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Posts posted by JeffreyVee

  1. My fiancee has been approved and will be flying to Boston on March 15th. Does anyone know of a reputable low cost option for shipping personal effects? My fiancee probably has two pallets worth of stuff she would like to send here but sending via air will cost several thousands of dollars. Boat would be great but it's last minute now and I have no leads so any help is appreciated! I would be interested to know what some here have done in this circumstance.


  2. I'm hoping someone can assist me. We just received our NOA2 today and I'm completing the I-134. Here's my circumstance- I make a pretty decent annual income ($80k-$100k)but I don't have a ton of assets- I have a 401k with $20k in it and I have cash in a bank account of another $20k as well as personal property of another $20k. Here's what I need help on:

    I live in a two family apartment and my mom lives downstairs and owns the house and I live upstairs. Along with working full time I am also her main caregiver. Some years ago I assumed a mortgage on the property with my mom cosigning. The purpose was to buy some adjoining land and also paid off some credit card debt etc. So long story short- I have a $160k mortgage where I am the borrower and my mom the coborrower but the asset (the house) is in my mom's name only.

    I know I am all set on the income side but I just want reassurance and guidance on how to disclose the mortgage issue without the offsetting asset.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  3. I am hopefully just a few days from getting NOA2 but am confused about the next step. When I was preparing the original I129F package I made two complete photocopies after I was done compiling. This included copies of signatures also. I have extra photos that I am using instead of copies of photos but from what I am reading my docs need original signatures? Everything except the photos are copies. Do I need to redo?

  4. I am in the process of compiling my I129F forms to submit hopefully tomorrow. I have one question I hope someone could answer. My fiancee has sent me 2 passport photos of her and I had 2 made of me. One of each goes with the package I am submitting but I was wondering what do I do with the other one I have of her and of me? Do I include in the copy I send to her once I129F is accepted? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

    Khun Jeff

  5. I'm not concerned with requirements. My fiancee in Thailand knows about my 1st trip prior to our meeting and she expressed concern that it might cause an issue when they see from my passport that I traveled to Thailand a few months before we ever communicated. She suggested I say it was just a vacation but I would rather answer truthfully that I came to visit someone and it did not work out.

  6. I visited Thailand for the first time last December and it didn't work out between the woman i went to visit and myself. I met someone in February and went back to Thailand to visit her in June. We are now compiling documents/information to apply for a K1 Visa. Can anyone tell me will my prior trip in December be a problem? How should I disclose it?

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