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Status Updates posted by NICKO

  1. Got my Green card today yayyyyyy

    1. bramirez04


      wow thats great congrats!!!

  2. Leaving for the U S on October 12

  3. Visa Aproved soooooooooooooooo happy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ken y Leidys

      Ken y Leidys

      Felicidades, amigo.

    3. faytaan


      I saw from your timeline that the proces took only 3 months for you!! thats great. congratulations and wish you a happy and long life!

    4. AndresSaavedra


      Hola, Felicidades por tu visa, quisiera hacerte una pregunta, en la pregunta No 1 del formulario DS-156 que pusiste como # de pasaporte: El No de la cedula (El cual aparece como # de pasaporte en la hoja biografica del mismo) o el# de la libreta (El cual comienza con dos letras y esta en cada hoja perforado).

      Gracias. AS

  4. Hey guys how is it going, I saw on VJ that you have your interview on september 9, same as me good luck in advance and maybe I'll see you at the embassy

  5. Enterview next week so Anxious

  6. Enterview next week so Anxious

  7. Thank you guys, I hope everything goes smoothly, good luck on your process as well

  8. YAYYYYYYYY Enterview Date September 9

  9. I know it was incredably fast we were really lucky, we are so happy right now

  10. Got NOA2 And It was Incredably Quick Soooooooo Happyyy

    1. Lettyandsteve



    2. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove


  11. NOw we wait NOA2 Hope it doesn't take long

    1. SandraJustin


      Hey Guys I am from Bogota ,and i met my boydriend in a work experiencie too :D .. my bf and me are waiting for our noa2!!Hope we can share our procces and stories because we have like the same story :S

    2. NICKO


      That's really cool, hopefully we can stay in touch during the whole thing, hehe .

      En que parte de Bogota te encuentras

  12. Waiting for NOA1

  13. Hola moon muchas gracias por la bienvenida, y que chevere que pueda contar con tu apoyo

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