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Island Pearl

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Posts posted by Island Pearl

  1. Hai all, My Initial AOS interview is upcoming on October 5th! I been in US a little over an year and we been married now only 4 months, and I never worked in USA as I dont have work permit and was a student, my parents send money for my living expenses before marriage and after marriage my wife was taking care of me and I received EAD only a month back. We don't have any joint tax returns, credit cards or any thing much to show.

    So the following document list would be enough to show our legitimacy of our marriage.

    - our past Apartment lease under both of our names (we were evicted just 2 days back because of our inability to pay past 3 month rent,lol)

    - Now we are temporarily staying in her brothers apartment, so a letter from her brother that he accommodates us for 2 months on emergency and his apt lease)

    - Comcast bills for past 3 months under both of our names

    - electricity bills for past 3 months under both of our names

    - marriage pics only 2 people attended the wedding, her brother and my friend, we are poor to make any celebration)

    - pics of us with her mom and brother

    - and other pics of us, just when we went out locally.

    and actually her mom is joint sponsoring me, for my green card!

    does it all sounds good or need more evidence, pls guide and advice me, would i be in need of any other things,

    Thank you in advance!

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