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Posts posted by Compdoc50

  1. Congrats! You must be SO excited!!! I'm interested to hear how the interview was?! We're still waiting for a date...

    The interview was very basic actually. No seriously detailed questions, she had adequate proof of relationship, (printed Cell phone bills, pics, e-mails etc) and I think that pretty much helped answer all the questions they had. Most of it was a reaffirmation of the POR. Of course that was our interview, it seems from what I have read on here that everyone seems to have a different experience. Our experience, journey, and end result was exactly what we planned for and expected, everything was very straightforward. Just don't be nervous and all will be well. If you've been approved for the interview then the majority of your problems are over. According to the NVC when I called them to check on our interview process, Roxana had already been deemed 100% eligible for the VISA and all paperwork was 100% approved we were just waiting for the interview date. The interview is a confirmation meeting as much as anything else to prove the the applicant is who they say they are and that the identifications are verified. It is also a chance for the consular officer to meet with you and determine that you are for real and that your relationship is for real. If all of that is completed then you have no worries. :) Hope this helps, Good Luck on Monday, if DHL tells you 3 to 5 days for your VISA to be delivered that's accurate, Roxana's was delivered to her yesterday morning. 5 Days from the interview.



  2. Hey everyone!! DHL was right!.......Roxana's VISA was delivered this morning!! That's 5 days from the interview!!!.............her interview was the 27th. She will be here with me Next Tuesday!!! THANK GOD!!! We'll keep you all posted on the other processes after we're married!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU STILL WAITING............IT'S WORTH THE WAIT!!

  3. hi compdoc -

    quick question about packet 4 - we thought there wasn't one for the buenos aires embassy? we sent packet 3 at the beginning of september, and we thought the next thing was to get the interview date. but i see on your timeline that you had a packet 4. are there more forms we need to fill or documentation we need to provide after packet 3 / before the interview? if so i'd like to gather it now so we're ready to go! thanks, and good luck with the interview!!!


    "Packet 4" is the notification of the interview date. It's the PDF with the instructions for the interview, which I believe there is a sample of that PDF somewhere on this site. Why it's called Packet 4 I dont know because the PDF just reminds you to bring the original documents that were given in Packet 3. Incidentally, their Consulate time line on here is fairly accurate on the average times. It stated that they were scheduling interviews within 71 days of the consulate receiving the package from the NVC....Our notice was e-mailed on the 71st day from when we figure they received the package. Good Luck with everything and I'll keep you posted.

  4. Hello Everybody! We got our interview date!!!! Roxana is going to her interview on Monday the 27th!! My question is they say 2-4 days to deliver the VISA once she has the interview and it's granted. I know there are a few people that had to wait 2 weeks but has anyone else that has gone through the Argentina consulate received theirs within 5 days from the interview??? We were hoping to buy her airline ticket for the following week midweek, but wanted to be sure about the time line. I know that the tourist visas from that office have been getting delivered quickly after interviews, less than 4 days actually, for a friend of hers recently. But was hoping for some information from anyone who has been through the K1 Interview there to give some input to their wait time. Thanks and I hope all of you still waiting hear news soon!!

  5. HELLO!

    I am gathering docs for the I-134 in advance and I am wondering if a letter from the bank officer is necessary. (I know silly question!) I have had the same employer for 7 years and make more than the requirement. I have no problem proving my salary and job tenure. The I-134 does not state tax returns, but I see that often here in the forums. Do I need to copy previous tax filings? If so, how many years?

    I changed banks in June....sine the bank officer letter needs to be for a year, do I need to go back to my previous bank and get a letter also?

    Thank so much for your input!


    I Just completed my I-134 in July. If they request the bank statement it's to verify your deposits to match your pay stubs. Give them what they request on the I-134 instructions for Supporting Evidence and you'll be fine. The best advice to give is to follow the instructions they give you Verbatim and to KISS it (K=keep I=it S=simple and S=stupid = KISS) do that and you'll be fine. I have read alot of conflicting advice on here where one person says do this and another says no do that, follow the instructions you're given by the officials handling the paperwork. In the end they are the decision makers.

  6. they received our package 3 on 7/12 then on 8/4 we got RFE email and then hand delivered package of RFE's on 8/18 and then we got an email that all papers are now correct on 8/20 and that they are just waiting for an opening for an interview date. Hope this helps.

    Thanks for responding, we're in the same scenario all papers are submitted and waiting on an interview date. Just wanted to know from someone that has gone that extra step how long it took to receive the interview date. It's frustrating because on the Packet instructions it clearly states:

    "Normal processing time to review your copies and contact you is approximately 7 business days since the moment we have received your envelope. You will be scheduled for a visa interview at the earliest possible date."

    it's been 9 days and they have not contacted us. That is what I was hoping to find out from someone, how long it took to be contacted and receive the interview date. I have family wanting to travel here for the wedding ceremony and friends asking so that they can plan something for us. So if anyone has gone to the next step and received their interview date or already had the interview, how long did it take from the final delivery of all RFE papers (and e-mail notification from the consulate thanking you) to the actual e-mail announcing your interview date??

  7. I met my fiance online in June of 2009. We have been talking nonstop everyday since then. I finally got the chance to travel to Peru to meet my fiance June of 2010 and spent ten wonderful days together. We are now ready to start our K-1 visa process. However, we are concerned that only meeting once in person and for only 10 days may be a problem and get denied. Do you think this is an issue? Thank you so much for your time.

    Congratulations to you both! Don't worry about the meeting once. My Fiancee' and I met online exactly one year ago next month, we talked for several months on line and over phone but knew we were in love almost from the very beginning. We met physically for the first time in February this year and spent 3 fantastic weeks together. As soon as she went back home I immediately filed the I-129 Petition. It was approved within 4 months (check our time line) and we're now awaiting the consulates notification for her interview date. Don't worry about the one meeting, if you have nothing in either of your backgrounds to interfere or cause conflict your process should go rather smoothly. Like the Tom Petty song says however, "The Waiting Is the hardest Part", especially when you're in love and want to be together. But it's worth it all to be with that person. You're lucky too on the replies you've received on here, they seem to be in short supply on here for certain topics. Good luck with everything and if you have any questions don't hesitate to post them.

    Best Regards

  8. We had a question. Can anyone else that has dealt with the Consulate in Buenos Aires tell us how long it took for them to send their notification for the scheduling of the interview once the consulate sent a notice thanking you for all of the paperwork being received?? We received the thank you for the papers on 8/06/2010 but haven't heard anything yet about the interview, we were hoping for some feedback, Thanks for the help.

  9. Okay people I need Input hopefully from some of you that have dealt with Consulate in Buenos Aires Argentina. We were stressed and nervous trying to get all of the paperwork submitted to them to schedule the interview and didn't realize that she submitted the originals without making copies of the originals that I sent her from the US as well as her police report etc.. Do you think if we contacted the Embassy they would let her come there and take the papers and make the necessary copies of the originals that they already possess and give them back to them so that she has all of the originals for the interview??? PLEASE SOMEONE RESPOND THAT HAS SOME THOUGHTS ON THIS IDEA ASAP as we are very worried right now about this. Thanks and hope to hear from some of you soon!!

  10. Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the Consulate in Buenos Aires and what I have been reading about docs given on day of interview. What documents are specifically required that my Fiance' must hand in on the day of her interview? We turned in documents already as far as the 1-134 and Letters from my Employer, bank letters...copies of phone bills pics for proof of relationship. On the day of her Interview what would be "required" documents she would have to turn in?? Any input here will be greatly appreciated as we are now waiting for them to call her with the interview date.

  11. Yeah this seems a little extreme. I even called another state where I had been married previously and the lady on the phone prepared the docs while I was on hold. Certified and signed with the Gold seal from the clerk of courts office. Then within an hour after she prepared them I had Fedex pick them up there and overnight them to me. I then fedex'd them to my fiance' and she had them in her hands in 2 days. So from phone call to Fiance' USA to Argentina 4 total days. Good Luck with everything.

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