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Posts posted by Kozmo

  1. Just a little bit concerned about this as my fiance bought me an e ticket from delta skymiles..he was in the states.. my flight will be next month.. hope there will be no hazzle in the airport.. the delta itself sent me the itinerary through my email..dont know if there is tax.. i just know is the terminal fee.. but I can see here there is tax written on here.. but not sure yet...hope someone can enlighten me...God bless

    You will have an exit fee of 1620 pesos and the terminal fee of 750 pesos.


  2. Has anyone experienced problems getting tickets for their wife from the Philippines to the USA? I checked on Korean Air and they say that Philippine law forbids anyone outside the Philippines to purchase tickets. Other websites indicate they will sell you tickets but will she have a problem leaving the Philippines? Please advise.



  3. Congratulations! My fiancee also passed her interview while I was sleeping Wednesday night! Now the wait to actually get the visa in her hands. My fiancee said they told her two weeks. So what does that REALLY mean? 3-4 weeks? Anyone who can say how long it takes from interview to having that visa (K-1) in hand?

    It should be about 10 working days before she recieves her visa.


  4. hi kozmo. good to hear that they passed the interview. congratulations. good job! we will have ours (me and my daughter) tomorrow. thanks for sharing the experience. are there any documents that was asked from your wife?


    My wife had a binder with documentation throughout the whole process just in case. They didnt ask for anything but in never hurts to have just in case they do ask. We had the usual things to prove our relationship, pictures, email chats, chikka chat logs, etc. Just make sure you on time for your appointment, dont forget your Medical CD and appt letters. I had her bring a copy of the NOA2 just in case. Relax you will be okay, dont stress yourself out too much. After this, it wont be long until your with your loved one.


  5. Great news, my wife & step child passed their interviews. Below are her comments regarding the interview.

    hey man how are you? ok this is the exact details today when i went to the US embassy, i went there around 5:45 in the morning and the security guard told us to wait at the waiting area and wait for us to be called our category and after a few moments they called us and fall in the line with the papers that they needed which is the appt.letter and the passport and must be your finished on the medical or else you will reappoint and wait for another interview date, ok when i have my time i gave the papers to the staff there and proceed to the window which we will got our number for our interview. after that we proceed inside and took our seat and wait for our number to be saw on the TV which is there,they will see that! hehehehe. ok and then some staff there called our number for the fingerprinting scanning and after that just the same, seat and wait for the number to be seen on the TV maybe its took for 30 minutes to 1 hour untill i saw mine and princess and we proceed to the windows for the 1st interview and after that assual go back again and wait untill we saw our number again, it took for maybe 45 minutes until i went to the second window and this is the final interview,its the same question on the 1st interview so no need to worry and plus the staff there are nice and polite,ok here we go after a few questions the interviewer told me this word : OK YOUVEd BEEN PASS IN THE INTERVIEW AND WILL RECEIVED YOUR VISA: what a good word for me at last! and after that i seat again ad wait my name to be called for the last whole process,its just nothing only few question about your visas and if you want it to pick it up or just delivered door to door and after that they told me that i can go home and they will just text me if i can pick our visas!,... maybe the whole process took for almost 5 hours but its not so bad is you hear the good news all the sacrifices are all worth it=)

    Ok baby thats what happened on us to the US embassy,....heheheheh! soon i will be there baby so you better watch ou man, heheheheeh! hey honey aways take good care of yourself ok and tommorow we will be going home maybe night trip is ok, ok baby i will go now and arranged my stuff for travelling tomorrow, see you soon baby always i love you =) muahh, hey i almost forgot to remind your lunch!


  6. Well my wife and stepchild passed their Medical exams at St. Lukes. The stepchild had to go back a third time to get her vaccinations completed and results of her chest xray. She is only 4yrs old and I guess the procedure now is to xray children. At least this is out of the way. Next step, Interview on Thursday!


  7. Just be patient, the same thing happened to my wife & stepchild, wifes case closed middle of May and stepchilds case closed middle of June. Since there is a backlog at the embassy we had to wait for the next month before they gave us a interview date in August. My guess would be is that you will have a interview in September pending how backed up the Embassy is.

    Good Luck,


  8. Can anyone tell me if there is a service fee for "2go" to deliver the visa or was this included in the visa fees that I already paid to the NVC? And if there is a fee how much and at what point will my wife have to pay?

    Thank you,


  9. Can someone give me the address or addresses of the St Lukes Clinics? And I heard the best time is to go after lunch so were talking 1pm correct? My wife lives 12 hours away from Manila by bus and were trying to plan everything before her interview so that were not wasting time and money.



  10. My wife and step child were finally issued interview dates on August 4th. This has been a difficult journey; RFE with the stepchilds birth certificate, waiting on the passports, then the NVC generated a AOS bill for the stepchild which should have never been and this took forever for them to resolve. So if no issues with the Medical and interview, they should be here with me maybe end of August.


  11. HappyinHawaii,

    To answer your question yes they can both apply for their passports at the same time. That's what my wife and stepdaughter did. By the way, both finally recieved their passports, everything was express mailed back to me and now is in the hands of the NVC. So hopefully by the end of this month we will have a interview date.


  12. My wife and step child have been waiting on their passports for about 1.5 months now. They were told that on Monday they would have them, now my wife is told that the machines are broken and not sure when they will receive. Typical Philippine BS! I called the Philippine Consulate in Chicago and the lady said they have a backog in Manila and not sure how long it will take. Has anyone had a similar experience and does anyone know how long this could be before they recieve their passports? This has caused a big delay in our NVC process, if it wasnt for this they could have been here end of May.



  13. I have a question regarding a fee for the Visa. Once you pay the visa application fee for the DS-230 which is $404, are you still required to pay a visa fee once you have your interview? Also if that is the case, what is the cost?

    Thank you,


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