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Posts posted by nabilnicole

  1. I flew from Tampa to JFK on Delta , then JFK to Casa on Royal Air Morocco................only had to pay for the 2nd bag from Tampa to JFK. In March I went from Tampa to JFK on Jet Blue, then JFK to Casa on Royal Air Morocco......again, only had to pay for the 2nd bag from Tampa to JFK. I never had to pay RAM for any bags and you are allowed a "purse" and a carry on too.

  2. Excuse me sir or maam, I was just responding to what you said here in bold. I OBVIOUSLY know they can not guarantee a visa, but my point was, he DID say the same thing he said to this man, and it wasn't true. Not once did we think we were getting a visa based on what this guy said, we knew he was just flapping his gums. I was just making it clear that you shouldn't do something just because the consular officer suggests it. It means nothing. Just getting married will NOT void what happened at the k1 interview, and if you don't know the specifics of the denial, it is treading shark infested waters. OP, please make sure to contact your senators. Even if it may be fruitless, there is always a chance. Best of luck to you

    PS...we were denied because she didn't believe our marriage was based on love

    I am so sorry to hear about these denials today...........you all are in my prayers. We were denied K1 in Oct 2010. I still have not heard back from USCIS regarding the case. It did take 15 weeks to let from Casa to the states.....really?? We decided to get Married, I went to Morocco for 2 weeks and got married on March 1. 2011. Here we go again, CR1

    tany1157, wow! GOD bless you both.

  3. Hi everyone, I wanted to share info I received from the department of state today.

    Our K1 was denied on Oct 20. I was informed the case was returned via diplomatic pouch on 10-22. I have not been able to "track" the diplomatic pouch. When I call the number and ask for the where abouts the man there tells me there is no pouch with that number in the system. So today I call dept of state and "sara" there tells me that they do not have our case yet. She had the same diplomatic pouch number I have. I asked her why it cannot be tracked and according to her, it can take 8-12 weeks for the pouch to arrive. It has been 8 weeks for ours. She also told me that immigration WOULD NOT be reviewing our case. She said immigration is NO LONGER reviewing K1 files that are returned. WWWWHHHHHHAAAATTTTT!!!!!!???????So, no more NOID for K1? She said only reviewing marriage visas that are returned. Has any one else been given this info? Would love to hear what you all think.

  4. Hi to all......Just wondering if any good news out of Casa lately. After being denied on 10-20, we are just kinda in stand still. I have tried several times to get a hold of the counsolar chief and have never got through. I have the dip pouch number and when I last called on Monday, our pouch number is still not in the system. The guy there told me to get the invoice number. He also advised me that the pouch number should start with an O, X, or B...followed by numbers. So, I sent another email to the counsolate requesting this info, haven't heard anything back yet. Not sure where the case file is. UUUGGHHHHHH!! this is so frustrating. In the meantime, we are praying for a miracle!!!

  5. I understand that you're truly shocked that your fiance was denied.. You probably didn't know what you were up against when you petitioned to Casablanca. You should know that the staff at this consulate are not known for their kindness, understanding, or compassion. They deny fiance visas every day. They get emails like yours every day. They've been known to be petty, nasty, and prejudicial. Any time someone goes to interview at the consulate in Casablanca, they must work VERY hard to turn that prejudice around. I've often said that the biggest red flag anyone faces when interviewing in Morocco is the big red Moroccan flag itself.

    Your petition is returned. Emailing the consulate to get a reason will be fruitless. They will tell you they "cannot discuss the matter through email". If you call about it, they will tell you they cannot discuss it over the phone. If you want to know the reason for the denial, dealing with your congressional or senate representative is best. Your biggest concern now should be building an overall stronger case for a future petition, or preparing your rebuttal in the event that your petition is reviewed. You should read up about the method of the madness at the consulate in Casablanca, and when you return to Morocco, spend some SERIOUS time preparing your fiance for a future interview with the information you gather. There is great discussion of this consulate in the following thread: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/260587-the-hoping-not-to-be-denied-at-casablanca-thread/ . Read it through, you will read personal experiences and good advice. I created it for those of us dealing with this consulate specifically. You have a battle ahead of you. Stay strong, you are NOT alone.


    Our K1 was denied on 10-20 in Casa too............I did get specific reason for denial along with the diplomatic pouch number. So, it is possible to get a specific reason for denial from the counsolate via email. DONT GIVE UP get the specific reason for denial in writing and contact you local congress to help you.
  6. How did they know of his past relationship? Sorry, just curious.

    On the K1 application you have to answer yes or no to have you ever filed a visa application? He filed a visitor visa 3 yrs ago. When the CO asked him about the visitor visa, she said "who were you going to visit?" and my fiance told the truth.....he was going to see her. So that led her to other questions about her and their relationship.

    don't be sorry, happy to share!!!

  7. SORRY my computer went crazy LOL

    anyway, I got an email on Thursday with the specific reasons for denial. "denial due to your fiances pattern of establishing relationships with American women , his inability to describe his relationship with you, and his inability to provide basic details about your life." OK he did have a relationship with an American woman 3 yrs ago which obviously did not work out, they never filed a K1 or any visa together. And as for him not providing the info....he had appropriate pics, emails etc, and if the CO felt his answers were not sufficient, well then isn't that subjective? I may interview someone and feel they are full of ####### while another person may interview them and not have any issues. THIS JUST ISN'T RIGHT. I do have my congressman involved. I also emailed the atty who is filing the class action lawsuit. Also, I talked with Mark Ellis. I spoke with him before I knew the specific reasons for denial and at that time he suggested I marry in Morocco. As for the diplomatic pouch, the number they gave me is not in the system according to the guy that answers the phone. So is it in a pouch sitting in Casa? Who knows???!!!! On Monday I plan to call the chief CO and see where I can get. My heart tells me to get married there. Maybe that will satisfy the above reasons for denial....? but you never know with CASA. I do not know any of you personally but I feel so connected to you all from reading your journey. I have all of you in my prayers!!

  8. Almost forgot....as for DOS saying the case is still in review...the consolate can deny giving a visa, but they can't deny the actual petition without the Service Center (CSC or VSC) also denying it. So they send the case back with the 221(g) recommending that the service center revoke the original NOA2 approval. There r usually a few things that can happen with these cases: u can stop it & get it reopened at the consulate (VERY rare), the service center will review the case & send u a NOID so u can rebuttle the case (and they decide to deny or reaffirm), you can go get married (which will make the K1 useless, but the reason for the denial can still come back when u file for CR1), or they will just let the case expire (at while time u can refile the K1, or get married & file CR1...but the reason for the original denial will probably still be brought up). Hope that's not too confusing. This whole process is crazy.

    Monica :)


    thank you so much for all of the info....it is helpful. Can I ask why you choose to NOID instead of going there to marry? also, what happens if the NOID is denied

    thanks again, Nicole

  9. Does he have other family in the US?

    How long were your visits?

    Write out each question you were asked. The Moroccan Consulate doesn't write the reason on the denial sheet. You will have to try to figure it out based on the questions he was asked. Have him go through the entire interview and every single question one at a time.

    Just curious......was he the last interview for the day?

    He does not have any family in the US. My first visit was 6 days, the second visit was 11 days. I will have to get him to write out all of the questions...he is on his way home now.

    YES he was the last interview.......WHYYYYY??????

  10. Okay, here are my questions for you which will help us understand your situation better and thus, we will be able to help you better:

    a) What was the reason for the denial?

    b) Is this a vast age difference between you and your fiance?

    c) Did you have a ton of evidence pertaining to your relationship?

    Also, the tourist visa denial does not play any role in a decision for K-1.

    Please answer the above questions and we all can pitch in and help you!

    KnR aka slider100

    I am 38 he is 34............CO said she didnt think our relationship was real, yes he had a ton of evidence. pics, passport, baggabe claims, ticket stubs, emails, texts, yahoo chat, letters,cards. I am at a loss.

    IMO, if he applied for a visitor visa is no reason to be denied. The CO gave him a refusal sheet (221 g)?

    yes he got 221g--what does that mean?

    You need to call an immigration attorney. Marc Ellis specializes in denials, I would call him, he recently got my case reaffirmed after being denied. www.marcellislaw.com

    thank you

  11. ok....my fiance did get a 221g. What does that mean? the co told him she did not think our relationship was real, and that he was just looking for a way to get to USA. She asked him all the usualy questions......about me, my daughter, my work. etc....My fiance said he thought everything was going great. We met online Nov 2009, I have been to see him and his family 2 times. He brought pics of us, me with his family. He brought all of the cards and letters I have sent him. He brought emails, yahoo chats, text messages, airline tickets, baggage claims, copies of my passport......OMG what else do they want?? We even had an immigration service do all of our paperwork for us, costing over $600...............???????????????????

    Please help!!

  12. K1 was denied in Casablanca Morocco today. I have been to Morocco 2 times in the last 6 months. My fiance brought all the necessary evidence but was still denied. We are thinking he was denied today because he applied for a visitor visa about 2 years ago and was denied. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if anyone can guide us on what to do now......we feel helpless and don't know where to start!!!!

  13. PLEASE HELP...................We are in the same situation. We were told by the NVC that our package was sent to Casablanca on July 27th. I have not received any paperwork from the NVC nor has my fiance received any info. He called the consolate and they told him they have not received his papers. I also sent an email to them and got a generic response back that said they have not received our papers.......we are soooooo frustrated. Please help!! Who do we call? What is the DOS? When I called the NvC today they told me again it was mailed 7-27-10 and to just wait!!! Please any information you can give us will be greatly appreciated. thank you so much!

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