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Status Updates posted by Prettysunshine

  1. Yesss. Today is exactly 5 months since NOA1. Finally, we can start calling and find out about the hold up.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Prettysunshine


      Thanks Utha. Any news about your application?

    3. Utha


      Nothing new. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Prettysunshine


      I hope this week will bring good news for us.

  2. Interview scheduled on Wednesday, March 23 at 8am.

  3. TGIF!!!!! I am so tired checking the USCIS website more than 3 times a day compulsively.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prettysunshine


      I didn't know the USCIS works on Saturday. That's good to know. Thanks.

    3. Utha


      Be patient, Mon. Tenang aja, ntar pasti statusnya berubah.

    4. Prettysunshine


      Thanks Utha. How are you and the baby doing? Are you back in Indonesia?

  4. Went to see the civil surgeon and needed to come back on Friday

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prettysunshine


      Hi Utha. Karena imunisasi aku nga lengkap jadinya harus ke civil surgeon. Kalo kamu dulu kirim form I-693?

    3. Utha


      Aku dulu sebelum file aos, minta copy hasil medikal ke Medikaloka. Mereka kirim lewat email, lalu aku attach form yg diminta buat aos. Aku juga waktu itu gak diimunisasi cacar kalo gak salah tapi gak dpt RFE. Nenooye, dia dapat RFE utk Varicella ini. Baguslah kalo kamu lengkapin dulu imunisasinya biar gak dapat rfe.

    4. Prettysunshine


      Ih nyebelin. Aku coba minta kirim lewat email katanya ngak boleh soalnya confidential. Utha inget nga waktu itu minta sama siapa? Aku minta kirim lagi by email soalnya aku juga nga diimunisasi cacar nih. Gimana kabar baby? Sehat?

  5. Praise the Lord. I got the Visa yeahhhh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rara & Chym
    3. warayakoh
    4. Prettysunshine


      Thank you all. I really appreciate your support. Good luck!

  6. Get ready for interview!

    1. Utha


      Wow ... gak bilang2 kalo dah diapprove. Congrats and Success, ya? Dont forget reviewnya, pls.

    2. Prettysunshine


      Iya dapet infonya tadi subuh he he. Makasih yah. Iya pasti aku bikin review buat bantu yang lain :)

    3. Mike & Allen
  7. No email from Embassy yet...sigh

    1. Utha


      Kamu udah reply Packet 3 email tapi belum dapet jadwal interview/Packet 4?

    2. Prettysunshine


      Yep. Kemarin udah reply Packet 3 tapi belum dapet balesan nih. Mungkin besok yah.

    3. Utha


      Iya, besok kali. Kalo gak ada besok, coba aja email mereka n tanyain langsung kenapa gak dapet2 jawaban. Aku gitu kalo gak dapet jawaban dlm 2 hari, aku kirim lagi tuh emailnya. Aku beberapa kali kirim email ke mereka nanya ini itu, soal ngisi form dsbnya.

  8. Paul & Sasha got approved. I am so happy I have tears on my eyes. VSC is finally moving again. There is hope!!

    1. Rara & Chym

      Rara & Chym

      Hi Prettysunshine. When they filed their petition? Hope they are Septemberfilers, same as ours. Thanks.

    2. Prettysunshine


      No. Paul & Sasha is July filler. VSC is still struggling with July petition. I think September will be approved in March. 6 months waiting is the new norm. Sigh...

  9. Got Packet 3 sooner than expected.

    1. Utha


      Congratulation. Success for the USEM level, ya.

    2. Prettysunshine


      Thanks. I will keep you posted on the interview.

  10. Hopeful!

    1. Zharren Young

      Zharren Young

      hey hahaha...im sorry i answered you in tagalog/filipino. anyway, i meant our touch was oct 21 but were on our 6month mark. im sure theyre workin on yours too ;)

    2. Prettysunshine


      Thanks. Yes, I am hopeful my turn will be soon if VSC continue to approve petitions like crazy he he

  11. Issued the ticket. POE on September 10, 2011.

    1. Utha


      Lama gak ada kbr. Wah, lebaran di Indo ya?. Enak dong. Aku puasa disini. Lama banget. Subuh jam 4, magrib jam 8.30. Bayangkan.

    2. Utha


      Lama gak ada kbr. Wah, lebaran di Indo ya?. Enak dong. Aku puasa disini. Lama banget. Subuh jam 4, magrib jam 8.30. Bayangkan.

  12. Getting ready for his arrival. I miss you berry much baby

    1. Utha


      Senangnya. Eh, btw, kamu dikasih amplop coklat pas habis interview atau waktu ngambil paspor yg udah dikasih visanya?

  13. Waiting for NOA 1

    1. Prettysunshine


      Finally we got the hard copy on August 23, 2010 only 5 days after submission. Super fast process.

  14. Done with biometrics

  15. Happy New Year Everyone!

  16. Counting the days for EAD. It won't be long now.

  17. Another week of hopeful waiting!

  18. Yes. A touch is the last update on USCIS website. Though its nothing to be excited about at least it feels good knowing someone is looking at our case. Good luck for the next steps!

  19. Can I get my EAD approval today? Please....pretty please?

  20. Praise the Lord. I just received email of my EAD/AP approval notice. I am so happy.

  21. I received my EAD/AP just now. A perfect gift for my birthday!

  22. Waiting for my GC.....

  23. I sent out the RFE today, waiting anxiously for good news.

  24. GC approved today. Thank you God.

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