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Status Replies posted by eRica&Toney

  1. Spending my days with my man! Finally!! He got here n Tuesday the 7th thru JFK...went thru customs was asked to sit in a room (in there for 45mins) then the woman took his fingerprints, picture, asked for the envelope and asked when is he planning to marry and sent him on his way to me...:)

    1. eRica&Toney


      they will give him two forms fill both out to take thru customs

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Spending my days with my man! Finally!! He got here n Tuesday the 7th thru JFK...went thru customs was asked to sit in a room (in there for 45mins) then the woman took his fingerprints, picture, asked for the envelope and asked when is he planning to marry and sent him on his way to me...:)

    1. eRica&Toney


      Thanks...he said they kept the envelope and gave him his passport back. Tell him to make sure he fills out two forms on the plane before getting to customs, because Toney only got one, and were told to go fill out the other one and to get back in line.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. We got APPROVED!!! (will update later tonight) So HAPPY!

  4. We got APPROVED!!! (will update later tonight) So HAPPY!

  5. We got APPROVED!!! (will update later tonight) So HAPPY!

  6. Interview tomorrow...so nervous for him!

  7. We finally got everything we need for our interview. Just 10 more days! We are so anxious and ready.

  8. Interview next Thursday the 12th...wishing and praying he has a safe trip

  9. Got A Text Today and An Email say ing They Receive Our Petition and has forward it to the California Service Center , Pray all will be well.

  10. Finally APPROVED!! We are so excited!

  11. Finally APPROVED!! We are so excited!

    1. eRica&Toney


      Thanks and Good Luck! It feels like forever (waiting), but the feeling doesn't last always believe me when I say it!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. FH notified today that he is out of AP and needs to come to the embassy with his passport!

    1. eRica&Toney


      So excited for you both and glad you didn't have to wait so long for it!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Finally APPROVED!! We are so excited!

  14. Called the USCIS on Monday (which is my 5 month mark) and they told me to call back in 46 days to find out what's happening with our case :(

    1. eRica&Toney


      I wrote my Senator....after I was told by the NCSC to give them 25 days after requesting the Service Request...so still just waiting.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Called the USCIS on Monday (which is my 5 month mark) and they told me to call back in 46 days to find out what's happening with our case :(

    1. eRica&Toney


      Thanks I will do all the above....hope something happens soon!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. FH is in AP. But God is in control so I'm good :)

    1. eRica&Toney


      I am so upset how much control they have over us to say we can or cannot be together....Hang in there this mess will be over soon. You and yours will be together very soon! I am still praying for you!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Finally!!! We got our NOA2 today!

    1. eRica&Toney


      Congratulations! Things are moving along, hope ours is soon to come!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Made the appointments for FH's medical and interview today. Soooo nervous since I can't be there with him. I'm praying it's smooth and no AP. Declaring it right now!

  19. Had foot surgery today and Toney is so upset he couldn't be here with me :( Why do we have to go thru this wait period for so long? Still trying to hang in there and when my cut off date comes and no NOA2 received I might be going where my man is!

    1. eRica&Toney


      Thanks ladies...the foot is doing much better. Getting ready to move in my new place trying to get things started before Toney comes. I will be glad when we can get our NOA2 or something!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. 166 days and still no NOA2... How much longer???

    1. eRica&Toney


      I am still waiting also and its getting on both of our nerves! Glad to see you on or you back in the states?? I haven't been on here much, but I will. Take care of yourself!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. Sent Toney his binder to prepare for his interview soon (whenever that will be) and Christmas gifts since we can't spend it together :(

    1. eRica&Toney


      Thanks N&N...and we are praying this process hurry up!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. This becoming very very hard on both of us.....it's sad how long you have to wait to be with the one you love. Soon we might be changing our plans and decide on another options.

    1. eRica&Toney


      I hear you, but the wait seems to take forever! We have no choice but to wait and see how long it takes. Hope we hear something real soon.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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