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Posts posted by JakeinVietnam

  1. Just a couple of days ago you didn't know the difference in K1 and DCF. And then all of a sudden your CR1/IR1 when you stated that you are simply engaged? :confused: And then now you are giving advice on what to do on Appealing the case after the files are sent back to USCIS? :huh:

    It does not take a rocket scientist to give advice about something that has been denied and then you are wanting to rebut it. I clearly stated that I am NO expert, and simply gave my two cents on the topic, and as for your accusation of me not knowing the difference in a K1 and DCF are unfounded, I DID know that a K1 was a fiancee visa, and I DID know that DCF was direct consular file, what I did NOT know was that you have to be married for a DCF. At least I am TRYING to help people and not criticizing what people do and do not know and what people are and are not claiming. Do you have an opinion on what I suggested? Do you think something that I suggested is not correct? Please if you DO have an opinion that what I have said is incorrect please post it so that the person asking for help with a rebuttal can figure out what it is that I have suggested is not god advice. After all the definition of a rebuttal is to disprove all previous statements/findings, and I think I suggested to make sure that each reason for the denial was clearly addressed in any rebuttal, and to go above and beyond simply disproving it when possible, and then to even do overkill on any proof that they have that would rebut any and all findings that the original CO has stated. I have also read tons of posts here since I have been here, and not simply in the Vietnam forum, my friend was denied a CR1 visa and failed to do a rebuttal, when he filed again they did not even approve it, he is the person that also misinformed me that I could file a DCF with a K1 visa, so I personally know his case as he has worked under me at Samsung for over 3 years now, and I know what he did not do, and what his lawyer Mr. Nam has told him to do when he did try to rebut his non approval for his CR1. What he was told is what he should have done in his chance for a rebuttal is the exact same thing that I recommended for this person to do, and once again I am no "expert" nor have I claimed to have ever been an "expert" I am just giving my two cents worth on the matter

  2. If you are appealing a decision they made, then what I would say is to know why they denied you, and send proof that what they said is not true, if it was because of something you can not prove, then explain it, meaning if they said it was a part of cultural norm, explain why that step was not followed, and I would even state that no where in the immigration rules and regulations such a step is required, point out the facts, and send them the proof that you have of your ongoing relationship, but you only have a short time before this option is no longer an option. I would even suggest some sort of fed-ex or ups so that you can get conformation of when they received it. Handle the appeal before you file a new petition, I have a friend in Saigon that did not do an appeal and tried to refile and they would not even approve his new petition, so now he has to live here to be with his wife. I am not an expert on this, but this is the only thing I can think that a person could do is to confront the reason for denial in any appeal, and not just say "they were wrong, our love is real" prove that the CO was wrong, and not just barely, make it look like they made a true travesty of justice, if they said not enough photos, don't send 5 send 50, if they said no proof of ongoing relationship, don't send 10 or 20 emails from different dates, send 100 or 200, send a time line as well, anything and everything you can think of that will totally disprove what the CO said were reasons for denial, and then put a cover letter on stating what is in the package you are sending, like 50 photos, 200 emails, 24 phone bills, 5 plane ticket stubs, ect. ect. keep everything together and make it as professional as possible, and then if my thinking is correct you will be fine

  3. power outages in HaNoi two days running now due to the heat...

    Last week there were power outages in Saigon as well, and I did not notice any in Hanoi when I was there Monday through Wednesday this time,(not saying there were none), but for the two years I have been here, every summer and rainy season all across Vietnam they seem to have random power outages due to the heat and rain they even go around trimming all the trees before ever rainy season, and even during other seasons, it is common practice for them to shut off entire districts for a few hours a day, hence all the generators for sale in all the bigger shopping centers

  4. We just got a letter from the consulate today.. they returned all of the documents we submitted and said they need to do additional processing... not approved, not denied.. just still investigating... this may be thier response to my question about DoS policy requiring them to review the documents submitted within 30 days...

    I suspect we will get a decision within the next 90 days.... hopefully not too long... it really sucks if Thuy will have to make an extra trip to HCMC and pay again for the medical to be done since they took so long... hundreds of $'s wasted if they wait until after the first week of July....

    same thing happened to Johncali http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/214505-reciever-evidence-form-co/

    That is odd, I have always thought when they give all your things back and no visa it meant denial, but it seemed to work out with John, so hopefully this scenario will hold true for you Scott, good luck, and an early congrats!

  5. I think he was referring to if you got a denial, that you would not have to go back and get the medical done, stating that because they now require appointments that if you could not get an appointment in time you can still do your interview, where I think his theory is lacking is that even if you go through the interview process without a medical you will still get a blue requiring it, and probably the way I have read HCMC works you would get more reasons than just completing the required medical. Now I do see his point if you went through the interview and the Co gave you a denial and it was not due tot he fact that you had not yet done the interview of not going and spending the extra money. I also think that you are right Scott and Bernie, that no matter what one should do everything in their power to get the medical done, and in not trying to cut any corners, I know that is the path that I will do when we are able to file, which BTW looks like I will not be able to file until next year, since Mr. Saigon was correct I do need to be her for 6 months from when I file (meaning more than 6 months unless I filed the day I got here) so when I leave later this year I will just be planning on staying longer next time, or maybe even leaving earlier this year so that I can get the things done in the US that need to be done

  6. You should try to talk to Dai_tx or Dai_vn depends on where he currently is. He did file DCF. Try to get some help from him. GOOD LUCK.

    Thanks for the heads up, I am going to Chao Ray today for my mental test, it might be next trip before I get to file since the marriage license will take about a month when you have time, and with my busy work schedule, it might take 2 or more since I really dont like taking off of work, and I like to use my vacation when I travel back and forth so that I can rest up a bit prior to going back to work.

  7. Hey my company is close to samsung In the same industrial estates area. In fact my brother inlaw use to own some of samsung's land and then the government took it away from him. What area are you living in? The traffic is crazy coming from certain sides of the town. There are so many workers in the area they clog up the streets with bicycle riders, motorbikes, and 18 wheelers.

    District 7 in the Panorama apartment, it is a bit far out, but I love the swimming pool and all the western shops. It is really hectic sometimes, especially around lunch. I dont work in the industrial area, I have an office job in district 1

  8. Jake, you sound like a great guy. We should meet for coffee some time.

    It would have to be in the evening some time, I usually work 6 days a week and then on Sunday, I try to relax before I start preparing next weeks work. Busy life working for Samsung the only nice thing is that I work both here and in the States.

  9. I really don't see how my situation is going to be that much different in 6 years, other than a bigger salary. Right now, if I lose my funding, I really would not be in too bad of shape because I have very few obligations...I use public transportation and do not have a mortgage. In six years, when I have kids, a mortgage, car payments, etc. I think I would be in much worse shape. Also, if I was forced to stop studying, my part time job could become full time and I would have more than enough.

    I do have health insurance though and my wife will as well, either because I have enough money to buy it through my university or because (depending on when she gets here) she will enroll as a student as well, where you get subsidized health insurance. Again, I do not really see how this would change in six years...right now, because I don't have too many obligations, I could buy some sort of health insurance that will prevent me from bankruptcy...in six years, perhaps not so likely if I lost my job.

    They do recognize that cost of living varies somewhat by region...hence different requirements for Alaska and Hawaii, although other areas, like NYC, should be added.

    In all probability, her being here will greatly benefit my bank account, because I will stop spending all my money on travel!

    Here is why I feel that it does matter, who pays for these grants for you to go to college? I do as a tax payer, who will pay for her college? Probably the US government unless you make lots of money really fast, the last time I checked a 4 year degree online was about $45k, community colleges are much cheaper. Have you ever had to pay for family insurance? My friend did and he complained, and we had very good insurance, it was an extra $300 plus a month to add his wife and kid to it. I don't know your situation I do agree. But you are using programs that the Government is either giving you money for, or loans, and what do houses cost where you live, not dorm rooms, actual houses? What do electric bills cost? Gas bills? Food bills for a family? Internet, cable tv, phone (this is a must so she can call home to family) maybe your job pays well, and I am not saying it doesn't, the issue was never truly about YOU, but people in your situation, you might be fine, but there are many people out there that would not be fine, if you take all the gifts that you are given, and you are now forced to pay for everything, and if you only make 2/3 of the requirement, do you think you could really support your loved one? Remember not speaking of you, but in general, your situation that I know nothing about might be different, so try to stay open and look at the big picture, you might be a lucky one that could get by, but do you think that 100% of the people living in America only making 2/3 of this requirement would be okay? That is my point, not about you, yes it was posted in response to yours, and it used some of your examples, such as this one does. But as I said in another post, depending on where you live such things should take into affect since cost of living in different areas greatly differs. I also said that people should also be forced to show the capability of providing insurance, both life and health, as well as the possibility of a rainy day fund in the bank. Basically what I mean is maybe people should be judged on an individual basis across the board, take all your bills, and all your contingency plans in for them to see, and then compare with the average in the local area, this way if one person making 5 or 10k less than another person can still afford to support their loved one, by all be it bring them over, just as long as my tax dollars don't get spent paying for hosing or food stamps, or health care because someone skipped out on a $5000 bill from the local hospital.

  10. My previous reply started with JeromeBinh's quote. That means I replied to his previous response in the same thread and it's intended for Jerome only. Let me clarify my point so there won't be any misunderstanding. IMHO Jerome's opinion about the US (such it isn't that much of a heaven/paradise like most people dream about because of crimes, poverty, blah blah) really isn't that much relevant in his relationship with his current wife/SO because what really matters is HER wanting. Does she want to immigrate to the US or not? She's the one who will make the decision to stay in the relationship or not. If her wish for whatever reason can't be fulfilled (coming to America for better life, education, family reunion, whatever), his opinion about America is mute.

    A woman doesn't get online to seek someone who doesn't even speak her language so they can become a family living where she currently lives (VN).

    Now I respond to the bold part of your response that I quote. True, very true. It's deeply built in the tradition/cultural custom of each race. Asian men tend to treat their women less than their "equal" partner. Most Asian women born and raised here in the States tend to seek interracial marriages as well, especially those with college education and in the upper/higher income social class. But then why can't you date these Asian women here? Right, you're NOT even at the bottom of their waiting list. The truth hurts doesn't it?

    If you're able to find a well-educated/mannered, family-oriented woman in VN, I'm happy for you (and a little jealous as well). Just make sure she's not 20-plus years away from you and/or hasn't even finished her high school education (Trung hoc, lop 12). Sure, she will treat you a KING now because she knows what she wants and you're her important catalyst. Only time will prove who's living in fallacy and refuses that dreams seem real, but they're not

    First of all, before you make any assumption about a persons fiancee/wife shouldn't YOU know them???? Secondly, about you saying that I cant date an Asian girl in America, I laugh at that, and at you. Do you know me? Do you know my dating history? You make generalized assumptions, and I wonder if it is because you think your wife/fiancee would leave YOU, or that YOU can not date Asian women in America, maybe it is you calling the kettle black??? I have dated many Asian women, while in America, I was in a relationship for over 2 years with a Korean woman, and then another one for 3 with a Vietnamese woman, and neither of these women wanted me to help bring any of their family members to the US so they were not using me as I am sure you would like to suggest. I am also not a millionaire, I do have an education, and a very good career, but when people make stereotype remarks and try to generalize any persons relationship I tend to take offense as most people would, even if it is not pointed in my direction simply because it is the right thing to do. Quite frankly I am surprised that Jerome has not replied to your post, and I am also surprised that other people in similar situations have not chimed in on your remarks as well. I noticed quite a few people on this site have been denied, and if your assumption is true, then every one of them that has been denied under your assumption should be looking for a new man to take them to America. Because obviously they did not get it done, so now they must move on to get what they really want meaning only the green card (not the love of a man, or commitment of the man they fell in love with), and also with your assumption we now should warn Scott, and all the others in AP to be prepared for their fiancees to end their relationships when/if they get denied because once again now that their plan is not the same as their own plan they need to move on and find a new sucker to take them all the way to America. Am I getting this right???? That is how I read your statement to Jerome, is that because they failed their visa, and for what ever reasons they have he just moved to Vietnam, and then they did in fact get married, but his wife only married him because she still hopes he will file for a CR1 visa (and you know this because you know her?) that if in 3 months, 6 month, or who knows how long that she will now divorce him after just marrying him because she never really loved him, only loved the thought of America, and that ALL Vietnamese women are like this. She is now going to marry another man from the United States, and have the red flag of a previous marriage, and start this process all over again? That is what I see in your words, so with that being said, I replied because the way you generalized all relationships that do not end in a Visa. This means that Clay should now be worried, I should be worried because I also don't have a Visa for my fiancee yet, and people like Scott that are in AP not knowing anything should also take this into account. Your post might not be intended for me, or for Clay, or Scott, or anyone else in this forum other than Jerome, but your assumptions on a persons relationship being a sham are unwarranted, and if I were to say that your wife or fiancee is going to leave you once she is in America because she never loved you and only used you to get there, so now that she is there, she is going to leave you for another man with more money, more power, and maybe better looking, or a "better lover" as you hinted to Jerome wouldn't that be out of line? I think so, so please feel free to sleep well tonight knowing that if what you say is true, you are also living on borrowed time

  11. I pretty much agree with this. People that bring there whole families over in many ways are committing visa fraud if they first come over as the spouse or fiancee of a USC, because that probably was there intention in the beginning. I would give USC and permanent residents the same rights to be with their spouses and children...I mean everyone knows that they are going to want to be them, but why make them wait so long?

    I agree about the 5 year conditional green card and amnesty, although steps need to be taken to assure that illegal immigration does not continue. I would ban automatic birthright citizenship and use the e-verify system to help stop illegal immigration (take the jobs away will go a long way towards decreasing illegal immigration).

    I do have a few disagreements though. Some exceptions need to be made for the income requirement. For example, I make about 2/3rds of the requirement, but I am also a graduate student that has his housing/meals taken care of through scholarships, so my wife really will not be much of a financial burden. Why should I not be allowed to sponsor my wife, who I met several years ago now, especially since I probably will be making over six figures in a few years (assuming the economy gets better)?

    Requiring US citizens to take the same test would mean that the constitution would have to be changed because literary tests are banned. I don't believe that should change.

    In an ideal situation, getting rid of original citizenship upon becoming a USC sounds good, but often is not easy to do, like in Ecuador.

    In 6 years when you are making the bigger money you should not have any problems, but what if something happens between now and then, not trying to nit pick, but right now if your funding stopped and you had to pay rent and for food, could you do it and support your wife? What if she needed a tooth pulled or if she fell and broke a leg, what if you were put into the hospital with a life threatening disease right after she arrived. I feel strongly that you need the money now, you cant bring someone over here living pay check to pay check, and just hope nothing bad happens. If you make the good money then in "theory" you should have some sort of safety net for such problems. I think that the minimum requirement should stick, but I truly feel that they need to make sure that the person is not living pay check to pay check. Some people are not good with money, and in some areas you might meet the requirement, but if you live in lets say Hew York City where the average house or apartment rents for something like $1000 or more a month, you have no business bringing a person here, unless you can show savings, or prove that you can at least provide health insurance. Something more than simply saying look I make enough, even though I still live pay check to pay check. The same could also be said for those living in a cheap area, if you make the minimum you could easily support your fiancee, so maybe change the minimum to meet your area. Meaning taking cost of living from different areas into effect. I know this would make lots of headaches, but in theory it would make it more personalized and in some cases it would make it harder, and in others easier, but there also needs to be some sort of rainy day fund that you must have, show a balance of a certain amount, but not current, make it a yearly average balance. Because as it stands now when you need to get a letter from your bank stating your current balance, all you have to do is take out a few pay day loans, and wait for your check to come in before you get the printout, then you can spend it and be on the verge of being overdraft once again. But things can and do happen, and either showing a substantial bank account or at least the ability to provide insurance, both health and life insurance for both of you should be a requirement

  12. Thanks for the replies, I see others have varying degrees of opinion. For those of you who say the nation has bigger problems, I respect your opinion. As far as the public would not support this I disagree because I feel most people support immigration to US when it is done the legal way. The part that makes no sense is that if you fail the interview you have to wait a year or more and pay again. If you want to do a rebuttal it takes just as long and you have to pay also. CO decision is based soley on an interview with the benficiary whom they have met once and no contact with the petitioner. This makes no sense. This is designed to make you give up. There are other ways to weed out the scammers like the ideas given on previous posts. I just want to bring it to the politicians attention the problems with immigration done the legal way and then they can see why there is so much illegal immgration to US. But this is all committed by those who can simply come across a porous border not done by those who need to board a plane. I still say the best way to bring attention to this matter is to bombard their mail with letters containing the problems of our cases and let them know how broke the system is. How many of you have emailed different agencies only to get some generic response saying nothing? How many tried calling state dept and gotten nowhere? Ever email or try to call the consulate in any country? I have asked for 10 minutes of someone's time to disprove CO findings and found their only answer is to refile and wait. I know there are those on this board who disagree but for those of you who are unsatisfied with how your case is going, I urge you to write a respectful letter to your senators and congressman tell them your experience and maybe something can be done. At least make them aware of what goes on, I still am told by some that "Oh it only takes 6-9 months to get your wife to USA" Like one of the responses said that 10% of the denials are legit relationships then there's the thousands I am addressing to make your voice heard. As many times that we are told by USCIS to wait I can't see anything better to do with that time but to get our problems in front of the very people who make the rules. I know at least 5 people who now live in Vietnam because they couldn't get their spouse/fiance a visa, Who is the communist country now?

    Clay do a Google search on opinion polls about immigration, and you will see that your statements of most people favoring Immigration are unfounded and not accurate. The fact is that well over 50% of the public when asked about immigration they only think of illegal Mexicans, and then taking jobs away from Americans. The fact is that there are communities (Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, African) that do think about immigration the way you think of, so in theory Americans are becoming a minority, but with that said, this is the reason most "Americans" would not support immigration, and even though we are becoming the minority we are still the majority when it comes to voting, so the congressmen will not listen. I have not emailed any agency about a visa and received a generic response, but anytime I have looked to the government I almost always get a "generic" response, the fact is that is bureaucracy. The government is set up with separation of powers, meaning the president has to have the support of the senate, and then if the supreme court disagrees with the law then it can be challenged. This is called checks and balances, and ALL government offices are run this way. In theory it cuts down on bribes because you cant simply talk to the right person and pay for what you want, and it also makes sure that there is a scape goat when something happens and one of the people or parts of the agency drop the ball. Is it fair, no, but as others have said life is not fair. Do I think that there needs to be a change in the immigration department, yes I do, and I think Jim is point on when he talks about making the conditions harder once here than they currently are. Any woman can get a friend to slap her around and say it was her husband, so that part is hard to prove, but still that should not be a guarantee of a visa if you claim spousal abuse, that should allow you to leave that household, but after that you should have to prove with work, commitment that you are trying to become a better United States Citizen and a benefit to society instead of a burden then and only then you should be given a green card, but still make there be conditions, make it where you have to then work for 5 or 10 years without ever receiving assistance, or still show that you are working or anything, just not get a free green card then allowed to do what ever you want

  13. I think USCIS has a 6 month minimum for residency, but it's not listed on their site. You may want to check with them and see how they would handle your case, since you leave every 6 months.

    Thanks I will look into it, if I need to, I can arrange a longer stay by up to 3 months if need be

  14. Oh my - IMO, yer friend owes you 5 cases of beer, and a weekend at the dance hall (he pays for the entertainment).

    Yer friend is wrong, is no 'K-1 filing via DCF'.

    Maybe it's a GREAT TIME to read up on DCF, at http://www.visajourney.com/content/dcf

    Good Luck, whatever you decide to do.

    I think you are right he should have to buy the beer. Thanks guys and gals for the links. I am going to start the wedding license Monday

  15. didnt you get the wedding license a couple of weeks ago?

    If you are talking to me, no. I had heard that I could file a DCF with a K1 visa, and have found out that this info was not true. I am simply engaged. I will be starting the paperwork for the Vietnamese marriage license next week

  16. I have read many posts on this site of people's problems with immigration. I want to take a poll and give people a thought of what to do. On a daily basis we see the topic of immigration on tv. Politicians have their opinion and where they stand and the general public have differing views as well. We need to pay attention to where our senators and congressmen stand on this issue. Here's why, I have yet to hear any politician mention that there is already people waiting in line for a visa, why should any illegal immigrant get in line ahead of us? I have filed a K1 visa 660 days ago, my fiance got the blue sheet and I have refiled now I have another year plus to wait for another interview. I have written my congressman and senators and to my delight I at least got a written response. This however is not enough. We need to put pressure on our politicians to include our plight on any immigration reform that they may vote for, if not we cannot support them. On this board there are plenty of people who are having excruciating wait times for a visa for our loved ones and we are not about to give our place in line to someone else. I urge everyone to write their congressman and senators and tell them your story if you are unhappy with your wait time. Fill their mailboxes with letters and let them know WE are the victims of government delays with immigration. Unfortunately we are all individuals on this site and have no unity, this is why it is so easy for our problems to go unnoticed by the very ones who can do something about it. Is there any reason you should pay all these fees in duplicate (petitions, medical checkups,etc) and sit quitely while your file sits and collects dust until someone finally moves it to the next step? Irregardless of your political views or party, I urge you to respond to this post and let me know how you feel. I especially want you to make your story and problems heard by the politicians who make and shape the rules. Think about it, if we were to dump 3000 letters a week to our congressmen and senators asking for followup or take action and do this every week then maybe our wait time problems would be addressed. Rather than writing woe is me posts, if you are having a problem, write letters to the very people who may be voting on future immigration legislation and tell them you need their help. There is no reason to be in AP for 6 months, refiling and starting over at square one, and undergoing unreasonable delays for answers. How many out there have waited 2 plus years for a visa? I live in Myrtle Beach SC and every summer there are hundreds if not thousands of foreign exchange students who come here and work the summer. Some of whom either overstay their visa or get married in a hurry and presto they got a green card. Look at all the hurdles we have to overcome. I welcome everyone's response.

    Clay here is the problem I see with what you mention.

    1) Even if there are 100,000 visa petitions each year (meaning 100,000 Americans wanting immigration allowed) and possibly 200,000 family members in America still wanting their family to come over here. This is only 300,000 Americans pulling for immigration

    2) There are hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work right now, and to most of these Americans they do not want ANY more people coming to America to compete for jobs

    3)There are millions of people working in America right now, and they do not want added competition or to risk their job going to a foreign worker for lower wages

    4) If we dump 3000 letters a week on a single senators office would just make the response time that much slower in general, I do not think it would change anything other than more tax dollars being spent on another aid, and then all those sending letters getting the same type of canned response that USCIS currently gives out.

    What it boils down to Clay is that for the senators to truly want to do something you have to give them bribes (the promise of many MANY votes) that would assure them that what they are about to do would get them re elected, and quite frankly there are probably not enough of us in the immigration system in a single state where we could influence the vote. These are the big hurdles that I see any Senator facing in America, I do strongly agree that there should NEVER be a illegal cutting inline of anyone else in America or abroad, but the logistics of such a policy are impossible. There are far more illegal Mexicans than there are Vietnam hopefuls, as well as other countries, USCIS could not shuttle that many workers around from country to country to country to keep everyone in order. Also Mexico borders the US, so they will focus on them and on Canada before they would ever focus on other countries such as Vietnam. This is sad and true. In a perfect world no one would be able to jump to the head of the line, in your case of waiting over 600 days, I would also be mad that someone who has been here less time could get in front of me. I also wish for those people that are waiting in each consulate that their wait would be shorter, but for the lucky ones that get through ahead of them I am sure that their opinion would also be that they would not want to wait, just as yours is.

    These are just my opinions on the matter, I wish it was different, and I will be doing what many of you are currently doing. I do wish it was different, but trying to be honest I just don't think we can get it done. I think we all just need to send our congressmen and USCIS some Vaseline, with a note saying go easy on me, bend over grab our ankles and pray that we get through it with as little pain as possible.

  17. I am willing to bet that the statistic of VN women leaving Foreigner after they get their green card is much higher than VN women leaving Viet Kieu men and Vietnamese men. That's a pretty dumb statement by you, "J". Sure you can say that's why your wife likes you (if that makes you sleep better at night), but to say for the most part, most VietNamese women like foreigners more than Vietnamese or Viet Kieu men because they treat them better, that's just ludicrous.

    It was worded wrong, I meant that they like foreign men and Viet Kieu because they will treat them better than Vietnamese men. But for the first post to tell someone that his wife will leave once she realizes his plan is not the same as hers, is completely wrong. My statement was made because in my field of work I actually work alongside many Vietnamese women, not friends of friends, and when I talk to them this is what I get from them. Not some old myth that all Vietnamese women JUST want to come to America, and that if their man can not give them that then they will leave. I think that statement should anger many people that have been denied, and those that are risking Denial. Since you chimed in Scott, what do you think? If you are denied, do you think your fiancee will simply find another man? I don't think that would happen in the least, and when someone would insinuate something of that nature I bet you would get extremely irritated extremely quickly. I will also admit that the statement is true in some cases, and that my statement is also not true in all cases, but all of you that have your wives, ask them why would they want to marry YOU, when you lived so far away in the first place? Would the answer be "because I wanted to come to America" or would it be "I thought you would treat me better than most men" I am sure there are many other reasons that they might say. Now back to topic, I have read that it is about 985$ from start to finish for a DCF so I guess that I will be going to Chao Ray Monday and getting ready for our wedding license, are there any other suggestions you all might make pertaining to do's and dont's prior to me filing for a visa?

  18. OK - so lets see - Jake - what are you doing?

    You started a K-1 timeline and listed Texas Service Center. Just trying to figure out who, what, when, where, is going on so we can give you some feedback.

    I started a time line, and it did an auto fill on some of the information, I did not select any service center, so I do not know why it shows Texas. I heard since I live here I can file a DCF (Direct Consular File) even for a K1 visa, I bounce from the US to Vietnam for 6 months at a pop, and I also heard since I was here it would be much quicker doing a DCF because I could bypass the US all together and get my case straight to the Embassy. I have the paperwork filled out, and am planning on submitting to the US embassy on Friday the 4th. So then instead of doing a K1 I must do a CR1? My friend said I could do it with a K1. Hmmm, looks like I might not be filing Friday after all.....

  19. Has anyone done a DCF in HCMC? I am going to do it Friday June 4th, and I would like to know if anyone here has done this before, and what their take is on this.

  20. "A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"

    Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...

    Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


    Mr. Saigon (HCMC)

    Ralph&Hanh (HCMC)

    Jeromebinh (HCMC)

    Jake (HCMC) 6 months here 6 months in America will be leaving November


    James & Nicole......................May 21(?), 2010 - May31, 2010

    Dang Lang Thang..................April 19, 2010 - June 7, 2010

    Ronnie&Hang.........................May 13, 2010 - June 6, 2010


    Carrick..................................Aug 7,2010 - Aug 15, 2010

  21. None of my biz but I doubt any VNese lady would be happy to learn that her man's long-term plan is to live there in VN permanently. You have to remember her original plan is to GET OUTTA that place in the first place, for whatever reason, better education for herself and her children later, or better life, whatever.

    In the short run, she might pretend to be happy and all smiling while you're there (because she has no other choice, thinking she still has hope for another round of getting that Visa petition approved). But you expect her to accept your fallacy ideology "America isn't that great anyway. I'm a great lover and we'll be a big happy family here in VN." She'll leave you in a heart beat once she confirms your long-term plan doesn't match hers.

    My 2­cents

    I think you are selling her short, and him as well. I talked with my woman, and she did not even really care if we filed for her to come to America, and I had to even talk her into it. Granted my job brings me to Vietnam 6 months a year, but then the other 6 I am stuck in America alone, and it really sucks. Also on another note, I have seen many expats that live full time in Vietnam and they have never filed for a Visa for their wives since their plans have always been to live and work in Vietnam. If this is your point of view that is fine, but there are many women that do not want to go to America at all costs, I have even actually found that for the most part, they like foreigners mainly because they feel they will be treated better than by Vietnamese men and Viet Kieu men

    That is like the US government stick it to us anyway we can. I just read the other day it was still $131 ohh well, the price of love goes up like everything else I guess

  22. I must admit that it is quite disheartening to see folks getting visas, that sent in thier initial packet to USCIS after we had our interview.... I am not saying that I am not happy for them.... I would not want anyone to have to endure a long wait for this process to come to an end... the issue is that there is such a huge disparity between not only one case and another, but the disparity between one consulate and another...

    wow its amazing that a visa can be granted in as little as 3 months from NOA1.... as we approach a year since NOA1.... and there are so many others that have been waiting several years.... blink.gif

    what a messed up system this is....

    I think these statments are why people think this topic is about you, and that you are "crying about it" Such statements could lead anyone to think that way. It is sad to say that this is what I might have to go up against in the next comming months, as I am planning on filing next week. Any suggestions on how to help her deal with the stress? Any suggestions on how I can deal with the stress?

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