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Posts posted by Dsgirl

  1. Bueno, Dios que reparta suerte, por lo que veo tu y yo vamos en el mismo tren, mi numero de caso me llego a mi el 5 agosto, aunque la carta tiene fecha 31 de agosto..

    Bueno, pues iremos juntas al consulado aparentemente,LOLAZO.

    Dile a tu novio q llame de todas formas a ver si le dicen otra cosa

    y buena suerte para ustedes! :)

  2. Recibimos la aprobacion el 30 de Julio, pero si, loa cita dura mucho.

    Hay personas aqui q recibieron la aprobacion en Junio y la cita en Septiembre.

    Asi q yo espero q mi cita sea en Septiembre u Octubre, pero hay q esperar

    pq como aqui hay tantas personas en proceso de visa, hay q esperar hasta

    2 meses por la cita.

  3. Si ese numero me lo dieron y mi novio llama casi todos los dias pero dicen que aun no hay cita, tenemos casi un mes en eso....

    Pero no le han dicho nada si esta o no alla, por eso te pregunto como supiste que esta alla? el le pregunto?

    Ellos le dijeron que lo habian enviado a la embajada y q aun no teniamos cita, pero mi novio

    esta en el ARMY y se va para Afganistan y el llamo al Consulado aqui a ver si podian darme una cita

    para el venir antes de irse,para q el ARMY le de el permiso, pero aun asi, nada, todavia

    estamos esperando.

    Ellos le dieron un numero para q llamara, lo q no se si se lo dieron por ser militar o si es q se lo dan

    a todo el mundo, pq como su caso es diferente, no se.

  4. Hola, soy dominicana tambien y estoy esperando saber de mi cita.

    Ya sabemos q el caso esta en la embajada pero aun ninguna fecha para

    la cita, si tu caso llego en Agosto tu cita es en Septiembre u Octubre

    usualmente te mandan la carta un mes antes de la cita.

    Tu novio podria llamar a NVC en Dc y si ya tienen cita ellos les dan

    la fecha. Este es el numero: (202) 663-1225.

    Buena suerte y no dudes en contactarme si necesitas alguna otra ayuda.

  5. In stark contrast to their dealings with "regular" folks, consulates are generally quite understanding of military personnel and their situation. Your idea of procuring the letter from the superior officer is excellent, si man. You may also want to bring some photos of him, in uniform, to show the consul -- that should score some points! :)

    Thanks! Actually our first pic together was when he came directly from Iraq and he was on his ACU's so that

    was always on my mind, but thanks for the advice

  6. My case was send to the Consulate here in DR we still don't have a

    interview date but we want to start getting things as clear as we can.

    My question is this, my fiance is AD ARMY so he WON'T be able to

    come to the interview, I've read it's recommended that the petitioner

    is present but his job make's it virtually impossible, so would this

    be a negative point to us?

    We were thinking he could get a letter from his Superior Officer

    stating that he's not allowed to get out of the country cause of his orders

    so what do you think? Would this be a proof in case they need it?

    I'm really nervous about it and my fiance is freaking out cause we really wanna be

    together and if we got our visa denied.... :(

  7. So we just got and email that says our NOA2 is on the mail.So I have a couple of ?s

    - I was wondering how long does it takes to get by mail?

    - On this email we saw a Referral ID number,does any of you know what is this?

    - How long does it takes to the NVC to get the approval?

    And why does the case status in the USCIS website is still on Initial Review,could it be a mistake?

    Thanks in advance!

  8. Hi everyone, My name is Desi,just started my process to get a K-1 Visa.

    I'm from Dominican Republic,USCIS received our I-129f on May 21 and we got our NOA1

    on May 28. Joined to find some support and help :help:,

    my fiance David (L) is in the Miltary so IDK if that makes any difference,

    please let me know if it does.

    Also my mom and sister are waiting for their own visa,requested by my grandma

    I'll be asking about this too.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all. :)

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