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Posts posted by romaysa

  1. hi everybody

    first i entred here to the state by visa marriage,i`m here for 6 months,my husband is us citizen,we been married now for 1year and 3 months,since i come here to live with him and exactely the second week he start talking to me badely insulting me stupide,u are my bonish and my prostutie sorry for the word but its what happen to me now,sometimes he take me out from the bed by pouching me by his hands and his feet,asking me to go to sleep in the clthset and the floore i was doing that first but after that when i refuse getting out from the bed he pouch me by his feet and hands,i go to sleep in the floore craying all time.i arrived in aguest my husband make the vasectomy he sterlize hemself i will never have kids with him becozw he already has 3 kids from his previous marriage.and now if i talk or cray he is telling me u are my bonish amd my prostuitie i brought u for 2 jobs take care of the house and his kids and to him in bed they is marriege in his opinion and he is menacing me all the time if i dont accept to live like this he will divorce me and send me back to my country morocco,yesterday he was screming im my face telling me get out from my house i was craying i dont know what to do where to go i dont have no one here.its very hard i dont want to go to my country divorce.i tought to call 911,do u think that they will belive my story becoze theres no sing of violence to say the truth he dont beat me he never do ,but verbaly is more than a beating.please visajourney memebers help please tell me what to do,i tryed to contact onnline attornewys immigration attorneys but they ask to buy before they anser your question,i have no money,ibeen here in this city for 6 months now i still not see it how it is he never take me nowhere i dont get out from the house please help i dont know what to do i know that the is abuse but how can i prouve it.please help

    whaiting for your response and eny advice i`ll be appreciaiet it.

  2. thanks all for your support ,i'm writing again to say that i went to the interview well prepared and i got approved coz i been honest the co didnt ask me abt my x fiancé ,i had a very bad expérience before and its time that honest people be happy am i right?i spook english good at the interview maybe i make mestakes in writing my expérience here ,pic are not necessery prouve of ongoing relatinship its a choise my husband dont like to take pic and he didnt ,whats in your file how is most important and you have to show your are confédent and how u are close to your partner not by pic but by how u are honest.good luck for all men or women if they are honest and having good intention to live in the usa with their parteners how make it happen for them.

    thanks to all


  3. hi guyes,i can belive it my visa was approved today at the interview :heres what happened at the interview today,it was scheldude at 8am and i been there at 7am 2 big line ,non immigrant visa and immigrant visa,they entred as at almost 8 am after secureté chekes,they took our passport and interview lettre ,i didnt pay nothing coz my husband already payed all visa fee ther in us,moroccan woman how was taking passport at lettre appointement and 2 pic of the benefecary,well she deslike mine and i gone out to have onther new pic,after i back interview was already start,the same moroccan woman call my name ask for my husband name and abt his work ,and after taking my fingerprint she asked me to give here my medical lettre everything smot and fast,after that i went to have a set like less than an hour an blonde american co call my name in windows 4 he was realy very nice asked me about my husband work;when we meet how much time he visted me and how many time he stayed in my city and where and if he likes my city ,he asked me abt why we dont have eny pic together and wheres weeding pic i answered him that we didnt celebrate eny weeding he said why i told him the truth that i had a bad expérience with my x fiance from us and it doest work and then he asked me abt that i said all the truth after that he asked me abt my family memebers ntheir kids ntheir names and also my husband situatuins and names of his kids and their ages,i answered all his q,the interview was fast like 10 muint after i heraed a great word congratulation and gave me a smal green papers with a number on it and said come back pik up your visa next fraday mean 07/23/2010 at 15 pm.

    i'm so happy but i realy fell that i'm in dream i still cant belive it,

    thanks all of you guyes how been supporting me and encouraging me and hope the apprival for the rest of you.thanks a lot.

    still not belive it.

  4. I just wanted to share our great news....Our green card was ordered today!!!! Woohooo!!!! the wait is finally over. The whole process has been surprisingly painless. The worst part has been the waiting. But its over...for the time being. Today is a GREAT day! :dance:

  5. If the USCIS and NVC they approve case and they send it the counslat the morocco or any counslat ... why they dined or do Ap For ?? you know what ?? everything is For Money ... and why they tel pepole to do medical examination and they allredy know they will dined the case?? beleve me the senator or the congress man they can do nothing cuz they know about everything happen there and dont try to send them a letter cuz you will get a answear saying : Look Here( counslat ) dont lose your time for nothing but im going paste more info about that counslat everywhere ( youtube , facebook , tagged , yahoo ,msn , metacaf ...) for all pepole they will know that .


  6. hi guyes

    thanks for your posting we realy find it useful,my interview will be next july ,i have evidence as chat logs in msn,google talk,much emails in yahoo,my husband tikets,he visited me 4 time ,hotel recept but no pic we dont have no pic my husband say it not evidence and he dont like to take pic.what i do to convince him and we are not sure that he will come to visit me again before interview mean we wont have time to take eny pic spechily in his visits we went to défferent place.

    thanks for eny support.

  7. hi everybody

    first thanks wendey&tamer and congratiation thanks a lot for your comment,i'm feeling better now coz my husband say all the time that pic arent evidence ,visits are ,isnhallah i'll insiste to take pic in his next visit even he will come only one day before the interview i'll take pic at the aireport and in the hotel and i hope that will be enough to show that our mariage is real and serious.

    thanks for eny other support.

  8. thanks everybody and thanks nigeria brust

    i know they will know about my previous visa denied, and i will answer them honestly,what i want to ask here is i got married about almsot 1 year after my visa was denied is that a short time beteen both relationship mean beteen the 1 fiancé and second husband.i'm very worried about and i have much evidence about a real relationship beteen me and my husband he had visited me here in morocco for 4 time and he will be with me at the interview mean 5 time have plenty of emails and chats logs,hotel reciept,but we dont have pic my husband dont like to take pic and i donr only a simple dinner the day of my marriage with no fhoto can that make a problem too.

    thanks for your support

  9. hi everybody

    thanks for u natasha and abdou wld bladi,inshallah if allah want me to get that visa i will,i have evidence chat in msn for everyday,in google talk,emails in yahoo,have his passport stamp he visited me 4 time i have hotel reciept,his tickets,but i have no pic coz we didnt celebrate eny weeding,it was just a simple dinner between family,my husband dont like to take pic and he said its strong evidence.

    ok plz i have a question :if it will hurt at the interview coz in all my papers work i have moroocco birthday start by date month and y,so in my papere work when my husband filed he didnt know that in morocco we start by date first and month after,plz tell me if it will be an issue and if it will denie the visa or what will happen

    plz i need help.

    thanks for eny support

  10. i'm realy sorry for u and u hasbnd and yes i had read many of problems hapening their in us when some get the green card and broke from his partenr thats very bad to use people like that specily we all know the immigration processe how it is spending much money and much time to get that visa ,embassy will alwayse think that enyone engaged or married by us is traying to go to us thats not true people arent the some but one can influence the rest.ok thanks for tour all support.

  11. thanks so much for your time i realy appreciait it,wel yesterday i was so confused about the birthday so let me tell something abt me,soon i'll have 37 old year and i'm graduate from university but jobless ,most of my family living in france and my mom she's widowe woman governement paying here every month and we got a very big house we arent poor ,i'm not looking for a green card to work to help my family i'm looking to marry and build family here in morocco u cant find a serious man ,mens here look only for woman how has money how work,i inscribe in marriage website to find a husband,and i found it finly he's a good husband and our relationship is wonderful.we love eatchother much and now alla what i want is to live near him,we will deal with everything and we want giv up we are dreaming to get the visa and fly together but it semes far and deffucult

    .thanks for eny more support .

  12. thanks for your reply i'll be honest and i have evidence of seriouse relationship beteen me and my husband he visited me 4 time and i have chat logs for everyday and emails and hotel reciept plus to his aireline ticket.and he will come to be with me at thet interview that,i just being onnlin with him and just discover onther problem in our file here in morocco we start in our birthday by date ,month and year,im us they start by month ,date and year ,my correct birthday is 04/07/.... but in papers work now they start by month 04/07 its big problem also allah only knows that i'm not fishing i just want to marry and build a family.now plz tell me what to do in this big problem and my interview is next july inshallah.


  13. hi guys

    first i'm new here by posting but old by reading the vj every day,well i'm so worried about my situation.heres my story:

    a year and half ago i had interview in casablanca embassy in k1 visa my x fiancé was us citizen but my visa was denied and our file was sent back to ucis for further review coz my fiancé was drug traffeking for long time and being in jail for 13yeas for separate time when he filed k1 for me he was hiding his past from and i know abt it only few days before the interview so after that we broke up and separate,after 6 months i meet onther us citizen and we got engaged and he come to visit me in morocco 3 time and the forth time we got married and he filed the ir_1 for me and its approved everything is good and my interview appointement is next july inshallah.now my worried is the interview,coz my first interview in the k1 visa with my x fiancé was denied and the woman how interviweved me she told me that my visa was fraud and its not true everything was serious and my x fiancé had stooped selling drugsfor 12 years and reverted to islam but the woman she didnt belive us and denie us and sent our file back to ucis and the file was revocted,sorry its long now please i need help will this influence my next interview or not please help i cant sleep at night becose i love my husband and i wanna live with him.yhanks a lot

    waiting please for your help

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