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Liz Rodriguez

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Posts posted by Liz Rodriguez

  1. It is hard to believe that just Sunday we were walking at the park without jackets or anything on and the last 3 days it has been cold down here in Georgia. I guess we are caught some where in the middle between the snow and the warm sun shine. I hope everyone is doing good. I haven't been here in a while. Hope everyone is doing good. Im glad the internet is back on in Egypt. I was missing my friends there. Yes I am weird, I still have friends in Egypt. LOL I still want to go over and visit but not any time soon. Everything needs to be sorted out first before I think about going over there.

  2. Just wanted to say hi to everyone that I dont talk to on Facebook. Seems it has been forever since I have posted on here. I hope that the new year brings everyone good news and a happy year. I know that the first part of last year is what brought me here and I can say I have made the best of friends and even tho I didnt actually do the visa journey I am happy to say I have the most amazing husband and found him on facebook. LOL. Anyway, Happy New Year everyone and enjoy your weekend!

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone that I dont talk to on Facebook. Seems it has been forever since I have posted on here. I hope that the new year brings everyone good news and a happy year. I know that the first part of last year is what brought me here and I can say I have made the best of friends and even tho I didnt actually do the visa journey I am happy to say I have the most amazing husband and found him on facebook. LOL. Anyway, Happy New Year everyone and enjoy your weekend!:D(L)(F)

  3. Okay so it has been a while since I was on here. Taha is gone. I am actually married to a wonderful man since Tuesday at 11am. I found out exactly what kind of man Taha was. He is a user. He tried to tell me that he wanted me to be a second wife after he dumped me to marry a mexican chick. Anyway, I met David and I feel instantly in love with a man that tries to make me smile all day long and plays with me and the girls and washes dishes. Anyway, I am happy to have met everyone here. Hugs and Kisses.

  4. Good Morning MENA! I hope everyone is doing good. I haven't been on because I moved to a different house in a different city and changed internet companies. Love my new house. It has hardwood floors all through it. No more keeping carpets clean. Doing good, new kitten who at this moment is on my desk wanting me to pet her instead of type. I am looking for a job. Not finding very many really not even a gas station has called me back. Not sure what that is all about. Anyway, Happy Tuesday.

  5. I'm really confused. You've never been to Egypt? Where did you marry your husband?

    Im not married yet. Im engaged. I just call him my hubby because we might as well be really. LOL sorry for the confusion. Hello all Happy October. I may be moving soon. Inshaallah. Duas for me please that I get this place bc then I will be close enough to see my sons whenever I want too. And also I have a friend who is studying up on Islam and with me being a newbie at this anyway I figured I would come here for this question. Okay, here it goes, she wants a true translation of the bible where it speaks of Mohammed. Im looking but if anyone else can help me that would be wonderful. I dont want to lead her down the wrong path and Taha isn't answering which means he is sleeping. Anyway, thanks so much Guys and Dolls. Hugs and Kisses to the Ladys and Waves to the guys. LOL

  6. BBA, $150 dollars for water? That's insane? Why it is so pricey? Come to Minneapolis...aren't you just a hop, skip and a jump away anyways?


    I am about 4 hours from Minneapolis and would love to move up there as my older sister lives in Oakdale but I am not having any luck finding anything online. I was actually up there in June to see about a place but it fell through even tho I really wanted it.

    I know that the roller coasters arent fun for very long and it isnt all his fault with it and I have been causing just as much stress between us as he has. I am taking it slow on everything so much so that I have actually postponed my trip until next summer. That way I dont have to worry about my daughters getting to school and such. The boys are doing great at their dads so I see no harm in them being there really. I tell them I love them every day before they go to bed if they are not sent to bed early. I know when to pull the plug if it begins to spiral out of control. Slow and steady oh yeah and I have having him talk to a friend of mine who is a colonial in the Egyptian Army. More for my family's peace of mind then anything. I may never have been to Egypt but I do have connections. LOL innocent.gif Scaring the ####### out of him when he walks in and Tarek demands to know what his intentions are priceless, and I wish I could be a fly on the wall. I know I am bad but this is better then the scheme I had come up with my little brother to know his true intentions which involved pretending to be kidnapped at the airport. LOL. I hope everyone is having a good day and always look at the bright side of the days. I know I have had to look there more then a few times lately. If you hear of anything up there in the area pretty please let me know. I dont wanna be in Iowa any more. Which is said I was born and raised here and I dont want to live here anymore. Go figure. I have lived in Michigan and Illinois and Florida for a few months. Ho hummmmm. Im sorry kind of ramblings today.

  7. Wow, Um Good Morning Mena!!! It is gorgeous outside and the leaves are starting to turn colors here in Iowa. I love this time of year just wish it didnt go by so fast with winter coming. If I could make a break for Egypt until winter was over I would jump on the next flight out. LOL. I will become a snowbird as we call the old people who live in the north in the summer and south in the winter but I will be a international snowbird, Egypt in the winter and USA in the summer. LOL, sorry I am in the best mood today really even with everything that has been going on. I am thinking of moving soon. I can not afford $150 water bills anymore every month.

  8. I know mine is not from Morocco but I have a friend who is. I was talking to him last night and some of the things he was saying I wanted to slap him for. Anyway, is it common for people when they come to completely change how they are until they go home and then they come back and change back. Like he was telling me that he doesnt smoke as much when he goes home but when he came back he is back to smoking like 2 packs a day. And then there was also the thing about islam. He was the one that first introduced me to it and at the time he was praying good and not doing so much when I first met him. But when I talked to him last night he said he doesnt pray bc he doesnt have time. I know he does work alot but how can you give up something that should be so important to you and is part of who you are. Anyway, then he was saying something that really blew me away about sex. Like in Morocco just going out having sex is not a good thing, but here it isnt as bad I guess. Anyway that is another topic. But he said that because he is here in America he has to be like the americans. Oh and he is here on a diversity lottery and has a green card so I know that it isnt on the base of that he is friends with me. And I have actually known him longer then my own fiance. LOL

    My question is how far is too far and what are the experiences with spouses and even just friends who have immigrated.

  9. I would definately think that could be a red flag but if they are still married to each other then maybe it would be okay. But I guess it really depends on how long ago it was that they got visas to come. And yeah sometimes people with grown children then remarry to a foreign spouse or american for that fact will get that reaction. And if she is a b. then it doesnt surprise me that her kids would act this way towards him. Inshaallah everything will be okay and it will work itself out for you guys!

  10. Yeah I know that he is kissing up. My part on this hasnt been the best either now that I look back on things. Emotional roller coast is kind of the story of my life. The stress of deciding if i was a proper place for my boys to be raised or if their father would be a better home for them is a pretty big one. I know now that I cold not provide for them all by myself and give them all the quality interaction that they all need desperately. My youngest is disabled and so the others didnt get the attention that they needed from me at their ages. I now just have my daughters living with me. This will be better for my oldest one to have a break from her brothers because I know how she was feeling sometimes. I have a very tight bond with my children and having all 4 of them here was not a good thing for them. I know that the back and forth isnt good all the time but he truely isnt like this all the time. It has been a year since knowing him and it is only when I get very stressed out that these things happen and I have my parts in it too. I may not be the nicest person sometimes. Thank you for your kind words and I will think about everything.

    How is everyone doing today? I hope you all have a good Sunday.

  11. After the last few days today is a good day. Good Afternoon mena! he surprised me by borrowing his friends phone right when I was starting to miss him and messaged me from mobile yahoo on his friends phone. LOL. I know it isnt big but it made me smile! Hee hee or can we say he is kissing up?

  12. I was looking at this thread and I was like this is like 4 years old. LOL. I have 4 kids now. 2 girls 2 boys. Casandra, james, jonathon, melanie but when my so comes inshaallah no more bumps in the road. We are planning on doing surrogate bc I can not have anymore but I still have my ovaries and we havent even thought about names really except if it is a boy it will be taha too. go figure. LOL

  13. Good Morning mena. I think I will just take things slower now. I have court today about my kids so I think that has been adding to my stress level and that in turn has added to a really stressfull situation as it is. I know how it is going to go down so I am not so worried about court. But I am going to try to see if for the safety of my other 3 kids if my oldest son who is 6 can go to stay with his dad. Duas for me if you will. Please?

  14. Facebook has been messing with me today also. Hello Mena, I am afraid I am not apart of you anymore. Well from his actions and statements I am not. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I want to wish you all good luck on your processes and I am on facebook if you want to add me facebook.com/babyblueangel. Take care you guys! You guys are wonderful

  15. How was that absurd? I had to do a lot of soul searching before I decided to convert to Islam. It does not only effect me but it affects my children as well. And then when I chose to cover I had to face criticism from my family and my ex and his opinions on what it was doing to our daughter. If you are born Muslim that I can understand it being absurd but anyone who has converted knows the difficulties you face especially living in a state or town that is primarily Christian. I was just offering support to a sister I didn't need your approval or disapproval for a comment that obviously was understood by who it was meant for.

  16. Oh honey, the decision to convert is a hard one. The decision to hijab or not hijab is an even bigger one. The point of the hijab is not to stand out but it is also to not bring shame on yourself. It says that a woman should extend her scarf to cover her bosom. I live in rural Iowa and there is absolutely not another muslimah around me except 1 hour to 2 hours away from me but I still choose to cover my head so that I dont try to blend in either bc I live in a very Christian town. So do I cover and not blend in or do I blend in and make it seem as if Allah can not give me the strength to withstand the negative comments. I have actually not had any bad comments from anyone. I converted on my own through no real pressure from my so. He said he would marry me no matter what religion I was but I wanted to find out for myself what Islam was all about and Alhamduillah I found the peace that I was seeking. So ultimately the decision is yours and you can research more and more on it. There is a huge community of Muslimah or just Hijabis bc there are a few who are christian and cover on Facebook linked with Pearl Daisy Hijabs or Pearl Daisy Ltd. Anyway, ishaallah it was a lil helpful.

  17. Happy Wednesday EVERYONE. Im not even gonna try to say everyone's name. The list gets to long and my mind is still foggy from the being sick with something. I dont even know what it was. I felt ugh all monday and tuesday. Today feeling lil better. I dont know if it is allergies or what. Headache and hot and tired. thats about all I know. Have a good day everyone!!!

  18. In some ways I wouldnt mind being more mena as far as the dynamics of family life go. Everything is around family there, from what I have seen through my honey's webcam. Everyone cares for the other people in the family even if they dont necessarily like them. I dont know so much about him always being away out at the coffee shop and such but I think I am more jealous bc he gets to bed out with his friends and they have his attention and I dont. Petty I know. We are in our first year of our budding relationship. Getting comfortable with each other and how we are. I will say that since making a commitment to him, I have changed and I see them as better. I was, I will use the term my mother did the other day on my facebook, a daredevil. Didn't really think about what I was doing until it was already to late. I have changed much of how I dress. I did convert to Islam but not for my fiance. I was doing a compare and contrast paper and I chose Islam and Christianity. Mainly. because I wanted to know what kind of religion I wanted to marry too. I grew up my entire life baptized as Christian, but I always had questions that no one seemed to be able to answer. I put these questions to a lot of people and they would just say because that is how it is or this is how I interpreted the message in the bible. I didn't feel these were good enough for me. When I began to research these two religions, I had already "looked" in to Islam a lil bit. When I started reading some lines from the Quran and then lines from the Bible, I started to see similarities in them but I needed to know more about Islam. I started looking at all kinds of websites because I live in rural Iowa and there are absolutely no books on Islam in the local libraries. When I started reading this information about Islam, I prayed that I would find peace and understanding in both religions really. I wanted to know where the real differences were. And there are some and there are some that are the same. I didn't even convert then. It was a gradual thing. I wanted to cover my head because it also says in the bible that a woman should cover her head and extend to cover her bosom. Anywho, when I read more and more about Islam, I felt a peace come over me. It was like I had finally found the answers that I had been seeking all these 26 years. So I am now a hijabi convert who loves Allah swt and fears him too. My perception of things have changed and I have given some of personal circumstances over to Allah because if I had not I would have made myself crazy trying to figure out how to fix them. I don't feel that I would change much even after my habibi comes home with us because he fell in love with me for who I am and what I am. He knows that I am outspoken and that I do things that make him crazy sometimes but he knows that is just me. We have spats over the computer or even over the phone. I do have 4 beautiful kids that are living with me and they talk to him when they are home or want to. I am involved with social services over a dispute that their father and I had over a year ago. They see Taha as harmful even tho he would never ever harm my children. He wants them to grow up to be the best that they can be in their lives. We have discussed moving to Egypt with or without the children and we have decided that we will wait until they are old enough to decide if they would like to be here or there. Their father is Christian but not necessarily a practicing one. When he has the kids on the his weekends, he sometimes takes them to church otherwise that is about all the christianity they get. I do my prayers and I read my online Quran. I will not say that I am perfect because the time regiments are, not varied but hard to set my entire day around and sometimes I don't get my prayers done right when the athan goes off but I do it as soon as I am able to with raising 4 kids on my own and making a relationship work with an 8 hour time difference. He told me once that I had no space in my life for him. I told him that I have to make time for him and it may not always be when he wants it to be. Sooooo, in this long piece, I will say no I am not and probably will not mena tize myself or my household really. Some compromises will have to be made but that is in every relationship where two different come together.

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