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Posts posted by Cymoril

  1. hey there..this is a very good topic for me

    i do have a question tho

    i am in Canada visiting my fiance and his family..i go home to the states on August 3 and he is coming with me for at least 4 weeks...(we are planning on 5 weeks)

    i have seen a lot of mention about this getting married and filing a CR-1

    exactly how wouild i go about doing this?

    we are definitely sure we are ready to spend the rest of our lives together and we both know from the last time he visited me..being apart just a few short months was absolute torture

    is this the better way to go instead of going the K-1 visa route?

    what do we do...go married in Canada?..or in the states?

  2. i just want to congratulate all of you on the wonderful results you are getting!

    i am a newcomer to this site and have been finding A LOT of helpful info!

    here is my delimma:

    I am a divorced(since 1998) single mother of a disabled 10 year old girl..she is on SSI..

    while attending to her needs..i left my own health on the back burner and i have been on Disability supplimented by SSI..and my doctor wont release me for work...YET..i have been begging for more than a year now

    i am getting much healthier tho and its nothing life threatening at all

    My sweetheart is younger than me...he is Canadian..we have known eachother for a few years and became very serious early 2009

    he came to be with us January 2010 and stayed 3 weeks(was supposed to be only 2 weeks but an ice/snow storm stranded him longer)..he went home to Canada February

    I am now in Canada visiting with him and his family..have been here since June 14..my daughter and i go home August 3, my fiance has round trip tickets to come home with me for about 4 or 5 weeks then he goes back home to Canada

    we got officially engaged at Niagara Falls and are very happy together...just cant stand being apart

    anyways he has had the same job since about 2004..

    sorry foe the long story

    what i am confused about is the I-864

    my income is only about just over $1600 yearly with monthly income of about $1350 between me and my daughter...and my childhood best friend/roommate only has about $680 monthly(i believe hers is SSI due to a shunt in her head from a gunshot wound years ago)

    i dont make friends easily so i dont know alot of people that would have income 125% over poverty level...and i know my parents dont make that much..my brother is questionable but he does have a steady job driving an 18wheeler across country

    any input on this would be so greatly appreciated...

    you all seem so wonderful and helpful of eachother

    it seems everything will go smoothly except for this Affidavit of Support thing..

    also...how many co-sponsors can someone have?..is it possible to have several?

    just wondering

    please help!

  3. I am very new to this..

    let me begin by saying I have found a lot of information to be helpful..but i am still quite confused..

    I am an American and reside in the state of Arkansas..my fiancee is Canadian...he is from Chatham, Ontario...

    I am actually have been since about June 13..and we will be traveling back to Arkansas together via greyhound on approx. August 2 where he will be staying with me for the next 4 weeks at least..and visiting my family again..

    He has been to my home before..in January and February of this year..and stayed a total of 3 weeks

    we want to get married and stay in Arkansas where i live

    my question is...where do we begin??

    and what do we do?

    i dont think i have any records of our conversations from last year since my pc died...but we have been talking and texting via a site called IMVU..where we first became friends..and on msn ...as well as my cellphone records maybe...i am not sure how to get those really...

    and we also have facebook...i had to delete my old acct tho and make a new one since i have a very nosy ex husband who likes to make life very difficult

    if someone would please help me i would greatly appreciate it...i am getting tons of info but quite a bit of it contradicts eachother too

    thank you so very much in advance!

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