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Posts posted by kandl133

  1. Thanks to all - if there is a place on here to outline the excruciating details of how to recover from a stolen/lost passport in China - let me know and I will become excruciated.

    Ugh, sorry to hear that you are going through this, too. I also checked off the box to have my SSN mailed to me. It's been about 5 weeks. I received my green card after about 3-4 weeks but still no SSN. I called the number on one of the welcome notices that tells you to call if you haven't received the SSN within 3 weeks but no one there can help you unless you already have an SSN#. It took a good 15 minutes for the representative to understand what I was actually calling about.

    Looks like I'll have to go to the office on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday here) to see if I'm in SAVE. Good luck!

  2. Well once again I am astounded and grateful for the detail. A question though. The SSA clerk warned us about applying for a SSN "too soon" in fear that she may end up receiving 2 SSN. One through the DS230 (WHICH AGAIN THEY HAD NEVER HEARD OF THIS OPTION) and another through the application. He seemed to think this disastrous situation was not worth the risk.

    Related to this concern and linking it to SAVE -

    You seem to indicate that if she is in the SAVE system that we should apply for the card using the application. This seems backward to me - do you know what I am saying? I mean if she is in SAVE wouldnt that mean that she has been recognized for the benefit of a SSN? and therefore applying for another might mean the issuance of 2 SSN.... Hmmm I am not for sure.... any thoughts?

    'ticking the box' on the DS-230 is sorta teasing to any Visa Applicant.

    The SSN may get processed, it may not get processed - it just depends on the clerk doing the data entry work for the 'intake' on the casefile once yer wife handed it over to any POE staffer. I know, the tick box was ticked, there's a reasonable expectation that 'something will get done' based on that tick box...

    But -

    if it's been more than 2 weeks past the Port of Entry Date,

    then there's a good chance that the SAVE database system has synched up,


    any SSA clerk, at the local SSA office, can find her in the SAVE database.

    Ya won't know till you try. Suggest you go in person, bring -

    --yer wife

    --her passport

    --filled out application (can get those at the office, too)

    and apply.

    Whilst at the SSA office -

    Ask any clerk to look her up in the SAVE database, in the VISA name and A#.

    If they can't find her by EITHER ONE (name or A#) - go away, do not allow the application to be accepted,

    come back in a week - SAVE system doesn't have her, yet. IF any SSA clerk mumbles 'need DHS/USCIS electronic verification' - do not allow the application to be accepted - come back in a week - SAVE system doesn't have her, yet.

    Although SAVE database is useful for 'status checking' at the SSA office (by the SSA clerks) -

    many of them are not trained on how to use it. If you get blank looks or mumbles, ask for a Supervisor,

    and ask the Supervisor to 'look her up' in SAVE. If she is found via A# but the VISA name is stored wrong, in SAVE, you'll need to do something else, with the SAVE unit, to get it changed. It's a hassle, sure, but suggest you do change it to proper spelling of 'VISA NAME' prior to SSN issuance.

    More SAVE INFO - http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextchannel=1721c2ec0c7c8110VgnVCM1000004718190aRCRD&vgnextoid=1721c2ec0c7c8110VgnVCM1000004718190aRCRD

    re: greencard - should arrive within 45 days. If not have it after that, don't sweat this, much, as she has an I-551 stamp in her passport that validates her VISA to be used as a temporary green card, for up to 1 year.

    Hey - you have any address issues? Do you still live at the address listed in the DS-230 ? If not, oh boy - you'll need to contact a Tier 2 Human with USCIS - see http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/structure/gc_1221837986181.shtm#5 and ask

    --anything sent to that address yet?

    --you receive 'nixed' mail yet?

    --please resend all to the new address.

    Don't muck about with a Tier 1 Sub-Human, a CSR - you , instead, want/need/require - a Tier 2 Human , an ISO.

    also - checking in with the USCIS status portal can be useful - SOMETIMES it's updated properly and you'll see the 'card production ordered' status show up. Sometimes.

  3. We chose to have SSA to issue my wife a Social Security number on the DS230 form. We have received absolutely nothing from USCIS, SSA - nobody. Went to SSA and they said she wasnt in the system and they had never heard of automatic issuances of SS numbers via the DS230 form. ?????? I keep doing research and this does seem to be how it works. Anybody have any feedback on wait times, or whether I am correct about receiving the SS number via mail? I dont think this is the appropriate forum for this question but couldn't think where else to put it.

    Also, what are the further actions I need to take now that my wife is here on CR1. We have now been married - what the next step and timeline - any help is appreciated.

  4. I don't care at all.... as long as they are legal. This process is so long and trying for those of us attempting legal immigration I believe illegal immigrants should not be allowed. If you are legal and you came in the right way - God Bless ya!... if you are illegal then ... please .... leave... the US is not the Mothers Milk of the whole world and anyway this teet has nearly run dry... even for those legal citizens or natural born...

  5. Big Prophet d,

    Used GZO# to try to sign in payment portal and got this -

    "Sign In Failed

    Please be advised that the case that you have attempted to access is not eligible for further processing by the National Visa Center at this time. Please click on the Contact the NVC hyperlink if you believe that you have received this message in error."

    Tried original GUZ# and got a "database error."

  6. Big Prophet D,

    I let things ride. I did get the GZO number and did not resubmit anything. Case closed on July 28th. So AOS and all subsequent documents went through under GUZ #. I got the official letter from NVC stating I now must wait for the interview date. I hope it happens soon. This step took a couple weeks longer than I thought and I dont know why. Maybe I was slow to submit the DS2032 due to ignorance of the process but I had to wait a month for the GZO # which seemed way too long. Some say NVC does the interview date setup because of electronic processing - even for GZO. NVC phone ops are inconsistent on this point.Some say this process is only done (interview date set) by NVC in second week of every month. So my date will probably be in September. Another says NVC might get it to me by end of this week. Another says its still up to GZO to do interview date setup but they couldn't give me timeframe.

    Any ideas?????

    Just in case you are documenting - I said before I used a trial version of Cute PDF Pro to timestamp all PDFs. I didn't use the timestamp feature I used the Header/Footer feature to add the case number. Just FYI - that was my misstatement.

  7. Fellow Immigrators,

    The following excerpt I think sums it all up for me.

    "Besides, the whole process ought to be streamlined. There should be ONE form to fill out, ONE set of supporting documents to provide, ONE payment to be made, and ONE agency to send everything to. How ironic is it that we are inundated with forms to fill out and send to various agencies at various point in time in the process while each and every one of these forms proudly carry a note on the "PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT"..."

    I would just add "One set of rules for every country and every consulate and every embassy".

    Also, until the massive flow across the Southern Border is stopped any enforcement to stop "legal" immigration, in all but those cases in which fraud is obviously being committed, can only be seen as unfair to those of us following the rules. My own real personal fear is that a well meaning government employee may keep me apart from my family because of some glich in paperwork or some difficult to explain circumstance or, maybe, just because they are having a bad day.

    Anyway, good luck to all of you.

  8. darnell,

    Actually, I can and will do all you said, I have thought of these things but its circumstantial at best for the interviewer. Nothing like actual 2 way video/audio sweet talk and arguments (haha) to solidify the existence of a marriage.

    Also, I had no intention of bringing a laptop, just a DVD with the files on it. The vids can be played on Windows Media Player. Pop them in their (any) computer drive and go. I can put em on CD's as well. Maybe we have misunderstood? Maybe - huh? I can use a USB drive as well - whatever.

    I glanced around the documents they provide in the packets - could not find the "no electronic media" clause but, believe me, I don't doubt you. I am just suprised I missed it. Also, if it is buried on their website, I don't remember internet access ever being a requirement for filing for an immigrant visa.

    I am just saying.... ya know????

    No matter - I will bring the disk - if they confiscate - then they will - too much evidence for me to leave behind - frankly, this evidence is unassailable. If I get the virus free disc through security my lady will hand it to the interviewer - if they disregard - then I have done all I can do - and they will have failed at looking at all available evidence presented to them to make a fair judgement of my case.

    Case closed.

    As always - your knowledge and presence on this site much appreciated.

  9. I won't spend too much time on this except to say. That anything sent via computer - emails, pdf's you name it can only be classified in one way - electronic media. If cyber security is an issue then you simply have a computer or dvd/monitor setup off the network. No big deal.

    In todays day and age of webcamming - they just haven't caught up with whats happening on the outside yet. Mail is to email what email is to Skype or webcamming.

    Of course, none of this matters now, they will allow this stuff eventually, but looks like I won't be able to use a vital piece of my evidence.

  10. darnell,

    i cannot say for sure anything worked. I was told to send the stuff in (ds230)and i did. I am pretty sure AOS worked since i sent it under guz and the Immigrant Visa fee was then payable. . . I never have received GZO # although they have said i have been approved for electronic processing. I have been told on numerous occasions via NVC phone support that anything sent under guz is automatically transferred and recognized once gzo # issued.

    So it seems what you are saying is that the hours and hours of video evidence will have been a waste of my time. Although this doesn't completely suprise me i will be disappointed. For most of the last few months this has been 96% of our ccommunication . Honestly, if i were to put a figure on it, we probably avg 20 hours A DAY online.

    I am not joking or exaggerating. I even have her on at my work - online night and day. Frankly if they don't consider it I am a little concerned about the quantity of my evidence. Their (GZO) approach seems to be like a judge not allowing the murder weapon to be allowed as evidence in a murder trial because no weapons are allowed in the court room. Preposterous.

  11. What happens to the I130 documents sent to USCIS? 1>Do they continue on to NVC then GZO? 2>Should all evidentiary material submitted with I130 be resent to NVC/GUZ? 3>Also anyone have any experience on how long to get interview date after turning in DS230 and supporting document PDF's. 4>Finally, should I PDF all evidentiary documents and submit them online as PDF's? I called NVC and they said everything should wait for the interview. 5> I have a ton of video evidence spanning many months.... does anyone have experience in how to handle this before the interview for submission?

    Just as general info for all:

    Electronic processing - GUZ:

    OPTIN immediately.

    I recommend submitting AOS immediately after getting PAID response from DOS for AOS. This is using electronic processing. Also don't wait to get the GZO number to do this. After electronic processing has been approved push ahead with DS230 and 169 documents - don't wait. Call NVC to find out if approved. Remember to PDF P3 supplemental, DOS receipts and to place your GUZ or GZO number on each page - this can be done with a trial version of CutePDF pro using "stamp" function. Electronic processing approval does not seem to mean that a GZO number will immediately be given.

    Don't bother emailing GUZ with questions before your case arrives. They responded to me everytime but each answer was ineffective.

    I had not placed the case number on everyone of my electronically filed documents. Called NVC and they said it would be ok. However the Packet 3 material clearly states to do this. Be careful what those well meaning people tell you. I resent my docs with the case number on each page.

    CutePDF writer is good to create PDF's from documents you have in your possession. Another 30 day freebie for scanning documents directly to PDF is Softi Scan to PDF (no water mark). Try black and white at 300 and bring up the contrast some. I got everything to NVC in about 3 emails totaling around 60 mb (no evidentiary material). Please let those bestowed with the knowledge feel free to edit this entry as I do not wish to avert anyones journey.

  12. Just got off the phone with NVC operator.

    I had originally called regarding some specifics on translation requirements.

    I was told specifically that if the interview (visa issuance) takes place in the Beneficiaries place of birth (aka country of native language) that no translations of any documents are necessary!!!!!!!!

    Of course I pressed hard on this. The woman confirmed with a supervisor. I asked for some document to support this. She said nothing like an email existed. She asked the supervisor then said I could look at the instructions for the DS230. I haven't found these yet, however, at this link...


    I found this ....

    'Translation Requirements

    All documents not in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified translations.'

    I have read this many times but did not really drill down to the possibly significant meaning.

    This clearly states what the woman told me. Now, maybe some others with better connections than I, can help confirm this. I am still going after translations until I confirm this specifically with GZO.

    Mister Darnell !!!!!!!! What do you think of this??????????????

  13. Use a Winders PC ? See http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/NVC_Electronic_Processing

    I THINK DAN USED A MAC, not certain. Software / process is different - wiki is PC specific.

    there will be 3 email submittals -

    1. opt in with DS-3032

    2. I-864 with tax data

    3. DS-230 with 'white books' , photos, and the stupid GUZ P3 supplemental form.

    1 and payment for 2 are done almost immediately - 3 must wait for conversion to GZO #, accepted for EP. There is online payment portal to use, is best way to track what's going on. Send in 2 and 3 when you have GZO # in hand.

    re: translations - if you have 'white books' there is a red stamp on the attestation page. GUZ IV knows about the white books, accepts them. If you don't have white books, you'll need to translator attestation page.

    Any original documents you submitted with I-130, NVC wants new, fresh set, and for EP, you'll be emailing all in. Assumption that NVC will somehow 'use them' - is WRONG.

    Prolly a good time to review NVC stuff - see

    DS-230 - http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3190.html

    I-864 - http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3730.html

    General NVC stuff - http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1335.html

    DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THE GUZ P3 supplemental form. Ppl get dinged for this.

    Check yer issuance date on the police certificate, as well - try to figure out if it expires prior to interiew day, or not.

    even if it does, can still send in to NVC, bring fresh set to GUZ IV on interview day.

    Good Luck !

    Help me out here... "white book"?

  14. If Going through Guangzhou China, YES Do Electronic Filing. Can shave off 5 months. Why 5 months you ask? We'll what will happen is the documents will sit in Chinese Cusomts until they are ready to release such documents to the US Consulate in Guangzhou. For instance, I did electronic filing, did the OPTIN for this around the 13th Of April, We proceeded via electronic filing through the NVC and on the 13th of May we recieved our interview date of 15 June, and passed .... Pitfalls? Be careful in reviewing all documentation. Ensure the I-864 is filled out in ALL Capital Letters per instructions. Front Load, some say do not.. I disagree. Just finished with our I-130 and I believe it was beneficial. Many Photos, for initial I-130, I sent in about 100. Proof of bona fide relationship is very big in Guangzhou, your finanicals are very important for US Consulate in Guangzhou. Remember your P3 Supplement form, many forget to email this with the DS-230 during the eletronic processing stages. ALL Documents need to be in PDF format, even the passport photos you send to the NVC..

    So in a nut shell... I would Highly Recommend Electronic Filling at NVC.. Oh,, call many times a day as with electronic filing things can and do change from morning to night time.

    Dan & Yonghua


    Thanks for the info - some more specific questions.

    With electronic filing - whats the process? I would like to begin to create PDFs now - any reason not to do this? Is special formatting or sequencing of the Application forms and supporting docs required for submittal?

    Something else, the I864 asks for an Alien Registration Number (if one was given). The NOA2's that I received from USCIS had A - numbers in the same box as the Beneficiaries name. Is this the A#? Did your spouse have the same thing?

    Also, we submitted marriage certification and translation at the I130 level, however, these translations did not have the seemingly required quote "Translations are accurate. Translator is competent to translate." outlined on the NVC website for this stage - these documents are part of the supporting evidence for this stage. Did your marriage translations have this quote????

    Any help appreciated as always.

  15. Fellow Migrators,

    I am proceeding with I130.

    Need some advice please.

    Considering electronic filing with Guangzhou Embassy. Does anyone have experience with this??? Does it really save time? Any pitfalls???

    If we decide against it what kind of time is added on to processing at NVC and Guangzhou??

    Any further advice or insight is appreciated. Thanks to all who have helped so far.

    Also the NVC shortcut here...


    has already been very helpful... anything negative or anything that may not apply to my interaction with Guangzhou???

    Additionally, can one request an expedite from NVC (again based on pregnancy)?

    How about expedite from Guangzhou???

    Thanks to all again....

    has already

  16. Yes, Darnell, I would not be suprised that the other I130 shoe might drop any day. But, until then, I push forward with K3 - I need that stuff anyway. As a follow up, I am not a gambling man, so I did fax the expedite information to USCIS as they requested regarding my wifes pregnancy. Your last post was full of detailed goodness and I may have some questions about it later. Thanks for all your help again.

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