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Posts posted by siska

  1. Yelling havent been "few times", these are times which Im bringing out. There are alot more.

    He was at night time job and I was talking with my family at daytime, so he was at home at it was good time to my family. I always translated what we were talking. And when they talked, then I translated. But after some time it got annoying to him.

    I think every person has right to watch from TV whatever they want when they have free time. And I spent nicely time with my spouse. I didnt chose TV over him.

    Before we got married he didnt blow up his anger on me. This have changed now.

    marginal VAWA at best. grounds for divovce? up to you.

    being yelled at a few times is not spousal abuse. being asked to provide some document about a car that was bought as marital property is no big deal. he can prolly get a benefit by proving the expense. female TV shows are really negative in their influence on married women, in general. texting used-to-be's is wrong for either of you. don't get me started on the gun stuff. as for skyping with family every night in front of the husband, avoid it. do it in the daytime when he's working. if it has to be done while he is around there should be a limit, especially if the skyping is done in a language the husband does not speak. continuing relationships in front of him that he is left out of is disrespectful.

    you knew who he was when you married him, or should have. too many internet marriages on this site based on no real knowledge of the other person. what did you expect?

  2. Hello again!

    I explain my situation- Im wife of US citizen. I came here November 2009, we got married at February 2010. When we were dating he was genuine gentleman, respectful, polite and funny guy. I was so much in love with him and I still are, but its obvious I cant live with him anymore.

    After 1 month being married things went down the road. He got notice that he has to go to his second military mission for a year, to the war.

    He has abusive childhood and I was aware of it, his father beated up him and other 3 kids when they were young. His father beated up his mom when she was waiting first child, last kid was rape baby. He was coming from home where yelling and beating was everyday case. When we dated he told me he never want to have to his life and family. And I truly believed him. Who wants that right?! But it havent went so. It comes out he has short temper and angry issues.

    * He has yelled to me at Walmart, because I started to go to pay for things, over the shop "Where the hell are You going?", similiar case happened at Dollar Tree. Embarassing.

    * We went to Sprint mobile shop to buy me a mobile (I paid) he told to 2 selling ladies "My wife knows very well when she is not good to be Im buying her nothing".

    * At the moment he is at 2 month military training. Im at home. They are treating him bad there and he thinks its okay to put his anger to me- One day he needed car insurance papers. He has his own truck and car is bought to me. And I know that he has his truck papers, so I was asking him why he needs car documents by text. He called me back, yelling that its not my business because he provided me a car. And I have no right to question him things. I explained that we are married and I think I have right to ask. He said when he needs something then I have to do it and not ask nothing.

    * I have tried to support him when he is at training. Being positive and supportive when we talk. One day I send him text "I love You", just so. He answered back- "Dont be clingy"

    * I came to USA, of course I missed my family and friends. I was talking with them at Skype. He said I spend too much time there. I dont think that half or an hour is too much. At the end I even didnt speak to my family, because he would say smthg nasty to me. He have told that when I want to use his laptop (we have 2 of them) I have to pay him 50 bucks per hour.

    * One time period I havent had right to watch TV, these female shows...Ray J and Housewives etc, because "I get there bad vocabulary"

    * My wedding ring was too big and his too small. We needed them to resize. I called goldsmith and get to know it will cost 60-70 bucks. We had this money. But he went to shop and bought one of his gun part (his hobby is guns and he has many of them at home). Even though he knew how important it is to me that I could wear wedding ring. He chose his hobby over our marriage like.

    * I have no right to speak with my exes and its fine with me. But heres double morale. He speaks with his ex fu*kbuddy through texts and facebook. When I told him that that I dont like it, then it wasnt my business to whom he speaks.

    There are so many cases...And long time I have been thinking why he is yelling and abusive is because I DESERVE IT. Thanks God I have friends and family who have put sense back to my head.

    His family is supportive to me, they say its not right what my husband does. His sisters, brother, mom and dad. Brother, sisters and mom say that he have got whole this bad behaviour from his dad. They say one time I just got tired of whole his bad treating. And You know what Im tired now. I cant imagine living with that person 50-60 years and giving kids to him.

    I love him, I still do. But I think I just cant live with thatkind person anymore.

    Saying I came to USA for GC is ********. I came here for love and to start family with that person. I left my very good career there, my friends and family. I paid my part of K1 costs and plane tickets to get here. I have been paid for whole my trips to see him. I really feel tricked.

  3. Hei!

    My marriage is over. I got GC last week and I also applied for Social Security card, it must come in 2 weeks. Im going to wait to receive it and then Im flying back to my homecountry. My question is- I have right to be in USA for 2 years right? To live and work? Nobody and nothing can revoke my status? Im thinking to get rest of my abusing marriage and then come back here. Because there is no work at my home...Please advise me.

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