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Posts posted by RebeccaJP

  1. VSC filer here.

    I mailed my application last week USPS Priority Mail - scheduled delivery day was 11/15/13. I'm kind of freaking out, however, since I just looked up the tracking number and it said it was delivered to Delaware! My tracking receipt shows the correct address - Saint Albans, VT 05479, so I have no idea why my packet has ended up somewhere completely different. Does anyone have any ideas? Since that envelope contains every single important official piece of information about my life here, having it wind up in the wrong hands is my worst nightmare.

  2. Thanks so much for the information. I'm still a bit worried though, since I presume the results from my medical were in the envelope I handed over at POE (except for the x-ray disc, which I still have) all I have is the vaccination documentation worksheet and the letter from my doctor to say I'd been given the second MMR shot. The I-693 seems to be a very detailed form - will it just be a case of a quick trip to the civil surgeon? Since they won't have access to my records, I'm just wondering how they'd be able to give me the okay without more tests...

    I'm beginning to wish I'd spent the extra money having my vaccinations updated at the medical...it might have saved us some extra hassle now!

  3. Hello everyone! I moved to the US from the UK at the end of July and we got married last month. :) Now we're getting everything together to file for AOS. Everything seems to be okay, but I do have a question about the I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record.

    My medical with the Knightsbridge doctors went without a hitch, although it was noted on the vaccination documentation worksheet that I was missing a second MMR shot. I chose to have this done by my own doctor and was instructed that I would need to provide a letter from them to prove that it had been done.

    Looking at the information online, it doesn't look like I need to have another medical, but I'm confused as to whether or not I have to file the I-693 and see a civil surgeon. It feels like we're repeating a lot of the same information (though there seems to be a lot of that with this paperwork anyway, I guess).

    Any information would really be appreciated! We can't wait to finally get this paperwork sent off and I can start feeling more settled! :)

  4. The annoying thing with this is that there aren't any hard and fast rules. However, even if you just make several shorter trips the guard may have cause to question you. Last year I spent a total of five months in the US, with 3.5 months back home in the UK in between. I was given a real grilling on my second trip, taken into secondary passport control, had my luggage searched and was told I was "abusing the system". That was before submitting my petition (which we did together during that stay - I'm an October filer), needless to say I won't be trying my luck with another visit before my K1 visa is issued.

    It's frustrating for those of us who do want to do things by the book, but I would definitely err on the side of caution. You don't know what mood the guard will be in when you pass through immigration!

  5. That's great that you can be together for the holidays! I last visited the US for an extended trip (2 months) in September, having already stayed for almost three months earlier in the year...let's just say they weren't too happy. I was pulled into secondary passport control, had my luggage searched, and was questioned pretty intensively. We actually just filed the paperwork on that trip, so that wasn't an issue then, but thankfully I took with me a lot of paperwork proving my ties to the UK. It was a nervewracking experience, and I was told that I was "abusing the system" by spending so much time there. Unfortunately, this means I probably can't visit again until this process is over. :( Enjoy your time together and hopefully you'll have the visa soon!

  6. I say this all the time, but if he doesn't want to go back to Italy in December, and(most importantly) DID NOT PLAN ON IMMIGRATING HERE ON THIS VISIT AT HIS POE, then theoretically, you can marry now, and simply adjust status.

    Granted, he will not immediately have a work permit, or the ability to leave the country, so if that is a stumbling block, this option isn't for you.

    I had no idea you could do that. What is the process?

  7. Hi there,

    I'm currently in Boston, MA and working through the K-1 forms with my fiance. On entry to the USA I had to go through secondary passport control (I'm here for a couple of months and was here earlier in the year for a long stay). When they stamped my passport I didn't get the usual white card stapled in, with my departure number etc. However, I was advised that if I had filled out the visa waiver online, it was no longer necessary. Does anyone know anything about this? I need to give my I-94 number on the I-129F form and don't have one!!

    I hope someone can help. Or perhaps there is an organisation I should contact?


  8. My fiance and I are planning to start the K1 paperwork when I head over to Boston at the start of next month. My return ticket is booked for November. Whilst I'm obviously a little concerned about potential questioning (I was there for an extended stay at the beginning of the year) I'm just planning to arm myself with evidence of my permanent address in the UK, plus a statement from contacts in the US as to the nature of my visit. I think it's best to just be as transparent as possible - in the long run it'll cause far less confusion and problems. Good luck!

  9. Hello everyone,

    I'm new to visajourney and have a quick question regarding filing the I-129F. My fiance and I would really like to start the application process in the same country and I had planned to visit him for a couple of months in September. I notice on the form there is a section to fill out if the alien fiance is in the US at the time of filing the petition. It seems to be okay, but I want to be absolutely sure before I go ahead and book my flights to Boston. Also, is there a chance I'll be delaying things at the UK end if I'm in the States for several weeks?

    Thanks in advance for your advice. I'm so excited, but at the same time absolutely terrified we'll do something wrong!

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