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Posts posted by gimygirl

  1. And ladies, we're guys. So if we can find a version of you that's a little better looking, a little younger, and a little more willing to take care of us.... we're going to. We might not, cause after all this, we really do love you, but in the back of our minds, the grass is always greener.

    This is just human nature. We can't help but think things like this.... at first. But then, our minds and hearts and emotions and everything else takes over and if we're lucky, we find the one that's just right for us. Or, we concede and decide "That's it. There's no way I'm going to trade up from this one. Better take this deal while it's still on the table."

    sorry slim ... that's not human nature, although it's nice to finally see a man confront, openly admit and share his massive feelings of insecurity. :hehe:

  2. That you know of....so far.

    But he has the same blood that they do. Bwahahahahaa... :unsure:

    He's adopted. No, just kidding. He's like his dad...phlegmatic. His mom and sister are something else entirely, though.

    phlegmatic!?!? i certainly wouldn't list that as one of my husband's positive qualities. *shakes head* although you are vehement at times so maybe that makes for a good match ... :thumbs:

  3. I caught a bit of it the other night...I guess that was Monique on the phone for over 3 hours...what an azz!

    But I gotta say...none of the girls imo are stunningly pretty. And I think I'd quit if I were in that house having to look at like a zillion piccies of Tyra. Soooooo OTT imo

    i'm really into reality shows ... i practically DVR them all!! :lol:

    i'm SURE reality shows keep certain people around like monique ... she really needs to get the boot.

    i totally agree, lisa ... there is no one this season that is just stunning ... who knows, maybe someone will 'grow' on me as the episodes progress.

    i can say: nigel YUMMMM!! :P

  4. Thank god my husband's mother doesn't want to move to the US. I'd rather chew broken glass than have that harridan in my house.
    Alright then. It's not like I'm an a$$hole. However, I married my husband...not his weirdo family...and I don't like them in my house for any longer than is absolutely necessary.

    must be comforting to know that you've fallen in love with someone raised by such a weirdo family! :thumbs:

  5. so ODD!! there was an episode on dr phil yesterday on something very similar ... except that it was nigerian men using fake photos to scam women.

    from an outside perspective ... this really seems to be the work of someone that knows you. especially if they have recent pictures AND pictures of you that have never been uploaded to the internet before.

    i would think back to who took those photos and who has physical possession of those photos at this time.

  6. should have been jeff and laura (didn't she do that dress in black last week?).

    *giggles* and the week before and the week before and the week before! :lol:

    And I accidently found out who won fan favorite. :whistle:

    don't you dare post any spoliers!!! :P

  7. I already knew all 4 would go on. I spoiled it for myself last week as I found online all 4 designers' lines from fashion week. :star: (pictures) so I've seen it all already. :(

    all of them!?!? :o bad girl! :P

    as much as i'd like to peek ... i like the suspense ... i've just seen 1 pic (i think it was in PEOPLE), but i already knew that they sent 4 as a 'cover' ... probably why i guessed at the last second that jeffery and michael would be in.

  8. *heehee*

    seems like we are, for the most part, all in agreement with the final four. i was on the edge of my seat waiting to see who would be auf'd and the moment heidi said: michael ... jeffery - i just had a feeling she was going to tell them that they were both 'in'.

    laura's dress - *yawn* i loved their comment about not seeing 12 v-cut cocktail dresses coming down the runway!

    uli's - so cute and the slit was perfect.

    jeffery's - i disliked that poofy gathered skirt .... it just didn't go with the top

    micheal's - i liked the design, the 'keyhole' could have been a bit smaller, and the bust area (if you can call it that) really should have been more form fitting.

    the reunion show should be interesting next week ... looks like some of those that got cut early are pretty upset!! :lol:

  9. If you watched it happen in person, as I did, you will not find it to be anything BUT a real tragedy, sadly.

    as did i but i can separate my emotions ... i find it a tragedy that most are complacent with the 'official' report which is rife with inaccuracies and extremely pervious.

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