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  • Interests
    God, each other, our children (hers and mine), music, etc.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Our story...ok, here we go. I had been out of the relationship mode for a few years and was devoted to simply raising my daughter and focusing on my relationship with God. As I was starting to get a little lonely in terms of a female companion, I decided to do the online thing. I have never been very forward with woman and the Internet gave a certain level courage to me. I was on a site (POF) that I found was simply not for me, or should I say, not for my morals. So I did some digging and found a site called christiandatingforfree.com. This sounded a little more promising. Well, one day I received an email from this gorgeous woman (sorry sweetie, but this is my story and I will call you gorgeous ;-P) from Bolivia. This happened in December 2008. Well we continued to email each other and noticed that our feelings for one another were growing very fast. How is this? How in the heck would we even do this? But our attraction and feelings toward one another were undeniable. We discussed certain possibilities, like me moving to Bolivia for a few years. This was not possible since I have custody of my daughter and Arizona won't even let me move to Minnesota. So things faded for a short time. We believe that God had some work to do in both of us before we could come together. One day I decided to email Aley to tell her that I had gotten baptized after seven years of walking. She was very excited and happy to hear this and as I look back, this opened the door for our dialogue to continue. We found ourselves spending a ridiculously large amount of time on Skype (2 to 3 times a week for 3-6 hours at a time). What is going on here, I have never been able to talk to one person for that long. Come to think of it, I don't know anyone who can. LOL. So one day in August, I was on Facebook and felt the uncontrollable urge to have Aley be my girlfriend and to see where this whole thing could go. So I updated my relationship status on FB and planned on asking her later that evening before she noticed. I was to late, haha. Let's fast forward...I went to Bolivia at the end of February for a two week stay. I told Aley not to plan anything out of the normal as I wanted to experience "life" with her and her children. All I can say is..."INCREDIBLE!!!" Who would have ever thought you could find this level of love in such a foreign place. I was worried that I could never love again and what I found out was that I never even KNEW what true love was. The two weeks spent together were absolutely amazing, her children, her sister, her mother, her friends at church, etc. Just amazing. So here we are. Aley attempted to get a visitor visa in order to see what Arizona and the US was like and for us to spend a good 3-4 weeks together. However, God apparently had other plans as she was denied this visa. So we have been researching which visa is the better way to go, K1 or the K3. Do we do this on our own, or hire an agency, or contract an attorney? We are both very analytical, so there has been a lot of discussions and research. That is when I found this site. I feel very blessed to see all the others going through or been through the same journey. God bless you all!!!

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  1. I am trying to update my info on the profile but I'm getting an error. I will have to try later on my home computer.

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