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Liz Rodriguez

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Status Updates posted by Liz Rodriguez

  1. Loving my life. Loving my husband.

    1. egon645


      Have you gone through the Visa application process recently for Cairo?? I am getting into and seeking idea/suggestions.

  2. Jumped off the roller coaster

    1. mandyu1


      what happened?

    2. FaithfulandTrue


      huh??? what's going on???

  3. Thank you for adding me. I love making new friends who have gone through what I am planning on going through. We have not started our papers yet because I have not gone oveer there yet. Inshaallah in December if I can find someone to watch my children while I go!

  4. ok soooooo add me to facebook my email addy is elizabethhinkle@hotmail.com

  5. Eid Mubarak to you too. May Allah bless you and yours as he sees fit.

  6. We are good. I so want to go over but dont know when I will be going over. It seems like it keeps getting pushed back and back but hopefully I will be able to plan soon. I miss talkin to ya too. Should definately figure out a different way, Facebook maybe? How are you and your habibi doing? Oh and the lil one!

  7. I'm good. The kids start school tomorrow alhamduillah! And the baby starts school on the 2nd. How are you doing?

  8. life would be perfect if sweatpants were sexy, Monday mornings were fun, junkfood didn't make you fat, girls didn't cause drama, guys weren't so confusing, nothing was regrettable, and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow? Eventually everything will fall into place, but until then,............laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.

    1. mspain


      I might change "guys" to "DOS" or "AP", but I love that, and am trying to live by the last part! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Liz Rodriguez

      Liz Rodriguez

      your welcome~~~

    3. FaithfulandTrue


      That was great BBA.. how are you today??

  9. Im doing pretty good today. I am in an amazing mood even tho Taha all but ignored me yesterday but I will chalk that up to the start of Ramadan. Soooooo, how are you and yours doing?

  10. Okay, i just heard the craziest thing on CNN. There is a congress man from Texas that said there are terrorist who get women pregnant and they have their babies in the us so they would have dual citizenship and then they go back to the country of origin to become terrorist babies. That they are trained and coddled to come back to the Us and attack us here. Im sorry it may be true but it is kind of far fetched or am I wrong in thinking this? I think it is this kind of thinking that makes it so...

    1. FaithfulandTrue


      Hey BBA(smile)... how are you doing today???

    2. 070809


      Sounds like the movie Salt. But hopefully not true, we need world peace!

  11. Well I just hope that she had a good day. Birthdays are one day that are usually your own for the whole day unless of course you are a twin. LOL

  12. Happy Birthday Autumn!!!

  13. another prayer request please. this involves a young child. via beth chrisinger Via my friend Michelle WyattPosting for a friend of a friend...her 22 month old son shot himself in the chest with abrad nailer, it went in his heart, he is in critical condition not doing good, neither is mom~ please start a prayer chain ♥ Please copy and repost........and pray.....via Kasey Melton Cash

    1. pookaphilus


      May God guide them both and keep them alive..our prayers with them!!..god bless!!

    2. FaithfulandTrue


      I will be praying for them... I'm sorry to hear that it happened,but the Lord will make a way!!!

  14. For anyone who is new to Islam and Ramadan here is a link for anyone who cares to look at it. www.masteringramadan.com

    1. FaithfulandTrue


      How is the family that you wanted us to pray for... how are they doing and how are you?

  15. Thank you for the add. I like to have as many friends that have gone through all of this with Egypt as possible so that I will not pull my hair out in the end.

  16. I am sorry havent checked soon.. Congrats on the approval!!!! Inshaallah he will have the visa in hand soon.

  17. Thanks. Hope ur having a good day!

  18. The pastor that helped my family through the loss of my grandfather, now is in need of prayers himself. Him and his wife found out that their unborn baby died in utero. Please if anyone reads this could you put them in your prayers. That is one of the hardest things to go through. Their names are Mark and Jen Hornback.

    1. FaithfulandTrue


      they are in my thoughts and prayers... God bless you!!

    2. Liz Rodriguez

      Liz Rodriguez

      Thank you. may God bless you and your family as well.

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