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Posts posted by jrmejia

  1. i think this person seeks attention...she/he might wanted to be the number 1 hot topic again...remember, the one who posted this,,,, is the same person who posted the wrong information about the DS-156 form whom his/her post became number1 hot topic last the other day...better ignore this person...i just reported his/her membership here, hope the vj admin will take an action on this useless member here....

    Your wish is granted. I am requesting this ID to be deleted permanently. Your guys are too obsessed hating or bashing me because of the things I post.

    I feel love for my enemies and those who attack me. (L)

  2. I am requesting this account to be deleted permanently. Thanks for those who helped me out while getting my fiancee's visa.

    You guys really have something against me so best thing for me to do is leave your forum.

    No hard feeling on my part. I love my enemies and those who attack me. (L)

    Admin- Delete this account forever.

  3. Dont feel bad.. thats what i thought it was just a mere typo/forgotten word ..just be careful next time especially on hot issues like this you know.. disasters etc. people make mistakes almost everyday.. now enjoy some starbucks sucks that i cant have anything but instant right now.. :)

    let us just all pray for the safety of everyone especially those who were affected by Falcon

    Thank you...!

  4. You guys are hitting to hard on me. Do you think some one will do such a thing? I was chatting with my friend in manila and I felt bad of what she was telling me. I wanted to say i hope the falcon is not doing any damage. You guys are amazing. How can some one wishes any any harm to others? #######!

    I am the one upset now you! I am sure some of you knew it was a typo. But you know? I let you believe whatever you think if you do not accept my apology. My good friends are from Manila, my financee is from the PI. Even if i did not have any friends in the PI, I would never ever wish any harm to others. Time for you to think whatever you like or want or accept my apology.

    Enufsaid about it.

  5. Can you be more EVIL?! Wishing Filipinos the worst after the typhoon? I am surprised you are not yet blocked on this website.. :crying:




    Please accept my apology....I really feel bad now. I really meant Not doing any damage..GUYS!! I would never wish any one something so bad.. God is my witness! I hope you accept my apology. It was a typo mistake.

  6. Before I sent my package to my fiancee, it was more or less the way you described your package. I cut down tremendously to about 1/4 of the the initial. By no mean I am suggesting you to do the same, I am just letting you know my experience.

    If sending that much makes you happy go ahead and send it, I doubt it will do any harm.

    :reading: Wonderland it is just a TV show.

  7. Funny how my threads are twisted. I asked a question about a caller and most posts are to bash me.

    Go figure!

    :reading: Wonderland is a tv show. K1 is a reality that sometimes the outcome hits us like a hammer with no mercy!

  8. wow.

    Hey JR - I thought you was Catholic - so now that you've confirmed it - I need to ask you...

    You've got lots of issues to overcome for your relationship with your fiance before she becomes your wife. Have you set up the appointment with your local Catholic Priest to have a 'pre-marital talk' ? If not, why not ?

    Please allow me not to entertain you with your question. I do not like to joke with anyone's religion. Thank you for your cooperation.

  9. JR, you seem to take the position that that the glass is half full on every post that has to do with fraud or cheating. I know you do not think sending nude photos are cheating. I know you do not think that telling another woman you love her is considered cheating but it really is the worst kind of cheating. Giving yourself to another person on an emotional level can be more harmful then the physical level.

    You can stand on a train track thinking that everything will be OK if you just think positive but it just leads to you getting run over by a train. If a man cheats on you once he will do it again. If a man hits you once he will do it again. There are times to wish for the best and work on your relationship. There are also times to be a Realist and know that what has happened is the truth and it is time to take care of you.

    I also disagree very much with the quote you have. For a person who says they think so positive it is a very negative statement. It can also be Very incorrect. If you want to know how incorrect it is I can give you proof.

    I thought life means: You have your beliefs and I have my beliefs is that correct? or you have your opinion and I have my opinion. My quotes are my quotes, I hope they are not bothering any one.

  10. If that's how you see the K1, then you should frankly be disqualified from being able to petition for it (I assume you are/will be the USC petitioner).

    Would you get engaged to a woman in the United States on a 50/50 whim? No, of course not. Then why do it to a foreign woman? Your attitude is part and parcel of that disgusting and abominable phenomenon we call the mail order bride. Except now lonely maladjusted weirdos go online and pick chicks out of a cybercatalog and then let some sleazy middleman/agency set up a rendevouz. You go there, like her tits, are enamored by the fact that she said you have a nice ####### and bam... you get engaged. Engage 50/50 K1.

    You don't even know what a fiance/fiancee is.

    :lol: you remind me of senator zell miller every time you say that!

    Read VJers careful tell me how many people post here crying stating it was not what they were expecting? Life has reality & fantasy. K1 is a real thing. It it is a 50/50 change..

    I am sure you have been reading those post! i am sure of it.

    I love my enemies and those who attack me. (L)

  11. If that's how you see the K1, then you should frankly be disqualified from being able to petition for it (I assume you are/will be the USC petitioner).

    Would you get engaged to a woman in the United States on a 50/50 whim? No, of course not. Then why do it to a foreign woman? Your attitude is part and parcel of that disgusting and abominable phenomenon we call the mail order bride. Except now lonely maladjusted weirdos go online and pick chicks out of a cybercatalog and then let some sleazy middleman/agency set up a rendevouz. You go there, like her tits, are enamored by the fact that she said you have a nice ####### and bam... you get engaged. Engage 50/50 K1.

    You don't even know what a fiance/fiancee is.

    Reality is better than fantasy. How many VJers do you see crying after their bring their love one with K1? get real please. What is your point?

    :lol: you remind me of senator zell miller every time you say that!

  12. Oh - another way to say/answer ?

    Are Moderators here biased ?

    Yes, they are - they must handle any violation of the Terms of Service, they are very biased against activities that are anti-TOS.

    You got a thread-ban - do you know why?

    In real life, a dime worths the same either side you give it to some one. Head up or Head down.

    If you read carefully, in 100% of the threads I have been banned from posting, it is because some posters start using very foul words against me. The funny thing is you guys do not see that. Follow the rule of the dime!

  13. Darnell,

    WARNING: Allow me to sound rude for a second.

    K1 visa is nothing more than 50/50 chance that things will work out. We should not be that shocked when something does not work.

    For those who are not lucky and things do not work out, they just need to learn to forgive and blame themselves for whatever went wrong. It will take you 1yr to understand my statement. I feel 100% you will still disagree with me.

    My eyes are as open as two beautiful roses blooming in mid summer.

    This is a good instance of the pot calling the kettle black...

    You act as you repeatedly accuse others of acting then you want to whine and cry about it.

    So "uneducated" (your own word not mine) that you don't understand the difference between being banned from a single thread and being banned from the whole site. Your grammar is that of a pre-school child yet you proudly boast of being in the US for over 30 years!

    Such a low life that you have to attack anyone who doesn't agree with you no matter how ridiculous or childish your statements are, sound like anyone you see in the mirror daily?

    Who was it that violated the TOS by posting (edited) PMs from another member who was actually trying to be supportive of them? I remember that thread, do you?

    Don't be shocked. I love my enemies and those who attack me. (L)

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