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Posts posted by Christena

  1. Thanks so much for the help, it is greatly appreciated. I know I need more than the forms to send, but that is just what we are starting with since he is here with me now. We don't plan on sending them in for a few months, I just want to have everything ready to go. I just have one last question, for form I-129 Part B. Question 18 I am attaching an additional sheet regarding the times we have met. I am just curious as to what other people who have filled out this form have included. I am not sure whether I should just put the location and dates we have met and the length of the stay, or if I need to include more detail than that. Thanks.


  2. I am reading the guides.. I just didn't see what I was looking for. Thanks for the help. I have a few more questions..

    1. How much money should be sent with the form, and does it make a difference whether you send a check or money order?

    2. For question 20, it asks which embassy I will be applying at. I am in Canada and am not sure which embassy to put. I thought it was only Vancouver and Montreal, but when I googled American embassy in Canada it showed there are quite a few.

    3. According to the guide, for question 18 I should put "(mark additional sheet as "I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18: Has your Fiance(e) met and seen you)". Do I write out an explanation on the additional sheet of everytime we have met in the past two years?

    Thanks so much,


  3. Hi, I just started filling out the I-129 form that I downloaded and printed. I noticed at the top of the page it says expires 01/31/2010, which would make it expired. I just printed out this form 5 minutes ago, what is going on with that? Also, is there a fee for sending this form? Does a check need to be included? I'm a little confused and overwhelmed by all this procedure, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.


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