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Debbie B

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Status Replies posted by Debbie B

  1. Just waiting on the next step to bring my husband home. I have no clue on what will happen since we got out of AP and our case was sent back to Ghana. I leave everything in God hands like usual. Bless the name of the Lord and to the highest because he is the author of my faith. I know we will finish this race and continue to encourage others as well. Be of Good Courage Everyone!!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Amen! God is with you always!

  2. I love helping people. God has bless me to have a heart for his people. I am truly encourage by all that God has done for me. Just Bless!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      I thank God for those like you that have gone before me on this process! Out helps me prepare for my journey with my husband. We are about to embark on this journey soon!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Man....God is so good. Not only did he bless me today, he bless my friends too. That is what I am taking about Team Ghana and it is for real. I know I am expecting more great news in a couple of weeks. Ride on King Jesus!!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Thank God for his blessings!

  4. interview moved up to AUGUST 3RD FROM DEC 19

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      any news... praying it was good news for you both!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. who makes the decision to only have 1 or 2 interviewers in ghana? i want to meet this sob in person

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      We are all right there with you! Praying for great news SOON! Hang in there God is on your side :) Prayin al lis well with you and Ama, my brother! Smile your smile is infectious on those of us around you!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Tomorrow is almost here. I will give you all an update after we find out. Thank you all for your support and prayers. God bless you all.

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Please keep us posted... Praying for you both! May God's will be done!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Keep your head up!! If you follow the vj tips for filing you will hear from the USCIS in no time!! Wow it really went by faster than I thought it would. The first month after I filed, I was so lonely and thought I would never hear back lol :) God is amazing!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Glad your journey has been a swift one...I pray you get the answer you want!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. My interview is on Vals Day!!....I really thank God...

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Good luck... may the holiday of LOVE bring you great luck!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Good morning VJ family. Not sure how to take this one. My honey told me that all they need is the wetern union reciept and more evidence but to return after the hoildays with it. Nor sure how much more considering that I sent EVERYTHING!! I guess when my honey gets home, we will talk more about it. Thats all they need and he will have the visa. It may be this evening by the time I get another update.

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      they requested more info silly info I thought... they denied him on Mar 11, 2010. Daniel had to have a new police report as the one he had expired prior to his 2nd interview. So if there is ANY THING you did not send for proof of relationship send it. The reason for denial turned out to be lack of proof of on going relationship. I just want you to to be as prepared so you do not have to suffer a blow in March with a denial. If there is anything I can do to help let me know or if you just want...

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. Good morning VJ family. Not sure how to take this one. My honey told me that all they need is the wetern union reciept and more evidence but to return after the hoildays with it. Nor sure how much more considering that I sent EVERYTHING!! I guess when my honey gets home, we will talk more about it. Thats all they need and he will have the visa. It may be this evening by the time I get another update.

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      How long have you known each other? How many trips to Ghana have you made? How long did you know each other before getting engaged? Not trying to be nosey but it sounds as if Daniel and your man saw the same consular. So a lil of my history... I met Daniel Nov 26, 2008. Went to see him Jan 2009 knew at 1st sight he would be the man I married. We got engaged while I was there in Jan. Sent in our paperwork reciept date April 7, 2009. Last year on the 24th of Dec Daniel had his 1st interview... ...

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. I cant believe it almost time...next week..wow

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      OMG I did not realize you were having your interview this next week! So happy for you guys. Praying for the best! You will have to let us all know how it goes! So looking forward to the day I can count down to the next interview... May you have a safe journey and great results! Praying for you!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Time to start our Love Revolution ...According to GH time we have 35 days left until I arrive in Accra.. WHOA!!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      I have to look at it as the next step in this journey to get him here and focus on that!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. Being away from my sweetie is really starting to get to me :*(

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      This is a long hard process. What is a CR-1 visa vs K-1?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. 62 days and counting!!! He si finally going in to take care of his medical and vaccinations. Hope it isnt too late. God bless everyone!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Should be enough time for medical stuff... maybe for vaccines... Praying for speed in your case! Keep the hope alive!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Everything is starting to move along...received NOA 1 in the mail yesterday

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Congrats! Praying for speed in your case and all those in the same boat as us!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. i'm so tired of waiting on this interview issue

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      I pray all things speed up... I am having to refile now and pray my wait is not so long this time around. The waiting gets to ya after awhile and no news or no answers sucks! But I have faith God did not bring us to this just to drop us off here... All in His timing!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. I am getting so excited 18 days until my fiancee has his interview Glory to God for all His Grace and Mercy

  18. Opposition is a roadblock to Ur Blessings!! Hold tight ppl GOD is in Charge!!! Have an unstoppable Spirit!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Only He knows His plans for us and He will not just drop us off He has brought us to this and He will bring us through it!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Time to start our Love Revolution ...According to GH time we have 35 days left until I arrive in Accra.. WHOA!!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      yes let us all know about the london cheaper flight... last time I looked into that the taxes and fees made it more than the delta flight! Just got back home Oct 12th from marrying my husband in Ghana wish I could go back missing my husband badly now!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  20. PICKING UP VISA ON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK!!!! I am in ghana right now and my husband's interview was at 730am. He went in and at about 10:25am he called me to come into the embassy...he consular asked me 5 questions and before I came in he asked my husband 4?s . I will give more details later this week. The keyboard in this cafe is wacky....

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Congrats you 2 so happy they are approving some of these visas!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  21. is very happy for our Ghana couples this week. One approval- now onto Thursday! Things are good again!!!

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      Good to know they do approve some! Congrats on their approval!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. With 68 days left to, waiting patiently for him to get his medical and vaccinations done. As soon as he gets back from his business trip. Leaving it all in God's hands. God bless everyone.

    1. Debbie B

      Debbie B

      that is all we can do sometimes... Was married Oct 5th in Ghana and was hoping to get pregnant but am not. I am sorry for you loss but I know God has very special things in store for us! Stay strong he will be with you soon!

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