

    He plans to live with me, and we can raise Adam. But he doesn't want to be a stranger to his younger son, or for the kids to be apart until Youssef is 12 (standard age when the father can usually take the child).

    But even still-- does he have any hope for custody at all? I mean is it possible? Any Egyptians here know about this?

    The answer is simply no, he doesn't have no hope in taking custody, and if he wants to pursue that, it will be a long process that will take years and years, and in the end it will be in the favor of the mother, since she has a job and can provide for her child, unless she remarries then maybe he will have a chance, Good Luck to both of you.

  5. Iv'e done a few builds for peeps in Egypt and you are going to think you have died and went to heaven when you see the prices for PC hardware over here. Newegg.com and Amazon.com are just two sites to have a look at. Also if you get the chance, take a look at the new Intel Sandy Bridge cpu line up...duals and quads w/hyper threading. Your going to love it Samoray. :)

    Yeah i know, I think it is double or triple the price in some cases

  6. Why not pack the computers into boxes as-is (rather than disassembling them to MB and CPU) with lots of newspaper for the padding? I've taken in a PC that way without problems.

    They will take lots of space but i actually don't need the towers and the power supplies in them since the electricity in the US is 110 volts and in Egypt it is 220 volts so i don't want to screw around with power adapters to make it work in the US, so i think i can find used cheap towers in the US that i can throw all the parts in and i am up and running again.

    Samoray...is all your PC's for work, or do you do any computer gaming ? Just asking because I post builds for work (auto cad, etc,) and gaming pc's on tomshardware.

    Basically i use them for studying and experimenting, three of them are Ubuntu server , Windows server 2003, Linux Centos, the one i use personally is a windows 7 and it has a 512 Nvidia video adapter, 2.5 Dual core Intel processor, 4 gigs of ram, motherboard Asus, just thinking now how many computers me and my wife are gonna have in the house, she has 1 laptop and two desktops lol

    You post about auto cad, you must be an architecture or a designer right ?, i have never used it but i have seen it, it is mainly used for construction engineering and stuff i think, where you can see how the house or what ever you're building will look like from all directions

  7. Sam, thank you so much! Makes me feel better to know that! Will tell Ahmed later... hey Sam when do you fly??? I am so EXCITED FOR YOU!!!

    I will travel by the end of the month maybe the 28,29, or the 30th, one of these days, can't wait to get my passport back so i can go book the ticket :D

    Can't wait to see, touch, ...... etc, my wife lol

  8. Hello my fellow VJers.

    Ahmed's interview is coming up next month, and God willing he will receive the visa rather quickly.

    We went to Alexandria for dinner yesterday and as we sat in the cafe after dinner looking out at the sea we took some time to discuss what would come next, you know once he receives the visa. The thing is, my husband has a very successful career here in Cairo and he holds a high position in his company.

    With that said here comes the dilemma...

    His company has their year end closing in September, and with his position it is critical he is here for the closing, really they cannot do without him. On the same page Ahmed and I no longer wish to be apart and have to say "see you soon" so we are discussing different options for our situation.

    One of the options could be, providing he gets the visa quickly, involves him flying home with me in August and staying until he needs to fly back to do the year end closing, then once that is finished he would then fly back to me in Michigan. The thing is we are unsure whether this is an option. I would hate for after all this time of waiting for us to do anything that may keep him from re-entering the States. Other options include me just staying here until October, or him trying to get a new guy hired at work so fast and training this guy in the process of the year end closing, but to be honest that would be so difficult and Ahmed is really the best qualified for this, he knows what's going on and what needs to be done. The last option we have come up with is my returning alone to the States in August and waiting for him to come in October after the closing of the year, I am so sure I do not have to tell you all this option breaks my heart, and makes me feel physically ill, to think of being away from my darling this long again!

    When we married I knew from the beginning how dedicated Ahmed is to his career and to making a successful life for us, so of course I wish to support him in his career, but man folks it would really SUCK BIG TIME to be away again!

    So can anyone answer this for us:


    Any advice on this matter would be appreciated!!! good.gif

    Thank you,

    Amber & Ahmed

    Hello Amber, His visa will be valid until his TB test expires, which is 6 months from the date he did his medical so let's say he did it in the 5th of June, then his visa will be valid untill the 5th of December, so he can enter the US any time as long as his visa is still valid.

  9. so i wonder why the cairo counselor cancel my fiancee visa and even after they print it with a stamp says (canceled without prejudice ) , also after the Consuler told us we got approved at the interview , and said we will have the visa in hand within 2 weeks .

    That's how i see it

    At first they stamped your passport which means that they were convinced that you had a real true relationship and you are eligible for a visa but they cancelled it later because they found out something else that showed otherwise

  10. Soooooooooo happy for you Sam!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: It's been a long journey and now you and your wife finally get to start your lives together:))) I want to thank you for all the help, support and friendship throughout this process. I can't tell you how much it all helped us and we appreciate everything. You're a good person and deserve everything good in life. Now get on that plane and get to the USA and your wife, and start your new life! :D :D :D Have a safe trip and take care always......

    Thank you so much Lisa :D , i wish you and your husband the best in life together too inshallah, thank you for the support and wishes, you are good person too and you deserve the best, thank you so much, wish your husband have a safe trip too inshallah :D

  11. I suggest you mail them, certified. I wouldn't take the risk.

    I just called the Customs people and they said it is not a problem as long as i claim them as personal, and this is what it is, they are mine i have had them for a while and i am not gonna sell them so they will not tax me on them, they assured me that they won't tax me but the customs officer has the authority to investigate what's on the Hard disks if he wants to, which is fine with me as well, so it's all good, thank you for your input.

  12. It is not allowed. If customs catches you (which they will) because they scan 100% of the luggage, you will be fined, your desktops and hard drives will be seized and there will be some legal consequences for not declaring them on your declaration form .No one should have to pack 4+ personal computers intended for personal use. There are plenty of USB flashes out there with plenty of memory space. More than one pc and an extra lithium battery are not allowed unless you claim them and pay duty and taxes. Customs will think that you intend to sell them. For more info check out the customs site and/or call them http://www.cbp.gov/.

    Thanks for the reply i think i will have to declare them then, but how would i know how much i am gonna pay cause if it is too much i might just sell them and not take them with me.

  13. Hello

    I have 4 desktop computers with 8 hard disk drives, i am planning of taking them apart and putting them in my luggage, i am not sure if it is allowed to take this amount of computer parts but i am immigrating to the US so i have to put my life in my luggage, so what do you think guys will they charge me for them and also i was thinking of taking two hard disks that has my music and stuff in my hand held bag i am not sure if that is allowed either, i checked the Delta airlines website but it doesn't specifically mention the Hard disks or the mother boards.

    Thank you very much

  14. hello samory im so glade that u finely mad it ,i swear agod tears in my eyes when i read your topic , mabrouk alf mabrouk sam pls stay in touch we fell we are family ,keep inform us what is going on ,encourage us,stay with us

    Allah yebarek feeky Mona, thank you so much for the nice words, yes we are a family in here, i am so glad that this journey is finally about to be over, inshallah you will be with your husband soon too

  15. Sam!!! I am so thrilled, happy and ecstatic for you!!! kicking.gifgood.gifrofl.gifyes.giflaughing.gif:D Really it is such good news to start the day with. Soon you will be flying high in the skies! Please congratulate your wife for Ahmed and I. Hopefully we will be returning to the States soon and maybe we can all get together sometime, since we will be almost neighbors lol. Can't wait for Ahmed to get home from praying so I can share your wonderful awesome news with him, he asks me often if you have had any news yet, so I know he will be so happy for you. Our interview is coming July 21st, waaahooo!



    Keep us posted please, Wendy and I were so worried about you!

    Thank youuuuuuuu Amber, i am so very happy after being blue for a while but i guess i have to suffer before i see the dawn, :D i wish Ahmed gets approved the same day as you will be with him at the interview inshallah, thank you very much, i really appreciate your support so much, we should meet up when we all get to the US, it will be awesome :D Say thank you to Ahmed for asking about me.

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