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Posts posted by Angela.

  1. I am leaving it up to him, I have no strong opinion on it, but he thinks the pros outweigh the cons, so I think he will be doing it in the future. He just wanted to be sure he'd still be considered Canadian in some way.

  2. Thanks everyone!

    I just reread the adoption thing, it says some states only allow two us citizens to adopt, I guess I will have to look up my state.

    and I know he will have to pay taxes anways, but on everthing I have read that seemed to be the biggest con to the writers, it doesn't really effect us.

  3. Hey everyone!

    My husband was just approved for his ten year green card! I just brought up the suggestion of him becoming a citizen. I don't think he has ever really considered it because people tell him he won't be Canadian anymore (of course these people have 0 knowlegde of Immigration) I tell him Canada would still see him as Canadian. I have been having him read stuff and he finally believes me! He seems pretty interested in it now, so far one of the biggest cons is having to pay taxes in the US even if you move to a different country, but that isn't an issue for us. I had no opinion either way, but then I read we wouldn't be able to adopt, not that we currently plan to, but who know what will happen in the future.

    He asked me how would health care work in Canada...if he was visiting Canada and had to go to the hospital, would his health card still work??

  4. I filed in April and just heard back from VSC officer...finally level 3 because my case was so delayed. My case has been moved to the local office and they will determine whether or not an interview is needed. wish me luck. Hoping to skip the whole interview process. Anyone been cleared from the local office without interview?

    Good luck!

    After our interview I submitted a case inquiry because I have never been able to check my status of I-175 and I just received this email.....

    The status of this service request is:

    Thank you for your inquiry. Your Form I-751 was approved on 12/09/2014. The California Service Center has ordered the production of your Permanent Resident Card. The card is currently in production. Please allow up to 30 days for the delivery of your card.

    Soooo, I guess we were approved???

  5. Thanks for posting this interview review.

    Question for you… Did the officer have all the evidence you sent in with your ROC? Or did you need to re-print everything to bring to the interview?

    Hoping the best for your results!

    She had everything we have ever sent since we first started our K1 in 2010.

    I printed out everthing we sent in before. Technically she only asked for our 2012 taxes (I sent those in, not sure why she needed another copy) and she asked for pictures. As she was asking if we had health insurance, etc I just handed her the papers I brought, but she didn't directy ask for them.

  6. It seems like a pretty standard interview, not a stokes type. Thank you for the update! Hoping you get some good news soon :)

    I think I would rather have a stokes interview than to be asked for more information/pictures that I don't have! :o

    The few interview reviews that I have read on here, most of the officers tell them if they are approved after the interview...hopefully every officer does things differently.

  7. We had our interview today.

    Our appointment was for 10:15, we got there around 9:50ish and got called in within 5 minutes. The interview lasted about 20 minutes. The person just went through our papers we have sent asking if we had the same address, worked at the same place, etc... just making sure it was up to date. These are the questions she asked

    How did you meet?

    Do you have any kids?

    Is this your first marriage?
    Is this the only place you worked at since you've been married? -to me
    Asked me how my parents felt about me marrying someone from another country
    Asked us when our days off from work are, what times do we work

    Asked what we do together
    Asked about sharing bank accounts, credit cards, etc..
    Asked about health insurance

    Asked why he chose to leave Canada instead of me leaving the US

    Can't really remember all of the quesions, but it was simpe things like that. Basically just asking for what we already filled out when we applied. We had everything she asked for, only problem is she asked twice for pictures with my family and we didn't have any new ones to give. We aren't really picture people. She said she will make her decision about whether or not we will need to give more information or if we are approved. She said we will know by mail and they don't do it online anymore. She did ask for his two passport photos "just in case" as we were about to leave, so hopefully that is a good sign...I really hope us not having anymore pictures wont be the only reason we get an RFE, other than that the interview went well and other than pictures we weren't missing anthing she needed. We filed in Februaury, I can't believe it has taken this long, hopefully this will be it.

    We were pretty nervous going in, but if you are truthful and have nothing to hide it is a really simple interview.

  8. The more I am thinking about this, I think the issue is they were possibly confused with all the different addresses. My ID says one address from 4 years ago, his says our current address at the time, the return address on our packet was also our current address at the time, but when we were sending it in we just signed a lease for a new place, so I decided to mail that in also. Our old apt didn't have a lease.

    Hopefully that made sense. We are definitely updating our identifiction tomorrow, then everything we have will all say the same address.

  9. I wasn't nervous, but after searching ROC interviews on this forum for hours tonight, I am getting pretty nervous.....

    I am getting everything together and here is what I have..
    Tax transcripts from 2011-2013 (before I only submitted the papers I got from the tax website that I used, so these should be more official.) This is the only new thing I have to show
    Health insurance with both names
    Dental insurance with both names
    Lease with both names

    That is pretty much it. I have nothing else. We took a trip to Canada last May, but I didn't keep anything, all I have is an online itenerary(his mom bought us the tickets so her name is also on there) I don't think that will be helpful. Should I bother with pictures? We aren't really picture people and they have seen all the pictures we have, should I bring our photo album anyways? We also worked at the same company for two years, but I doubt they will read our tax info that closely to notice.

  10. We finally got out letter around Thanksgiving, our interview is this Tuesday!!! My husband is so worried but I keep telling him we have nothing to hide so it will be ok, plus we were probably randomly picked.

    I have nothing new to bring, just the stuff we sent in. I have taxes starting from 2011,apartment lease, health insurance. I think that's it. We also have a credit card account in both our names but I haven't ;t been able to find something that shows it to print out.

    Our Id's say different addresses, mine is from a place I lived at 4 years ago(before he moved here), and his says our old apt(we moved three months ago) Do you think this will matter? We can get it changed the day before the interview, but wouldn't that seem kind of suspicious? I know we need to update them anyways, but is it important to do this asap?

    One more question, Do I also need to bring passport photos of myself?

  11. We received an RFE that says "Page 5 of form I-864, of Affidavit of Support is missing or blank. The joint sponsor needs to complete and return enclosed page"

    I didn't add the page because it is optional, and the joint sponsor makes over 70,000 for two people.So assets weren't needed. Any idea what I should do? I am thinking maybe we didn't send the right tax papers, but the RFE letter didn't mention anything about that. We also called NCSC, but the person really had no idea what he was talking about, he said we should make an appointment at some place, or get an attorney, I don't think any of that is needed. He was just reading from the same letter we got. Has this happen to anyone else?

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