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Status Updates posted by chevalnoir

  1. That is terrific! We're doing well here. Graham has been busy overhauling our house. Things are looking good! I didn't know he was a terrific carpenter too. LOL!

  2. That is terrific! We're doing well here. Graham has been busy overhauling our house first. Things are looking good! I didn't know he was a terrific carpenter too. LOL!

  3. Hellooooo! How are you two doing? We're doing well over here. Fill me in, when you get a chance!

  4. Having a honeymoon to remember...just came home from the hospital yesterday after having major surgery. The hubby has been wonderful! I feel so lucky to have him here!

    1. Larysa


      :( not good. Surgery for? and where did you go on your honeymoon? Hope it was great
    2. chevalnoir


      Hi Larysa! I'm back, after having major surgery. Had a four level cervical fusion. Not back to work yet, but hopefully I will be in the next few weeks.

      We didn't go anywhere for a honeymoon. It was exciting enough just to GET him here. We had a few trips planned for May and June, but the one for May is out, and we'll see about the one in June. Surgery messes up everything!

      How's Simon's new job? Are you adjusted to married life?

  5. Finally....VERY MARRIED!! Time for more paperwork...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. firstlove2


      Well after all the grueling paperwork from before, it should all be a snap!

    3. Going Green

      Going Green

      Congrats!!! Sorry so late, haven't been on much, now its time for AOS!

    4. Larysa


      congrats! good luck with the AOS...it isn't too hard :D

  6. Gettin' married tomorrow!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. firstlove2


      So happy to see you started your new year off right...in his arms!

    3. chevalnoir


      Dan, sounds like you had a good time. I didn't know you were doing another wedding in England. You guys are FUN!! :)

    4. chevalnoir


      Thanks Annette!

  7. Wedding countdown....5 days to go! :)

  8. Sad day. Fiance's flight from London was cancelled due to bad weather on Friday, and now they just announced that it would also be cancelled Saturday. Chaos at Heathrow. Too far away to go back home, and there is no more home now, since he's immigrating here. They were telling people to leave the airport too. I'm not happy. British Airways needs to get it together.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chevalnoir


      He's here!!! :D:D:D We got in a few hours ago. Such a relief! Now for the wedding countdown..

    3. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Awesome!! So happy for you. Enjoy your ever so hapy holiday period! So glad he made it.

    4. chevalnoir


      Thank you! We've been getting settled the past few days. He is nearly recuperated from his airport fiasco. Poor guy was wiped out! Christmas was really nice. Now we're on to the wedding...... :)

  9. I can finally say "NEXT WEEK" he'll arrive!

    1. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Yay!! Treasure the first few days of being here together. Not that it gets boring, etc, it's just that those first few moments are awesome!! Are you meeting him at Seatac?

    2. chevalnoir


      Yes, at Seatac. After 8 months, I'm so amazed that it's finally here! I hope he still likes me. ;)

    3. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      As I said, those first few hours, day and weeks are amazing! You'll feel awesome (in the true sense of the word)! He will love the PNW, I'm sure.

  10. Three more weeks and he'll FINALLY be here. It's been 8 months since we've seen each other. Seems unreal! :)

    1. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Yay! So happy for you! Just in time for Christmas, too!

    2. chevalnoir


      Thanks! :D I'm happy for you too! It's hard to believe that it's all REALLY happening now. It was exciting today just to be "in December".

      It's really amazing how many people are going through this process, isn't it?

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! :D

  12. His Visa finally arrived today! Such a relief! Now he's got loads of paperwork to do on his end for taxes, future pension, etc. Soon, it will all be a thing of the past. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      I couldn't stop looking at the Visa after i got it. Guarded it with my life afterwards, too! Tell your man to scan it and keep a copy somewhere. When is he due in WA?

    3. chevalnoir


      Thanks, and yes, it feels terrific!!

      He's due here in about four weeks. I can hardly believe it. It's like we're on a "real" countdown now.

      I don't think he has even opened up the envelope they delivered. I'll tell him to scan it - hope he'll listen to me. :) He's guarding the whole envelope with his life. :D

    4. firstlove2


      so happy for you...you will have him home soon....

  13. APPROVED!!! :D 9AM appointment, and he called me at about 9:15. That was FAST!! WOOHOO!! And I'm supposed to sleep now???

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      I'll ask Katie when she gets home to see what she did when she filed. Technically, though, he hasn;t earned any of that money as your spouse. Will get back to ya.

    3. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Katie says that she gave her UK pay stubs to her US tax estimator. She thinks she could have got aay without doing so, but thought it best to do it above board!

    4. chevalnoir


      Thanks Dan. :) Oh, the joy of taxes... :P

  14. Tomorrow morning is our interview. I'll be there in spirit. FINALLY!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Fantastic!! All will be cool!! Next time we're in your neck of the woods, we'll have to all meet up for an anglo-american double date. Looking forward to checking your status in the morning, finger crossed!

    3. chevalnoir


      We're approved! YESSSS!!!

      I like that idea. Dinner, drinks, etc. Sounds great!

      Larysa and Simon just got approved too, and she lives just over an hour away from me. That would be a fun meet up too.

      I love VJ! This has been so helpful, and fun.

    4. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Awesome! Love it. I know exactly how you must feel right now. No more waiting, waiting apart anyway!

  15. Interview finally scheduled for November 1st!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. chevalnoir


      Wooooooot! It's getting so close...interview next Monday. :D

    3. firstlove2


      I will be thinking and praying for you everyday but especially on Monday....God keeps His word to us

    4. Jadenjewel


      So just a few days away i hope you have everything you need and I'm sure you'll sail through this and be with your loved one soon!

  16. I'm behind with you all! So glad to see that most of you have made great progress! We are just waiting for the interview date. I wish they would hurry. :)

    1. Kikay K

      Kikay K

      We're on a similar boat! :-) I'll only get my interview date after I get my medical clearance 2 weeks from now :-) Waiting time is getting shorter for both of us! Yey!

    2. Aly and Randy

      Aly and Randy

      Good luck getting your interview date very soon!

    3. firstlove2


      Have you heard anything yet?...Will hear something soon....can also call the DOS and if interview is set...they will know...

  17. Can anyone answer this for me? Form DS-156K asks for you to attach Birth Cert., Evidence of support, evidence of engagement, etc. Should those be copies, or originals? We can't find the answer anywhere. It seems like the originals should be carried to the interview?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ukprincessemx


      you are very welcome...dont come and hunt me down though if Im wrong lmao. No really we havent ever sent originals chick. To risky I guess. May get lost then your stuck trying to get copies again. Good luck guys xxx

    3. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury


      Your fiance needs to take the originals need to be taken to the embassy for the interview. They also want a copy of each for their records. They will only accept originals! The officer ho handled my documents at my interview actually questined the authenticity of my UK birth certificate and had to check with her people fo clarity. Make sure police certs. are originals, too. You might find some info here: http://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=United Kin...

    4. chevalnoir


      Thanks bunches! He sent copies, and will take a set of copies, and the originals file. I bet your birth certificate is like his. Very different from the U.S., and is handwritten in fountain pen type ink. I questioned him when he first sent it to me. :) Poor guy. I believe all our other papers are originals. I sure hope he's got it all so we don't get delayed again. Hoping for a quick interview date.

  18. Thanks for the tip about arriving early for the interview. I have passed it along to Graham. I believe that if they would allow it, he'd check in the night before! ;)

  19. Waiting for medical results. They told him that if he hadn't heard from them by Wednesday the 15th, he passed the medical. He won't return the packet 3 before then. Says he wants it all to be exactly by the book, so he will never have a problem. I think it's called "being an Engineer". :P Thanks for all your support, guys. Sorry I've been slow..super busy here!

    1. Larysa


      congrats on the progress. keep us posted, hope it goes by fast now!

    2. ukprincessemx


      good luck, I hope everything goes smoothly. Thanks for the interest in the wedding. We simply can not wait!


  20. Packet 3 received today, medical scheduled for September 9th. Progress!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KAandDH


      Congrats!! Doesn't progress feel great after all that waiting? :-)

    3. firstlove2


      have you sent packet 3 in yet? Medical is today...Yipee!!! one more step closer....

    4. chevalnoir


      I can't believe that I couldn't talk him into sending the packet 3 ahead of the medical clearance. He just doesn't want any worries about it I guess. Sigh. I was all for getting that interview scheduled, because it looks like the wait for that is long. Am I correct in thinking that? Like nearly 4 weeks?

  21. Medical scheduled for September 9! Progress!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury


      Going green was able to send in their Packet 3 before receiving their letter, so there must be a list or download of what is needed. http://london.usembassy.gov/iv_15.html

      Send it in and request your interview after September 9th (Medical day) Don;t wait for the letter if they have your case.

      P.s. I'll be sure to wave as I drive down the I-5 next time.

    3. Jadenjewel


      Have a good week!

    4. chevalnoir


      Thanks everyone, for your tips! We're just hanging in here, waiting for the medical date.

  22. Just to be sure...for a K1 fiance petition, which affidavit of support should I be filling out? I-134? I just don't want any mistakes.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. chevalnoir


      Hey! Small world! I love it over here. It's got to be one of the most beautiful spots on earth. (not that I've seen them all) It's hard to run out of things to see on the peninsula. Funny that we are going through immigration on almost the same timeline too!

    3. ukprincessemx


      yup it is the 134...we did the other one but they let us fill out the correct one there and then....good luck

    4. chevalnoir


      Thanks for your help!

  23. Called and got the case number from NVC. The lady I spoke to there was really very nice. She said it had been forwarded to the embassy on the 12th. I gave him the info, but I don't think he's scheduled it yet. So, I guess the next thing will be that he'll get mail from the embassy, telling him to call? Is that how it works? Packet 3 comes before, or after the medical?

  24. Just got home from work to find that I received NOA2 in the mail today! It was approved on 8/5, but I didn't receive an email or text message. THANK GOD!! I am soooo excited right now!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dan and Drury

      Dan and Drury

      Congrats!! Give NVC a call to get your new case number, so the medical can be booked: You may call NVC after more than 7 days post-NOA2 date. Their number is 603-334-0700. You can only talk to an operator 7:30am to 12 midnight EST Mon-Fri. They'll ask for your USCIS receipt number (WAC*), and both your names and birth dates. They'll give you the case number and the date they sent it out to the embassy.

    3. chevalnoir


      Thank you! Yes, such a relief. I will call tomorrow morning to see if I am able to get a case number yet. I am so ready! :)

    4. ukprincessemx


      so pleased that it arrived...wooo hoooo. Onto the next part of the jorney right? Good luck.

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