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    Chicago, Illinois

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    K-1 Visa
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    California Service Center
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  1. How long did it take for everyone's packet of information to reach your fiance, after the NVC sent your petition to the embassy? Next week, it will be one month. It seems like an awfully long time, but maybe it's just because of the holdays.

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    2. gtom81


      Hi Corilene, yes, next you should receive the letter from the NVC in about a week or so, stating that they received your petition. Soon after that, it will be forwarded to the Embassy.

    3. PreciousOne


      what is usem letter and what is nvc letter?

    4. gtom81


      I believe the usem letter is the letter from the embassy that states you are eligible to schedule your interview. The nvc letter is from the National Visa Center. This comes before the usem, and it says that that the NVC has received the petition and will soon forward it onto the embassy.

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