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Posts posted by SecondtimeAround

  1. We got here in the Philippines since last August 30, 2010 (me,my american husband and baby). We decided to stay here for good. My husband is allowed only to stay here for one year. My question are, how to apply a residential certificate so he can stay here as long as he wants? How long is the process? how much it cost? Where we are going to apply? Is there any agencies that will work on that papers? If we exit in the philippines and go back, can he still get a balikbayan stamp on his passport and stay here for another one year?

    I would really appreaciate all your replies. Thanks

  2. Hello everyone.... I've been here in the US for a year already with a fiance visa. We got married after one month I got here in the US and till now I havent change my status coz we decided to move in the Philippines and live there. I have a 1 yr. old baby and that was born here in the US. My questions are, Does my baby and my husband needs a visa to stay there in the Philippines? Is it okay to leave using my old passport with my maiden name? And what kind of visa if they need one? I hope everyone can give some advice on what to do.. Thanks..

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