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Posts posted by ForeverWaiting2

  1. On March 25th the embassy received new documents from me and my husband. The ceac website status changed to March 25th. On April 2nd a visa officer called my husband to ask for an original birth certificate and the ceac status changed to April 2nd. I believe they were working on our case from March 25th until April 2nd yet our status did not change.

    I could be wrong I am just guessing.

    From what someone at DOS told me... CEAC updates change only when you or someone on your behalf inquires on your case... not them updating unfortunately... and yes they always tell me my husbands case is being worked on which i dont know is entirely true or not...

  2. Assalamu Alaikum.... I have been on and off here for a few years. My husband too is in administrative processing. He has been since July 2009 so carolyn I know how you feel.i have done everything i possibly can from hiring a lawyer to writing to my senator..... he recently had a second interview in january 2013 ans we have been back in AP. Not really sure what else to do but Inshallah I try to stay hopeful...If anyone has any suggestions for me or words of advice i would greatly appreciate it....Everyone here is in my duaa.... I know the frustration you are all feeling trust me... Its been almost five year sad.png

  3. well maybe you dont want to give out your yahoo, but congats on the new baby and im sorry your hubby was not there.

    i wanted to ask you thow, did your hubby ever have any trouble with the jews or anything? and were you there to sign you marrige contract? o was it a proxy? my sister in law got her visa after a month, and so did 2 other people on this fourm from the jeruslam embassy got there visa after 1 month, so idk whats going on.

    Hey hun, thank you so much. Sure ask any questions you want. i know how your feeling so anything i can answer is fine. I was there to do the marriage certificate. we did that july 2008, and i filed in sept. alhamdillah my husband doesnt have any problems with the jews but he does work security for the president. his job is legitimate so i dont know if that is one of the reasons they are delaying. its so frurating. i know people who started their papers after me to and have been here for a year already. i do have a yahoo but i will behonest i rarely sign on to it i wll send u my screen name tho and maybe we can set a time to chat. so i have a question for you now MQ, i remeber a while back you said u were hiring a lawyer to do something about this stupid AP. Was he able to help at all? like sometimes i think about hiring someonen but i get scared that he will only take my money and do nothing for me. anywayz, let me know about whats going on with u k.

  4. Hey everyone, its been a while since I have been on. Its so sad to see more people going through AP. Well, for everyone who I know and is still in AP like MQ I feel for you. I have been in AP for 16 months and honestly its frustrating me so much. I also contacted everyone I possibly could and honestly no one can help. I just had my first baby 2 weeks ago and unfortunately, my husband was not here. It seems like no one at the Jerusalem embassy cares. Well, if there is anyone who can figure out a solution to get out of this blackhole called AP, I'm all ears. Besides that, this site is great for support. Hang in there everyone, even though it sucks and is hard :(

  5. hey everyone its been a while, just checking in to see how my fellow APer's are. still nothing on my side and honestly im beginning to hate calling DOS and hearing no updates. you'd think after 13 months something would have happened but nope. congrats KevBev im glad someone is getting some good news. maybe it will open the door for the rest of us for the month of september. inshallah. well, on my side DOS said they would make an inquiry for me and that was 3 weeks ago and i still havent heard anything from them or anyone. im truthfully not sure anymore about what else i can do. im pregnant and due in 6 weeks, and my hubby isnt here. anything i can to get someone to care at the embassy side? well any feedback would be great. suggestions even better. would hiring a lawyer do anything...?

  6. i hired a lawer that spoke with the embassy and im so pissed off right now you have no idea. the embassy had misplaced my case and it has been bacicaly lost for all this time so this 4 months have been nothing. now there going to send it over for name checks. im so angry right now i swear it not fair.

    Hey MQ, wallahi i was wondering about you becasue i hadnt seen u around here lately. OMG when i read your post i wanted to cry no joke. Like how stupid are they? Now im really scared becasue we have the same embassy and im wondering if mine has been lost this whole time too. I know your angry becasue for months isnt easy, i mean i have been doing this for a year and to imagine it being lost, i cant imagine your frustration. please let me know what your lawyer tells you becasue if this is how the jerusalem embassy takes care of AP i want to take further action too. anywayz hun, good job and good luck.

    You know what I find strange in this whole process of AP.... My Husband called the Embassy on Monday, he was letting them know that he was out of town and wanted to see how they would contact him concerning the visa. They told him that they would call him or send him and email and they confirmed both of these with him... I woke up in the the witching hour one night and couldnt sleep... so I was like what the hell I will call the embassy... <cuz yall know I turned the crazy on a long time ago> This was on the 30th... the guy that I spoke to made me verify the case number 3 times... and then slowly told me that he was put on AP on the 27th of MAy <duh> and that his visa was issued on the 29th... boy you know I started crying...lol and I told this guy that I loved him.... lol he started laughing and then still giggling he said Congrats Welcome your Husband to AMerica for me :D So... my point is.. they didnt call him/nor did they email him... ####### right!! I guess we would of found out when they tried to deliever it.. I hate this process it totally sucks balls... I was talking to my Hubby the other night and was telling him that I wish when they send you the passport and visa with the sealed envelope that they also encluded and explanation letter... telling you why you were selected to go through this hell, what they have been doing for the last couple of months and to apologize for the wait.... is this my wishful thinking or what :D I guess they figure that it is none of my damned buisness.. I sure cant wait until some more of you are through with this process... until then I am here with you.. Maybe if a big enough prayer chain is maintained God will here us!!

    Melody, congrats girl..... yayyyyyyyy hes finally coming home to you.... im glad you're out of it. please just keep the rest of us in your prayers... congrats again!!!!

  7. I know it just so sucks. I really use to believe in my government ha...What happened to not guilty til proven. guess that only counts if ur not trying to immigrate. Im just so sad. I miss him so much but we are not giving up. Please pray for Alen and i we are just both so heart broken.

    Hey Bridget maybe they made a mistake. maybe the notice they sent was an error. I cant imagine why they would deny it after you waiting so long on AP. this is something you need to keep up with and stalk the embassy until you figure out what they are talking about. dont give up ok, we're all here for you.

  8. I wish you all the very best...I'm still waiting...my wife has been stuck in "AP" in ISLAMABAD..she had her interview on MAY 7th, 2010....

    thanks, well just be patient... AP is very aggrivating and has taken forever for some of us. considering she is a female i dont think you will be waiting that long.... thats from wat i hear... just hang in there and read other posts to see wat the average for females are. most important, just be patient...

  9. Well that sounds vvery good at least you know your file is on top of the pile :):):)

    Just a quick not regarding DOS and the information we get from them I called today just to see what they said Talked to Sara again I was told the last entry was on July 8 requesting.......police, medical, DS230 and 2 passport photos Okay that is well and good. The funny thing is the request on hard copy was mailed from DOS/Counsular services/Washington DC. My husband has an email confirming his interview date from the Embassy in Ukraine. This information is not noted at DOS My point is the Embassy has not updated the info in the computer so there might be good things happening with everyones case and nothing has been entered into the system. The last thing Sara said was once they receive the police, medical, DS230 and 2 photos the visa will be issued. how sweet of her to say that but the letters we have doesnt suggest anything like that we are only hoping.

    this sara person sounds nice, i always get the rudest people. i got a woman yesterday and she was sweet but i didnt catch her name. she told me that my case looks like it almost may be complete but she has no guarantees. im sure she was just trying to be nice. and i completely agree with scott thuy.... i got mr. marvelous the first time i called.... yea he wasnt helpful or nice.... he told me that he couldnt see updates either....lies upon lies. lol. anywayz.... thanks for the input about dos and the embassy's. its frustrating to know that they cant even keep everything updated the same. but ur almost there so stay hopeful and keep us informed on how everything goes.... :star:

  10. After 5 times of calling today... I got through around 3... only to be told "I am so sorry the system is down and I cant access your info" She said same happened from 11 -12 today... Hard to believe that a system so important would be 'down'...

    I called DOS today too. I called like at 9 in the morning and got through, i called twice actually bc i got someone unhelpful so i wanted to speak to someone else. the system must have shut down at about 10. thats still weird becasue as you said its such an imporant system. well, as far as i was told my case is still processing. the lady i spoke to was older i can tell and actually told me that they were waiting from outside agencies to get back to them so they can get back to the embassy. it was still disappointing but at least i kinda know what im waiting for, even though i have no idea how long it will still take. hows your case doing tho, i know u didnt get through today but were you told anything exciting last time you contacted them? im keeping my fingers crossed for you and whatznext.... so hopefully :thumbs:

  11. Hey guys, hows everyone doing..... wow im surprised to hear that im not the only one who felt like this about calling DOS this week. i couldnt get myself to call yesterday and today i intentionally found things to do so i dont call DOS. they always ruin my mood when i hear pending AP. like this week has been tough for me becasue we are almost in august and like all i hear is pending AP. like can anyone tell me why his case may be pending for so long.... i mean we're talking about 9 months- 1 yr (not sure when he was put in AP). i was looking at other posts to see people who have been in AP for a while, and alot of them had home visits and some were required to show proof of relationship but for me and my husband its like nothing but never-ending pending. they dont request anything or contact us. im trying to stay hopeful but im so sad and annoyed.... not to mention 3 months away from my due date and they dont care..... :help:

  12. OMG My heart goes out to you I am sure USCIS will reaffirm your case but all the wait it is heart wrenching. Your case is just what I am afraid of. We have our 2nd interview 8/18 and I don't feel very positive because I think they are grasping for anything to deny the visa. Why I don't know but it is hard to be happy when I read cases like yours. Good Luck I hope it moves fast at USCIS

    Don't worry Whatznext, be hopeful these people have to have a heart i mean im sure that after the interview the people doing the interviewing will be like wooooowww these people have waited long enough and hopefully give you guys the visa without objection. hang in there ok. :blush:

  13. also, i dont know if anyone else is having this problem but everytime i ask where his case is being processed they wont tell me anything anymore initially they would at least be like yea pending in washington, now its like nothing.... they wont even give me updates anymore...they only say yea it shows some activity..... its just annoying...thats all i can say... oh and the embassy wont reply to my fax..... not trying to whine...inshallah i'll be out of this soon.... im on the verge or cracking....

  14. Hey everyone..... well it looks like we may be getting some good news....not on my part but as i can see some of you all....i hope everyone else hears good news as well....im getting so tired of AP its almost august marking 13 months for me and my husband.... every time i call DOS I always attempt to assume theres good news but all i hear is oh still administrative processing. like the only difference im noticing these days is that everytime i call dos i get put on hold for 5 minutes by a specialist it makes me wonder what they are reading. if its good they're arent telling me. the lady today was like hopefully it'll be finishing soon. it made me wonder what she meant. than i asked her and shes like oh but there are no guarantees. what in the world does that mean. sighhhh...... is it almost done or not? thats all i wanna know....... :angry:

  15. Well it appears I am joining this group but at the NVC level. I posted a comment on the "Stuck in AP @ NVC" however, from what I can see I'm the only one currently in AP on that tread :( , so I thought I would come hang here and hope to get some company and pray I don't get AP at the embassy as well.

    I like to think that if I have AP early I won't have it at the embassy, but im not getting my hopes up.

    hey mandy, its unfortunate that ur stuck too.. hopefully your AP wont be long.... just as we tell each other keep your head up...

  16. Just over 20 weeks, almost five months :(

    well, hang in there i know AP makes our life miserable....soon, im hoping, it'll be over. i called DOS today again even tho i know i shouldnt have. got katie. she was probably more professional but still unhelpful. Just told me it was in administrative processing. i asked if she could see if it was being reviewed currently and shes like i dont know. even like the update all she said was early july about my congress contacting them..... :bonk: frustrating.

  17. Okay here goes I called DOS on Friday the 9th and spoke to Chris he told me your case is pending AP I tried to pick him and he would just say the case is in AP. I called on Wednesday the 14th and spoke to Katie she said on they are just waiting on an interview date its summer and they are busy with other visas I can tell she is looking at the first screen and I said You know its been 2 years and Im getting a little confused as to why its taking so long. She said mmmmmm wait a minute she apologizes and tells me she was on the wrong screen she says its in AP they are working on it and I said how long will this go on she said oh! oh! they sent a letter dated Thursday the 8th requesting a new medical, police report, DS230 and new photos Im in shock and I tell her thank you and hang up. So I tell m husband to schedule a medical we have the police report and to call the call center and see if they give him an interview date( Ukraine has a call center you buy time to talk to them $12 for 8 minutes) They ask for his case number and tell him his interview is August 18 So now I have still not heard from the Embassy and neither has my husband so Im not sure what he is suppose to do. Im just hoping that the call center would not give him a date unless it was cleared by the Embassy to do so. I called DOS today and spoke to Brian he told me the same thing I told him my husband didnt get a letter and he said they also sent me one so Im waiting for mail from Ukraine LOl in the past they have always sent emails why not now. At any rate it seems to be moving forward.

    OMG, that is sooooo great. From what i heard thats usually a good thing so im keeping my fingers crossed for you. this would be the best news any of us have heard on AP in a long time... plus you deserve it its been a while for you. keep us updated :D

  18. Nearly two months ago Chris told me that my case was no longer in Washington and that it was back at the embassy (figuratively speaking)....my husband and I were hopeful that the wait was almost over...two weeks went by and I called DOS, specifically asking wether the namechecks in DC were ongoing and she said yup, and I don't know why you were told that they had finished. I'm not the first he's hinted at good news to, only for us to still be 'pending'.

    No wayyyyy, well thanks for the input. i guess i shouldnt be expecting a congratualtions call anytime soon than. as far as i know whenevr i ask anyone at DOS about it being looked at in washington they now dont tell me, i dont know if they are trying to be discrete or what. i always get that "it doesnt leave the embassy comment" which i know. so him telling me no its at the embassy i was like thinking woo hoo maybe the checks are done. do you know if they even tell us if they are done or do they just kind of shrug that off too? i actually had a lady from DOS tell me i dont know why it matters to you if its at the embassy or washington i would only want to know about the visa, lol. yea they are not the friendliest or most helpful people in the world. I guess we can only wait and see unfortunately. how long have you been in AP?

  19. hey nothing new for me i called DOS today and got its still under AP. also i dont like chris eather lol i got him twice and i dont realy like em too much. but yes i have been told "Processing" before its same as AP. since one day they tell me Processing and the next day they say AP lol.

    Hey hun, yea i know they are not consistent with wat word they choose to use, its either, review, processing, or pending. the thing is with me im more confused than ever becasue this was the first time anyone told me that the embassy was processing it. about 3 weeks ago i was told it was in washington, than now all of a sudden its being done at the embassy. is there a possibility that it was in washington before and is now being looked at in the embassy. i figured theres 2 things that can be going on they are either completely clueless themselves, or watever was going on in washington finished and is now at the embassy. i really dont know. jeez. im driving myself nuts. lets say chris is right and its being looked at in the embassy, is that a good thing? anyone who has anything to say feel to respond.... even if its to tell me im nuts lol.

  20. Hey VJers, hows everyone hanging in there.... me not so great.... had one of those days today where u just really hate everything becasue of this stupid AP. I see we got a few new people added, I'm sorry you're here we hope your AP wont be too long but theres a lot of great pple on here who are suffering too and they make a great support system. I think if i ever get out of this, im always going to remeber everyone here. like im noticing now more than ever that is not just mena people or muslims its truly pple from all over the world. AP doesnt disrciminate, bad luck is what i call it.

    But to be on a positive side, and not get anyone down..... i guess we have to look at the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it will shine on all us soon lol. Anything new going on with u MQ and Melody? With me, i called dos today bc like i said i was having a crapola of a morning so im like ugh lemme just do it. I did, and got chris for the first time ever. Hes not really that nice, and i kinda felt stupid talking to him lol. like i would ask questions and he would answer them really uninterested. Anywayz so our convo kinda went like so im checking to see the status of my husbads visa, hes like well the embassy is processing it. Considering it was the first time ever i had heard that, im like wat do u mean processing it? well to see if hes going to get the visa issued to him or not. im like ok so they are processing in and its not just the general term AP. he got quiet bc im sure he was thinking i was nuts. Than i was like so its not in D.C. hes like no. so im like ummmmm ok. thanx. hahahaha i felt really lame. so u guys, wat do u think it means now that its at the embassy, according to him, at least. anywayz,,,,,,, it was the the first time i heard processing and not pnding, even tho both prolly mean the same. Hey scottthuy, if u read this wat do u think it might mean? or am i getting excited for nothing?

  21. Is anyone of your husbands name mohammed? and what towns are you guys from? If you dont mind my asking. just wanna get an idea of AP in or embassy.

    Hey MQ, my husband is from Jenin. Its a village an hour and half away from ramallah. Wheres your hubby from? Also, my husband's record is pretty clean too. Never been locked up, or in trouble with the jews either. The only thing I can think of is maybe becasue he travelled a lil before marrying me and maybe bc he works for the Prez of Palestine but otherwise, I am clueless. Also, his name isnt that common its Ayoub. Ugh, i guess they just wanna torture me.

    Welcome back Rami- Becky! I'm sorry to hear that you're still in AP, man 15 months thats ridiculous. Have they at least let you know why you're still in AP? For me im catching up to you to and i hear nothing at all except pending. Since you havent been here in a while, maybe you can fill us in on whats been going on in the 15 months. ;)

  22. I got similar letter earlier this year.. The senators and congressmen can only do an inquiry (ask questions).. they cant make anyone do anything as that is illegal... in some cases just having someone ask about the case is enough for the CO or whomever has the file, to say OMG get this thing off of my desk... not likely when a case is in AP...

    I was tight with my congressional liason.. but after months of him getting the same copy paste BS response from the consulate.. he is tired of seeing me and done sending inquiries on our behalf for a while..

    There isnt anything anyone can do if a case is undergoing DC namechecks.... if the case is going through consular checks that is a little different at times and can be affected by the USC showing up at the consulate asking questions... but not always the case since I did fly around the world only to be told "the CO does not have time to talk with you"

    I definitely agree with you that it cant make them do anything illegal for me but in all honesty im just looking for answers like I know that my case is in AP thats not what I wanted to know, I wanted to know why. Why is it currently in AP after so long. So Scott my question for you is do you know if there is a time length a case can stay in DC namechecks. I mean my case has been in this AP for like 9-12 months really not sure but both are still long periods of time. Whenever I inquire myself its always "pending AP". Does the pending part mean anything? Sorry im kinda picking your brain, it sounds like you're getting familiar with the unforunate process so u may have a logical answer.

  23. So I emailed the embassy tonight... this is only the second time that I have emailed them... I am so nervous though... I know that we are just a bunch of ppl on here... and everyone has there opinion... but what does everyone think about contacting the embassy... do you think that they would deny a visa because you called them too much? This is what someone else had told in a post about AP... I really dont see how they would deny you because you called them.. I would think that the opisite would be true and that if you didnt call them and you didnt want to rock the boat then they would think why isnt this person like desperate to be with there spouse.... uuugh or are they like why is this person calling all the time they must be desperate to get to America.... #######... it could go in either direction really... I think I have started talking to myself

    Hey Melody if you havent contacted the embassy it may work in your favor to contact them or it may not. Like the thing is it truly depends on your guys embassy. I know that my embassy will just send us back a generic response, but maybe urs is better. Plus if it calms ur nerves go ahead. The worse that can happen is they tell u the same as DOS, case still in AP.

    Also, yea I am preggo, 6 months to be precise. I'm due October 26. It's our first child which is why this AP is absolutely killing me. Like I cant imagine having the baby and him not being here. It's kinda not fair. The worse part is like the embassy doesnt care. I feel as if my husband and I have served our AP alredy I mean its been a year, what else do they want to look at it I dont get it. I totally understand your despair, you just want your husband home and I'm on that same boat. Now after getting the letter from my senator I'm just kinda disappointed bc like it shows absolutely nothing positive happeneing anytime soon. I hope your case goes way quicked than mine has been.

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